How to simulate antigen or disease-associated signals in AIRR datasets ====================================================================== .. meta:: :twitter:card: summary :twitter:site: @immuneml :twitter:title: immuneML: simulate antigen or disease-associated signals in AIRR datasets :twitter:description: See tutorials on how to simulate antigen or disease-associated signals in AIRR datasets. :twitter:image: In immuneML, it is possible to implant signals in a repertoire dataset in order to simulate the effect of an immune event on the repertoires. This is done using the Simulation instruction in the YAML specification. Any type of repertoire dataset (experimental or simulated) can be used as a starting point for an immune event simulation. To import an existing dataset that will be used as a baseline for implanting immune signals, see :ref:`How to import data into immuneML`. Alternatively, to generate a dataset consisting of random sequences, see :ref:`How to generate a random sequence, receptor or repertoire dataset`. YAML specification of the Simulation instruction for introducing immune signals --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The YAML definition consists of three components: motif, signal and simulation definitions. - :code:`motifs` (see: :ref:`Motif`) are defined by (i) the seed (sequence of amino acids), (ii) the way they are instantiated from the seed and (iii) a list of parameters for the instantiation. For gapped k-mer instantiation, the parameters are Hamming distance probabilities (probability for every distance value is explicitly given, the gap positions will not be taken into account), minimal and maximal gap size (if a gap is specified in the seed) and alphabet weights (probability for each amino acid to replace one of the amino acids in the seed when the Hamming distance between the seed and the motif instance is equal to or larger than 1). It is possible to define multiple motifs by defining a key before specifying the parameters of the motif. - :code:`signals` (see: :ref:`Signal`) model immune events and represent the labels assigned to the repertoires (the label is 'signal_my_signal_name' for signal called :code:`my_signal_name` in the YAML specification, and can have value True or False in the repertoire depending whether the signal was implanted in the repertoire or not). A signal is defined by a list of motifs (only motif keys as given in the previous section are specified in the list), the sequence position weights (probabilities to implant a motif instance into a target receptor sequence at the given IMGT position) and implanting (the way receptor sequences are chosen for implanting from the repertoire). Implanting and the list of motifs are mandatory fields in the YAML specification. - :code:`simulations` defines how the signals will be combined and implanted in the repertoires. Within a simulation, one or more :ref:`implantings ` can be specified. Each implanting only affects its own partition of the dataset, so each repertoire can only receive implanted signals from one implanting. This way, implantings can be used to ensure signals do not overlap (one implanting per signal), or to ensure signals always occur together (multiple signals per implanting). For each implanting, it is necessary to define: - A :code:`dataset_implanting_rate`: the percentage of repertoires in the dataset which will contain the listed signals - A :code:`repertoire_implanting_rate`: the percentage of receptor sequences in the repertoire which will contain the listed signals - A list of :code:`signals` for which this applies. When multiple signals are specified within one implanting, these signals are implanted in the same repertoires. However, they are not implanted within the same receptors in those repertoires. When specifying multiple different implantings, keep in mind that the summed :code:`dataset_implanting_rate` can not exceed 1. This figure shows how the different concepts in a Simulation relate to each other: .. image:: ../_static/images/simulation_implanting.png :alt: Simulation diagram :width: 800 See also the tutorial about :ref:`recovering simulated immune signals `. An example of a simulation with disease-associated signals is given below. In this example, the healthy individuals are here represented by a randomly generated synthetic dataset (see: :ref:`How to generate a random sequence, receptor or repertoire dataset`). It is also possible to use experimental datasets as a baseline for the simulation (see :ref:`Datasets` for details how to import datasets from different formats). .. highlight:: yaml .. code-block:: yaml definitions: datasets: my_synthetic_dataset: # A synthetic dataset is generated on the fly. Alternatively, data import from files may be specified. format: RandomRepertoireDataset params: repertoire_count: 100 sequence_count_probabilities: 100: 0.5 120: 0.5 sequence_length_probabilities: 12: 0.33 14: 0.33 15: 0.33 labels: {} motifs: my_simple_motif: # a simple motif without gaps or hamming distance seed: AAA instantiation: GappedKmer my_complex_motif: # complex motif containing a gap + hamming distance seed: AA/A # ‘/’ denotes gap position if present, if not, there’s no gap instantiation: GappedKmer: min_gap: 1 max_gap: 2 hamming_distance_probabilities: # probabilities for each number of 0: 0.7 # modification to the seed 1: 0.3 position_weights: # probabilities for modification per position 0: 1 1: 0 # note that index 2, the position of the gap, 3: 0 # is excluded from position_weights alphabet_weights: # probabilities for using each amino acid in A: 0.2 # a hamming distance modification C: 0.2 D: 0.4 E: 0.2 signals: my_signal: motifs: - my_simple_motif - my_complex_motif implanting: HealthySequence sequence_position_weights: 109: 0.1 110: 0.2 111: 0.5 112: 0.1 simulations: my_simulation: my_implanting: signals: - my_signal dataset_implanting_rate: 0.5 repertoire_implanting_rate: 0.25 instructions: my_simulation_instruction: type: Simulation dataset: my_synthetic_dataset simulation: my_simulation export_formats: [AIRR, Pickle] # export the simulated dataset to these formats # Important note: Pickle files might not be compatible between different immuneML (sub)versions. .. example receptor dataset generation (for reference, commented out): definitions: datasets: simulated_dataset: format: RandomReceptorDataset params: receptor_count: 100 # number of receptors to be generated chain_1_length_probabilities: 14: 0.8 # 80% of all generated sequences for all receptors (for chain 1) will have length 14 15: 0.2 # 20% of all generated sequences across all receptors (for chain 1) will have length 15 chain_2_length_probabilities: 14: 0.8 15: 0.2 labels: # metadata that can be used as labels, can also be empty binds_epitope: # label name, any name can be chosen (the probabilities per label value have to sum to 1) True: 0.6 # 60% of the receptors will have class True False: 0.4 # 40% of the receptors will have class False motifs: motif1: seed_chain1: AAA # seed for chain1 or chain2 can optionally include gap, same as for single chain receptor data name_chain1: ALPHA # alpha chain of TCR seed_chain2: CCC name_chain2: BETA # beta chain of TCR instantiation: GappedKmer # same as for single chain receptor data motif2: seed_chain1: ACDG # seed for chain1 or chain2 can optionally include gap, same as for single chain receptor data name_chain1: ALPHA # alpha chain of TCR seed_chain2: TCVGA name_chain2: BETA # beta chain of TCR instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 position_weights: 0: 0.9 1: 0.1 alphabet_weights: D: 0.4 E: 0.4 motif3: seed_chain1: A/C # seed for chain1 or chain2 can optionally include gap, same as for single chain receptor data name_chain1: ALPHA # alpha chain of TCR seed_chain2: C/JY name_chain2: BETA # beta chain of TCR instantiation: GappedKmer: min_gap: 0 max_gap: 1 signals: signal1: motifs: - motif1 - motif2 - motif3 implanting: Receptor sequence_position_weights: 109: 0.3 110: 0.3 111: 0.3 simulations: use_case_3_simulation: implanting1: signals: - signal1 dataset_implanting_rate: 0.5 instructions: simulation_instr: type: Simulation # which instruction to execute dataset: simulated_dataset # which dataset to use for implanting the signals simulation: use_case_3_simulation # how to implanting the signals - definition of the simulation export_formats: [Pickle] # in which formats to export the dataset