import logging
from collections import Counter
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib_venn import venn2
from immuneML.encodings.filtered_sequence_encoding.SequenceAbundanceEncoder import SequenceAbundanceEncoder
from immuneML.hyperparameter_optimization.states.TrainMLModelState import TrainMLModelState
from immuneML.reports.ReportOutput import ReportOutput
from immuneML.reports.ReportResult import ReportResult
from immuneML.reports.train_ml_model_reports.TrainMLModelReport import TrainMLModelReport
from immuneML.util.ParameterValidator import ParameterValidator
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder
[docs]class ReferenceSequenceOverlap(TrainMLModelReport):
The ReferenceSequenceOverlap report compares a list of disease-associated sequences produced by the :ref:`SequenceAbundance` encoder to
a list of reference receptor sequences. It outputs a Venn diagram and a list of receptor sequences found both in the encoder and reference.
The report compares the sequences by their sequence content and the additional comparison_attributes (such as V or J gene), as specified by the user.
reference_path (str): path to the reference file in csv format which contains one entry per row and has columns that correspond to the attributes
listed under comparison_attributes argument
comparison_attributes (list): list of attributes to use for comparison; all of them have to be present in the reference file where they should
be the names of the columns
label (str): name of the label for which the reference sequences should be compared to the model; if none, it takes the one label from the
instruction; if it is none and multiple labels were specified for the instruction, the report will not be generated
YAML specification:
.. indent with spaces
.. code-block:: yaml
reports: # the report is defined with all other reports under definitions/reports
reference_path: reference.csv # a reference file with columns listed under comparison_attributes
- sequence_aas
- v_genes
- j_genes
[docs] @classmethod
def build_object(cls, **kwargs):
ParameterValidator.assert_keys(kwargs.keys(), ['reference_path', 'comparison_attributes', 'name', 'label'], ReferenceSequenceOverlap.__name__,
f"reports: {kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else ''}")
kwargs['reference_path'] = Path(kwargs['reference_path'])
assert kwargs['reference_path'].is_file(), f"{ReferenceSequenceOverlap.__name__}: 'reference_path' for report {kwargs['name']} is not " \
f"a valid file path."
reference_sequences_df = pd.read_csv(kwargs['reference_path'])
attributes = reference_sequences_df.columns.tolist()
ParameterValidator.assert_keys_present(expected_values=kwargs['comparison_attributes'], values=attributes,
parameter_name='columns in file under reference_path')
return ReferenceSequenceOverlap(**kwargs)
def __init__(self, reference_path: Path = None, comparison_attributes: list = None, name: str = None, state: TrainMLModelState = None,
result_path: Path = None, label: str = None):
self.reference_path = reference_path
self.comparison_attributes = comparison_attributes
self.state = state
self.result_path = result_path
self.label = label
def _generate(self) -> ReportResult:
figures, tables = [], []
if ReferenceSequenceOverlap._check_encoder_class(self.state.optimal_hp_items[self.label].encoder):
figure, data = self._compute_optimal_model_overlap()
for assessment_state in self.state.assessment_states:
encoder = assessment_state.label_states[self.label].optimal_assessment_item.encoder
if ReferenceSequenceOverlap._check_encoder_class(encoder):
figure_filename = self.result_path / f"assessment_split_{assessment_state.split_index + 1}_model_vs_reference_overlap_{self.label}.pdf"
df_filename = self.result_path / f"assessment_split_{assessment_state.split_index + 1}_overlap_sequences_{self.label}"
figure, data = self._compute_model_overlap(figure_filename, df_filename, encoder,
f"overlap sequences between the model for assessment split "
f"{assessment_state.split_index + 1} and reference list")
return ReportResult(, output_figures=figures, output_tables=tables)
def _check_encoder_class(encoder):
return any(isinstance(encoder, cls) for cls in [SequenceAbundanceEncoder])
[docs] def check_prerequisites(self):
valid = True
if self.label is None:
if len(self.state.label_configuration.get_labels_by_name()) != 1:
logging.warning(f"{ReferenceSequenceOverlap.__name__}: label parameter for report {} is None and it could not be inferred "
f"from other information available in the report. It can be inferred automatically if there is only one label "
f"specified in the analysis, but got {self.state.label_configuration.get_labels_by_name()} instead. Skipping this "
valid = False
self.label = self.state.label_configuration.get_labels_by_name()[0]
return valid
def _compute_optimal_model_overlap(self) -> Tuple[ReportOutput, ReportOutput]:
filename = self.result_path / f"optimal_model_vs_reference_overlap_{self.label}.pdf"
df_filename = self.result_path / f"overlap_sequences_{self.label}.csv"
encoder = self.state.optimal_hp_items[self.label].encoder
return self._compute_model_overlap(filename, df_filename, encoder,
f"overlap sequences between the reference and the optimal model for label {self.label}")
def _compute_model_overlap(self, figure_filename, df_filename, encoder, name):
reference_sequences_df = pd.read_csv(self.reference_path, usecols=self.comparison_attributes)
reference_sequences = list(reference_sequences_df.to_records(index=False))
attributes = reference_sequences_df.columns.tolist()
model_sequences = self._extract_from_model(encoder)
overlap_sequences = [sequence for sequence in model_sequences if sequence in reference_sequences]
count_overlap = len(overlap_sequences)
count_ref_only = len([sequence for sequence in reference_sequences if sequence not in model_sequences])
count_model_only = len([sequence for sequence in model_sequences if sequence not in reference_sequences])
self._make_venn_diagram(count_ref_only, count_overlap, count_model_only, 'reference', 'model', figure_filename)
figure = ReportOutput(figure_filename, name)
pd.DataFrame.from_records(overlap_sequences, columns=attributes).to_csv(df_filename, index=False)
data = ReportOutput(df_filename, name)
return figure, data
def _extract_from_model(self, encoder):
model_sequences_df = pd.read_csv(getattr(encoder, "relevant_sequence_csv_path"))
model_attributes = model_sequences_df.columns.tolist()
assert all(attribute in self.comparison_attributes for attribute in model_attributes), \
f"{ReferenceSequenceOverlap.__name__}: comparison attributes from the report {} ({self.comparison_attributes}) and from the optimal " \
f"encoding {} ({model_attributes}) do not match."
return list(model_sequences_df[self.comparison_attributes].to_records(index=False))
def _make_venn_diagram(self, count_ref_only: int, count_overlap: int, count_model_only: int, label_reference: str, label_model: str,
filename: str):
subsets = Counter({"01": count_model_only, "10": count_ref_only, "11": count_overlap})
diagram = venn2(subsets=subsets, set_labels=(label_reference, label_model), set_colors=('#72AAA1', '#E5B9AD'), alpha=0.8)
for index in subsets:
if subsets[index] == 0 and diagram.get_label_by_id(index) is not None: