immuneML Galaxy tools ========================================= .. meta:: :twitter:card: summary :twitter:site: @immuneml :twitter:title: immuneML & Galaxy: create a dataset :twitter:description: See tutorials on how to create an immuneML dataset in Galaxy. :twitter:image: If you are unfamiliar with Galaxy, we recommend to first read :ref:`Introduction to Galaxy`. Overview of Galaxy tool functionalities ----------------------------------------------------------- Each immuneML Galaxy tool provides an interface to run a specific immuneML instruction or workflow. To quickly test different immuneML functionalities, the tools provide button-based interfaces with limited options. Alternatively, a YAML file may be used as input, which is identical to the YAML file used on the command line interface. .. list-table:: :widths: 30 65 20 :header-rows: 1 * - Galaxy tool - immuneML instruction - Interface type * - `Create Dataset with Reports `_ - Creates dataset and runs optional reports with :ref:`ExploratoryAnalysis` instruction - Button or YAML-based * - `Simulate a Random Dummy Dataset `_ - Creates dataset with :ref:`random dataset import ` - Button or YAML-based * - `Simulate Immune Events with LIgO `_ - Modifies dataset with :ref:`LigoSim` instruction - Button or YAML-based * - `Train ML Classifiers `_ - YAML-based interface for training a classifier with :ref:`TrainMLModel` instruction - YAML-based * - `Train Receptor Classifier (Simplified Interface) `_ - Simplified interface for training a classifier with :ref:`TrainMLModel` instruction with sequence/receptor dataset - Button-based * - `Train Repertoire Classifier (Simplified Interface) `_ - Simplified interface for training a classifier with :ref:`TrainMLModel` instruction with repertoire dataset - Button-based * - `Apply ML Classifier `_ - Applies an ML classifier with :ref:`MLApplication` instruction - Button-based * - `Train Generative Model `_ - Trains a generative model with :ref:`TrainGenModel` instruction - Button or YAML-based * - `Apply Generative Model `_ - Creates dataset with :ref:`ApplyGenModel` by applying a trained generative model - Button-based * - `Clustering `_ - Clusters a dataset with :ref:`Clustering` instruction - Button or YAML-based * - `Run immuneML with any YAML specification `_ - Runs any instruction (recommended for e.g., advanced :ref:`ExploratoryAnalysis`, or instructions not covered by other tools) - YAML-based immuneML datasets in Galaxy --------------------------------------------- In Galaxy, an immuneML dataset is a special type of history element, which internally contains an immuneML dataset stored in AIRR format. Datasets can be imported from files using the `Create Dataset with Reports `_ tool. Some other tools also produce (synthetic) immuneML datasets. Tips for importing data: - If your dataset contains many files, you may want to consider using a Galaxy collection as input :ref:`using a Galaxy collection as input `. - For quick testing of Galaxy, a dataset of random sequences can quickly be generated using the `Simulate a Random Dummy Dataset `_ tool. - See :ref:`How to import data into immuneML` for general information about datasets in immuneML. When running a YAML-based tool, the tool will ask you to select a dataset from the Galaxy history, and the YAML should contain the following snippet to ensure the selected dataset is imported: .. indent with spaces .. code-block:: yaml definitions: datasets: dataset: format: AIRR params: path: dataset.yaml Galaxy tool input and output --------------------------------------------- Galaxy tools produce their output as history elements which can be viewed, downloaded, or used as input for subsequent tools. immuneML tools will output the following history elements: - A summary HTML file showing the results (:ref:`or error in the case of a failed run `). For tools generating datasets, the dataset element also serves as the HTML summary. - An archive containing the zipped folder with all internally generated results (identical to the results you get when running immuneML on the command line). - Each button-based tool will also return the YAML file that was generated based on the user options to run immuneML. - Classifiers or generative models generated by the respective tools (these may be used as input for subsequent tools). .. image:: ../_static/images/galaxy/galaxy_history_as_tool_input.png :alt: bug report :width: 100%