Source code for immuneML.util.ParameterValidator

from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd

from immuneML.environment.SequenceType import SequenceType

[docs] class ParameterValidator:
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_any_value_present(values: list, expected_values: list, location: str, parameter_name: str): assert any(exp_val in values for exp_val in expected_values), f"{location}: expected at least one of values {expected_values} for " \ f"parameter {parameter_name} to be set, but none were found in {values}."
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_keys_present(values: list, expected_values: list, location: str, parameter_name: str): for value in expected_values: assert value in values, f"{location}: expected {value} to be set for {parameter_name}, but got {str(values)[1:-1]} instead."
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_all_in_valid_list(values: list, valid_values: list, location: str, parameter_name: str): for value in values: ParameterValidator.assert_in_valid_list(value, valid_values, location, parameter_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_in_valid_list(value, valid_values: list, location: str, parameter_name: str): assert value in valid_values, \ f"{location}: {value} is not a valid value for parameter {parameter_name}. Valid values are {str(valid_values)[1:-1]}."
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_all_type_and_value(values, parameter_type, location: str, parameter_name: str, min_inclusive=None, max_inclusive=None): for value in values: ParameterValidator.assert_type_and_value(value, parameter_type, location, parameter_name, min_inclusive, max_inclusive)
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_type_and_value(value, parameter_type, location: str, parameter_name: str, min_inclusive=None, max_inclusive=None, min_exclusive=None, max_exclusive=None, exact_value=None): assert isinstance(value, parameter_type), f"{location}: {value} is not a valid value for parameter {parameter_name}. " \ f"It has to be of type {parameter_type.__name__}, but is now of type {type(value).__name__}." if min_inclusive is not None: assert value >= min_inclusive, f"{location}: {value} is not a valid value for parameter {parameter_name}. " \ f"It has to be greater or equal to {min_inclusive}." if max_inclusive is not None: assert value <= max_inclusive, f"{location}: {value} is not a valid value for parameter {parameter_name}. " \ f"It has to be less or equal to {max_inclusive}." if min_exclusive is not None: assert value > min_exclusive, f"{location}: {value} is not a valid value for parameter {parameter_name}. " \ f"It has to be greater than {min_exclusive}." if max_exclusive is not None: assert value < max_exclusive, f"{location}: {value} is not a valid value for parameter {parameter_name}. " \ f"It has to be less than {max_exclusive}." if exact_value is not None: assert value == exact_value, f"{location}: {value} is not a valid value for parameter {parameter_name}. " \ f"It has to be equal to {exact_value}."
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_keys(keys, valid_keys, location: str, parameter_name: str, exclusive: bool = True): for key in keys: assert key in valid_keys, f"{location}: {key} is not a valid parameter under {parameter_name}. " \ f"Valid parameters are: {str(valid_keys)[1:-1]}." if exclusive: if len(keys) > len(valid_keys): raise AssertionError(f"{location}: {str(list(set(keys) - set(valid_keys)))[1:-1]} are not valid parameters " f" under {parameter_name}. Valid parameters are: {str(valid_keys)[1:-1]}. " f"Remove invalid parameters.") elif len(keys) < len(valid_keys): raise AssertionError(f"{location}: Missing parameters: {str(list(set(valid_keys) - set(keys)))[1:-1]} " f"under {parameter_name}. Valid parameters are: {str(valid_keys)[1:-1]}. " f"Please add missing parameters.")
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_valid_tabular_file(file_path, location: str, parameter_name: str, sep="\t", expected_columns: list=None): assert Path(file_path).is_file(), f"{location}: {parameter_name} {str(file_path)} is not an existing file." if expected_columns is not None: columns = pd.read_csv(file_path, index_col=0, nrows=0, sep=sep).columns.tolist() assert set(columns) == set(expected_columns), f"{location}: columns for {parameter_name} are not as expected.\n" \ f"Expected: {expected_columns}\n" \ f"Found: {columns}"
[docs] @staticmethod def assert_sequence_type(params, location: str = ""): assert "sequence_type" in params, f"{location}: 'sequence_type' is missing: {params}." assert params['sequence_type'].upper() in [ for st in SequenceType], f"{location}: {params['sequence_type']} is not a valid sequence type. " \ f"Valid sequence types are: {[ for st in SequenceType]}."