import logging
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import pkg_resources
import torch
from sklearn.preprocessing import label_binarize
from immuneML.environment.Constants import Constants
class Util:
def map_to_old_class_values(y, class_mapping: dict):
old_class_type = np.array(list(class_mapping.values())).dtype
mapped_y = np.copy(y).astype(object)
for i in range(mapped_y.shape[0]):
mapped_y[i] = class_mapping[y[i]]
return mapped_y.astype(old_class_type)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("MLMethod util: error occurred when predicting the class assignment due to mismatch of class types.\n"
f"Classes: {y}\nMapping:{class_mapping}")
raise e
def map_to_new_class_values(y, class_mapping: dict):
mapped_y = np.copy(y).astype(object)
switched_mapping = {value: key for key, value in class_mapping.items()}
new_class_type = np.array(list(switched_mapping.values())).dtype
for i in range(mapped_y.shape[0]):
mapped_y[i] = switched_mapping[y[i]]
return mapped_y.astype(new_class_type)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception(f"MLMethod util: error occurred when fitting the model due to mismatch of class types.\n"
f"Classes: {y}\nMapping:{class_mapping}")
raise e
def make_class_mapping(y, positive_class=None) -> dict:
"""Creates a class mapping from a list of classes which can be strings, numbers of booleans; maps to same name in multi-class settings"""
classes = np.unique(y)
if classes.shape[0] == 2:
return Util.make_binary_class_mapping(y, positive_class)
return {cls: cls for cls in classes}
def make_binary_class_mapping(y, positive_class=None) -> dict:
Creates binary class mapping from a list of classes which can be strings, numbers or boolean values
y: list of classes per example, as supplied to fit() method of the classifier; it should include all classes that will appear in the data
mapping dictionary where 0 and 1 are always the keys and the values are original class names which were mapped for these values
unique_values = sorted(set(y))
assert len(unique_values) == 2, f"MLMethod: there has two be exactly two classes to use this classifier," \
f" instead got {str(unique_values)[1:-1]}. For multi-class classification, " \
f"consider some of the other classifiers."
if positive_class is None:
return {0: unique_values[0], 1: unique_values[1]}
assert positive_class in unique_values, f"MLMethod: the specified positive class '{positive_class}' does not occur " \
f"in the list of available classes: {str(unique_values)[1:-1]}."
return {0: unique_values[0], 1: positive_class}
def binarize_label_classes(true_y, predicted_y, classes):
Binarizes the predictions in place using scikit-learn's label_binarize() method
Necessary for some sklearn metrics, like roc_auc_score
if hasattr(true_y, 'dtype') and (true_y.dtype.type is np.str_ or true_y.dtype.type is np.object_) \
or isinstance(true_y, list) and any(isinstance(item, str) for item in true_y):
true_y = label_binarize(true_y, classes=classes)
predicted_y = label_binarize(predicted_y, classes=classes)
return true_y, predicted_y
def setup_pytorch(number_of_threads, random_seed, pytorch_device_name=None):
if pytorch_device_name is not None:
def get_immuneML_version():
return 'immuneML ' + pkg_resources.get_distribution('immuneML').version
except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound as err:
return 'immuneML ' + Constants.VERSION
except Exception as e:
return f'immuneML-dev-{}'