How to add a new encoding =========================== .. meta:: :twitter:card: summary :twitter:site: @immuneml :twitter:title: immuneML dev docs: add a new encoding :twitter:description: See how to add a new encoding to the immuneML platform. :twitter:image: Adding an example encoder to the immuneML codebase ------------------------------------------------------ This tutorial describes how to add a new :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.DatasetEncoder.DatasetEncoder` class to immuneML, using a simple example encoder. We highly recommend completing this tutorial to get a better understanding of the immuneML interfaces before continuing to :ref:`implement your own encoder `. Step-by-step tutorial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For this tutorial, we provide a :code:`SillyEncoder` (:download:`download here <./example_code/>` or view below), in order to test adding a new Encoder file to immuneML. This encoder ignores the data of the input examples, and generates a few random features per example. .. collapse:: .. literalinclude:: ./example_code/ :language: python #. Add a new `Python package `_ to the :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings` package. This means: a new folder (with meaningful name) containing an empty :code:`` file. #. Add a new encoder class to the package. The new class should inherit from the base class :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.DatasetEncoder.DatasetEncoder`. The name of the class should end with 'Encoder', and when calling this class in the YAML specification, the 'Encoder' suffix is omitted. In the test example, the class is called :code:`SillyEncoder`, which would be referred to as :code:`Silly` in the YAML specification. #. If the encoder has any default parameters, they should be added in a default parameters YAML file. This file should be added to the folder :code:`config/default_params/encodings`. The default parameters file is automatically discovered based on the name of the class using the base name (without 'Encoder' suffix) converted to snake case, and with an added '_params.yaml' suffix. For the :code:`SillyEncoder`, this is :code:`silly_params.yaml`, which could for example contain the following: .. code:: yaml random_seed: 1 embedding_len: 5 In rare cases where classes have unconventional names that do not translate well to CamelCase (e.g., MiXCR, VDJdb), this needs to be accounted for in :py:meth:`~immuneML.dsl.DefaultParamsLoader.convert_to_snake_case`. #. **Use the automated script** ` `_ **to test the newly added encoder.** This script will throw errors or warnings if the DatasetEncoder class implementation is incorrect or if files are put in the wrong place. Example command to test the :code:`SillyEncoder` for sequence datasets: .. code:: bash python3 ./scripts/ -e ./immuneML/encodings/silly/ -d sequence #. If a compatible ML method is already available, add the new encoder class to the list of compatible encoders returned by the :code:`get_compatible_encoders()` method of the :py:obj:`~immuneML.ml_methods.MLMethod.MLMethod` of interest. See also :ref:`Adding encoder compatibility to an ML method`. Test running the new encoding with a YAML specification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you want to use immuneML directly to test run your encoder, the YAML example below may be used. This example analysis creates a randomly generated dataset, encodes the data using the :code:`SillyEncoder` and exports the encoded data as a csv file. .. collapse:: test_run_silly_encoder.yaml .. code:: yaml definitions: datasets: my_dataset: format: RandomSequenceDataset params: sequence_count: 100 labels: binds_epitope: True: 0.6 False: 0.4 encodings: my_silly_encoder: Silly: random_seed: 3 reports: my_design_matrix: DesignMatrixExporter instructions: my_instruction: type: ExploratoryAnalysis analyses: my_analysis_1: dataset: my_dataset encoding: my_silly_encoder report: my_design_matrix labels: - binds_epitope Adding a Unit test for a DatasetEncoder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Add a unit test for the new SillyEncoder (:download:`download <./example_code/>` the example testfile or view below): .. collapse:: .. literalinclude:: ./example_code/ :language: python #. Add a new package to the :code:`test.encodings` package which matches the package name of your encoder code. In this case, the new package would be :code:`test.encodings.silly`. #. To the new :code:`test.encodings.silly` package, add a new file named #. Add a class :code:`TestSillyEncoder` that inherits :code:`unittest.TestCase` to the new file. #. Add a function :code:`setUp()` to set up cache used for testing. This should ensure that the cache location will be set to :code:`EnvironmentSettings.tmp_test_path / "cache/"` #. Define one or more tests for the class and functions you implemented. For the SillyEncoder example, these have already been added. Note: - It is recommended to at least test the output of the 'encode' method (ensure a valid EncodedData object with correct examples matrix is returned). - Make sure to add tests for *every* relevant dataset type. Tests for different dataset types may be split into several different classes/files if desired (e.g.,,, ...). For the SillyEncoder, all tests are in the same file. - Mock data is typically used to test new classes. Tip: the :code:`RandomDatasetGenerator` class can be used to generate Repertoire, Sequence or Receptor datasets with random sequences. - If you need to write data to a path (for example test datasets or results), use the following location: :code:`EnvironmentSettings.tmp_test_path / "some_unique_foldername"` Implementing a new encoder ------------------------------ This section describes tips and tricks for implementing your own new :code:`DatasetEncoder` from scratch. Detailed instructions of how to implement each method, as well as some special cases, can be found in the :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.DatasetEncoder.DatasetEncoder` base class. .. include:: ./coding_conventions_and_tips.rst Encoders for different dataset types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Inside immuneML, three different types of datasets are considered: :py:obj:`~immuneML.data_model.dataset.RepertoireDataset.RepertoireDataset` for immune repertoires, :py:obj:`~immuneML.data_model.dataset.SequenceDataset.SequenceDataset` for single-chain immune receptor sequences and :py:obj:`~immuneML.data_model.dataset.ReceptorDataset.ReceptorDataset` for paired sequences. Encoding should be implemented separately for each dataset type. This can be solved in two different ways: - Have a single Encoder class containing separate methods for encoding different dataset types. During encoding, the dataset type is checked, and the corresponding methods are called. An example of this is given in the SillyEncoder. - Have an abstract base Encoder class for the general encoding type, with subclasses for each dataset type. The base Encoder contains all shared functionalities, and the subclasses contain dataset-specific functionalities, such as code for 'encoding an example'. Note that in this case, the base Encoder implements the method :code:`build_object(dataset: Dataset, params)`, that returns the correct dataset type-specific encoder subclass. An example of this is :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.onehot.OneHotEncoder.OneHotEncoder`, which has subclasses :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.onehot.OneHotSequenceEncoder.OneHotSequenceEncoder`, :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.onehot.OneHotReceptorEncoder.OneHotReceptorEncoder` and :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.onehot.OneHotRepertoireEncoder.OneHotRepertoireEncoder` When an encoding only makes sense for one possible dataset type, only one class needs to be created. The :code:`build_object(dataset: Dataset, params)` method should raise a user-friendly error when an illegal dataset type is supplied. An example of this can be found in :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.motif_encoding.SimilarToPositiveSequenceEncoder.SimilarToPositiveSequenceEncoder`. Input and output of the encode() method ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The encode() method is called by immuneML to encode a new dataset. This method is called with two arguments: a dataset and params (an :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.EncoderParams.EncoderParams` object), which contains: **EncoderParams:** - :code:`label_config`: a :py:obj:`~immuneML.environment.LabelConfiguration.LabelConfiguration` object containing the labels that were specified for the analysis. Should be used as an input parameter for :code:`EncoderHelper.encode_dataset_labels()`. - :code:`encode_labels`: boolean value which specifies whether labels must be used when encoding. Should be used as an input parameter for :code:`EncoderHelper.encode_dataset_labels()`. - :code:`pool_size`: the number of parallel processes that the Encoder is allowed to use, for example when using parallelisation using the package :code:`pool`. This only needs to be used when implementing parallelisation. - :code:`result_path`: this path can optionally be used to store intermediate files, if necessary. For most encoders, this is not necessary. - :code:`learn_model`: a boolean value indicating whether the encoder is called during 'training' (learn_model=True) or 'application' (learn_model=False). Thus, this parameter can be used to prevent 'leakage' of information from the test to training set. This must be taken into account when performing operations over the whole dataset, such as normalising/scaling features (example: :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.word2vec.Word2VecEncoder.Word2VecEncoder`). For encoders where the encoding of a single example is not dependent on other examples, (e.g., :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.onehot.OneHotEncoder.OneHotEncoder`), this parameter can be ignored. - :code:`model`: this parameter is used by e.g., :py:obj:`~immuneML.encodings.kmer_frequency.KmerFrequencyEncoder.KmerFrequencyEncoder` to pass its parameters to other classes. This parameter can usually be ignored. The :code:`encode()` method should return a new dataset object, which is a copy of the original input dataset, but with an added :code:`encoded_data` attribute. The :code:`encoded_data` attribute should contain an :py:obj:`~immuneML.data_model.encoded_data.EncodedData.EncodedData` object, which is created with the following arguments: .. include:: ./encoded_data_object.rst The :code:`examples` attribute of the :code:`EncodedData` objects will be directly passed to the ML models for training. Other attributes are used for reports and interpretability. Caching intermediate results ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: ./caching.rst Class documentation standards for encodings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: ./class_documentation_standards.rst .. collapse:: Click to view a full example of DatasetEncoder class documentation. .. code:: This SillyEncoder class is a placeholder for a real encoder. It computes a set of random numbers as features for a given dataset. **Specification arguments:** - random_seed (int): The random seed for generating random features. - embedding_len (int): The number of random features to generate per example. **YAML specification:** .. indent with spaces .. code-block:: yaml definitions: encodings: my_silly_encoder: Silly: random_seed: 1 embedding_len: 5