Integration use case: Performing analysis on immuneSIM-generated repertoires ============================================================================== .. meta:: :twitter:card: summary :twitter:site: @immuneml :twitter:title: immuneML: performing analysis on immuneSIM-generated repertoires :twitter:description: See how to perform an analysis using immuneML on immune repertoires generated with immuneSIM. :twitter:image: This use case will show you how to use immuneML in conjunction with immuneSIM (`Weber et al. 2020 `_), tunable multi-feature simulation tool of B- and T-cell receptor repertoires for immunoinformatics benchmarking. The combined use of these tools enables the user to generate datasets with know signals as a baseline for ML classification. The user can either input already existing immuneSIM repertoires into the workflow or use a cross-platform metadata file to both simulate datasets and provide the label information for immuneML input. For reference, a detailed documentation of immuneSIM including an installation guide `can be found here `_. Additionally, example files for this particular workflow are available on the `immuneSIM GitHub `_. Note: This use case is based on immuneSIM v0.9.0. .. image:: ../_static/images/usecases/immuneSIML.png :alt: figure_immuneSIML :width: 60% Combined workflow with an immuneSIM and immuneML compatible metadata file ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most efficient way to combine immuneSIM and immuneML is by using a single metadata file for both the simulation in immuneSIM and training the model in immmuneML. Below an example of a metadata table, containing parameters for the simulation of immuneSIM repertoires, which can also be used as metadata in an immuneML workflow. .. image:: ../_static/images/usecases/immuneSIML_table.png :alt: metadata_immuneSIML :width: 80% This metadata file (:download:`metadata_full_sim.csv <../_static/files/metadata_full_sim.csv>`) is used by the following immuneSIM script to generate a set of repertoires. The metadata file can then be fed into immuneML together with the resulting simulated repertoires as described in the :ref:`How to import data into immuneML` section. The following R script generates the simulated repertoires using immuneSIM. The script can also be downloaded here: :download:`immuneSIM_for_ML.R <../_static/files/immuneSIM_for_ML.R>`. .. highlight:: r .. code-block:: r ## ImmuneML use case ( # This script simulates immuneSIM repertoires based on an immuneML compatible metadata file. # requires immuneSIM 0.9.0 (github: library(immuneSIM) PATH <- "./immuneML_Sim" #load metadata file metadata <- read.delim(file.path(PATH,"metadata_full_sim.csv"),sep=",") #Define motif for cases where motif==TRUE. Here two motifs are inserted with a probability of 0.5 at a fixed position. motif <- data.frame(aa=c("AA","FF"),nt=c("gccgcc","tttttt"),freq=c(0.5,0.5)) fixed_pos <- 4 #for each line in metadata simulate a repertoire and write out. for(i in 1:nrow(metadata)){ #simulate repertoire curr_df <- immuneSIM(number_of_seqs = metadata$nb_seqs[i], vdj_list = list_germline_genes_allele_01, species = metadata$species[i], receptor = substr(metadata$receptor[i],1,2), chain = substr(metadata$receptor[i],3,3), insertions_and_deletion_lengths = insertions_and_deletion_lengths_df, user_defined_alpha = 2, name_repertoire = metadata$filename[i], length_distribution_rand = length_dist_simulation, random = FALSE, shm.mode = 'none', shm.prob = 15/350, vdj_noise = 0, vdj_dropout = c(V=metadata$v_drop[i],D=0,J=0), ins_del_dropout = metadata$ins_del[i], equal_cc = FALSE, freq_update_time = round(0.5*metadata$nb_seqs[i]), max_cdr3_length = 100, min_cdr3_length = 6, verbose = TRUE, airr_compliant = TRUE) #after simulation implant motifs if(metadata$motif[i]==TRUE){ curr_df <- motif_implantation(curr_df, motif,fixed_pos) } #write repertoire to file write.table(curr_df,file=file.path(PATH, "data", metadata$filename[i]),sep="\t",quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE) } Using existing immuneSIM repertoires with immuneML ----------------------------------------------------- As immuneSIM repertoires use AIRR-compliant column naming, they can be directly fed into any immuneML workflow using :ref:`AIRR` importer. For this, a metadata file indexing the existing immuneSIM repertoires and indicating classification relevant labels has to be created. If the user chooses to write their own using .yaml file, the declaration of :code:`format: AIRR` in the definition section is sufficient to ensure compatibility with immuneSIM datasets. Here we show an example of the analysis using immuneSIM-generated repertoires to train a logistic regression and examine the coefficients of the model. .. highlight:: yaml .. code-block:: yaml definitions: datasets: immuneSIM_dataset: # user-defined dataset name: here described the immuneSIM dataset format: AIRR params: path: ./immuneML_Sim/data/ # path to the folder containing the repertoire files generated by immuneSIM metadata_file: ./immuneML_Sim/metadata_full_sim.csv encodings: my_kmer_frequency: # user-defined encoding name KmerFrequency: # encoding type k: 3 # encoding parameters ml_methods: my_logistic_regression: LogisticRegression # user-defined ML model name: ML model type (no user-specified parameters) reports: my_coefficients: Coefficients # user-defined report name: report type (no user-specified parameters) instructions: my_training_instruction: # user-defined instruction name type: TrainMLModel dataset: immuneSIM_dataset # use the same dataset name as in definitions labels: - label # use a label available in the metadata file settings: # which combinations of ML settings to run - encoding: my_kmer_frequency ml_method: my_logistic_regression assessment: # parameters in the assessment (outer) cross-validation loop reports: # plot the coefficients for the trained model models: - my_coefficients split_strategy: random # how to split the data - here: split randomly split_count: 1 # how many times (here once - just to train and test) training_percentage: 0.7 # use 70% of the data for training selection: # parameters in the selection (inner) cross-validation loop split_strategy: random split_count: 1 training_percentage: 1 # use all data for training optimization_metric: balanced_accuracy # the metric to optimize during nested cross-validation when comparing multiple models metrics: # other metrics to compute for reference - auc # area under the ROC curve - precision - recall