import logging
from numbers import Number
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import as px
import yaml
from immuneML.data_model.dataset.Dataset import Dataset
from immuneML.hyperparameter_optimization.HPSetting import HPSetting
from immuneML.ml_methods.LogisticRegression import LogisticRegression
from immuneML.ml_methods.MLMethod import MLMethod
from immuneML.ml_methods.RandomForestClassifier import RandomForestClassifier
from immuneML.ml_methods.SVM import SVM
from immuneML.reports.ReportOutput import ReportOutput
from immuneML.reports.ReportResult import ReportResult
from immuneML.reports.ml_reports.CoefficientPlottingSetting import CoefficientPlottingSetting
from immuneML.reports.ml_reports.CoefficientPlottingSettingList import CoefficientPlottingSettingList
from immuneML.reports.ml_reports.MLReport import MLReport
from immuneML.util.ParameterValidator import ParameterValidator
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder
from scripts.specification_util import update_docs_per_mapping
[docs]class Coefficients(MLReport):
A report that plots the coefficients for a given ML method in a barplot. Can be used for :ref:`LogisticRegression`,
:ref:`SVM` and :ref:`RandomForestClassifier`. In the case of RandomForest, the feature importances will be plotted.
When used in :ref:`TrainMLModel` instruction, the report can be specified under 'models', both on
the selection and assessment levels.
Which coefficients should be plotted (for example: only nonzero, above a certain threshold, ...) can be specified.
Multiple options can be specified simultaneously. By default the 25 largest coefficients are plotted.
The full set of coefficients will also be exported as a csv file.
coefs_to_plot (list): A list specifying which coefficients should be plotted. For options see :py:obj:`~immuneML.reports.ml_reports.CoefficientPlottingSetting.CoefficientPlottingSetting`.
cutoff (list): If 'cutoff' is specified under 'coefs_to_plot', the cutoff values can be specified here. The coefficients which have an absolute value equal to or greater than the cutoff will be plotted.
n_largest (list): If 'n_largest' is specified under 'coefs_to_plot', the values for n can be specified here. These should be integer values. The n largest coefficients are determined based on their absolute values.
YAML specification:
.. indent with spaces
.. code-block:: yaml
- all
- nonzero
- cutoff
- n_largest
- 0.1
- 0.01
- 5
- 10
[docs] @classmethod
def build_object(cls, **kwargs):
location = "Coefficients"
coefs_to_plot = [coef.upper() for coef in kwargs["coefs_to_plot"]]
name = kwargs["name"] if "name" in kwargs else None
ParameterValidator.assert_all_in_valid_list(coefs_to_plot, [ for item in CoefficientPlottingSetting], location,
if in coefs_to_plot:
cutoff = kwargs["cutoff"]
ParameterValidator.assert_type_and_value(cutoff, list, location, "cutoff")
ParameterValidator.assert_all_type_and_value(cutoff, Number, location, "cutoff", min_inclusive=1e-15)
cutoff = []
if in coefs_to_plot:
n_largest = kwargs["n_largest"]
ParameterValidator.assert_type_and_value(n_largest, list, location, "n_largest")
ParameterValidator.assert_all_type_and_value(n_largest, int, location, "n_largest", min_inclusive=1)
n_largest = []
coefs = CoefficientPlottingSettingList()
for keyword in coefs_to_plot:
return Coefficients(coefs_to_plot=coefs, cutoff=cutoff, n_largest=n_largest, name=name)
def __init__(self, coefs_to_plot: CoefficientPlottingSettingList, cutoff: list, n_largest: list, train_dataset: Dataset = None,
test_dataset: Dataset = None, method: MLMethod = None, result_path: Path = None, name: str = None, hp_setting: HPSetting = None):
super().__init__(train_dataset, test_dataset, method, result_path, name, hp_setting)
self._coefs_to_plot = coefs_to_plot
self._cutoff = cutoff
self._n_largest = n_largest
self.label = None
def _generate(self):
paths = []
plot_data = self._retrieve_plot_data()
plot_data["abs_coefficients"] = abs(plot_data["coefficients"])
plot_data.sort_values(by="abs_coefficients", inplace=True, ascending=False)
result_table_path = self._write_results_table(plot_data[["features", "coefficients"]])
if CoefficientPlottingSetting.ALL in self._coefs_to_plot:
report_output_fig = self._plot(plotting_data=plot_data, output_name="all_coefficients")
if CoefficientPlottingSetting.NONZERO in self._coefs_to_plot:
nonzero_data = plot_data[plot_data["coefficients"] != 0]
report_output_fig = self._plot(plotting_data=nonzero_data, output_name="nonzero_coefficients")
if CoefficientPlottingSetting.CUTOFF in self._coefs_to_plot:
for cutoff_val in self._cutoff:
cutoff_data = plot_data[plot_data["abs_coefficients"] >= cutoff_val]
report_output_fig = self._plot(plotting_data=cutoff_data, output_name="cutoff_{}_coefficients".format(cutoff_val))
if CoefficientPlottingSetting.N_LARGEST in self._coefs_to_plot:
for n_val in self._n_largest:
n_largest_data = plot_data.nlargest(n=n_val, columns=["abs_coefficients"])
report_output_fig = self._plot(plotting_data=n_largest_data, output_name="largest_{}_coefficients".format(n_val))
return ReportResult(, output_tables=[ReportOutput(result_table_path, "features and coefficients csv")],
output_figures=[p for p in paths if p is not None])
def _set_plotting_parameters(self):
if isinstance(self.method, RandomForestClassifier):
self._param_field = "feature_importances"
self._y_axis_title = "Feature importance"
# SVM, logistic regression, ...
self._param_field = "coefficients"
self._y_axis_title = "Coefficient value"
def _write_settings(self):
if self.hp_setting is not None:
file_path = self.result_path / "settings.yaml"
with"w") as file:
yaml.dump({"preprocessing": self.hp_setting.preproc_sequence_name,
"encoder": self.hp_setting.encoder_name,
"ml_method": self.hp_setting.ml_method_name},
def _write_results_table(self, plotting_data):
filepath = self.result_path / "coefficients.csv"
plotting_data.to_csv(filepath, index=False)
return filepath
def _retrieve_plot_data(self):
coefficients = self.method.get_params()[self._param_field]
feature_names = self._retrieve_feature_names()
return pd.DataFrame({"coefficients": coefficients, "features": feature_names})
def _retrieve_feature_names(self):
if self.train_dataset and self.train_dataset.encoded_data:
return self.train_dataset.encoded_data.feature_names
def _plot(self, plotting_data, output_name):
if plotting_data.empty:
logging.warning(f"Coefficients: empty data subset specified, skipping {output_name} plot...")
filename = self.result_path / f"{output_name}.html"
figure =, x='features', y='coefficients', template='plotly_white',
title=f"{type(self.method).__name__}{' (' + + ') - ' if is not None else ' - '}"
f"{' '.join(output_name.split('_'))}")
with"w") as file:
return ReportOutput(filename)
[docs] def check_prerequisites(self):
run_report = True
if not any([isinstance(self.method, legal_method) for legal_method in (RandomForestClassifier, LogisticRegression, SVM)]):
logging.warning(f"Coefficients report can only be created for RandomForestClassifier, LogisticRegression or SVM, but got "
f"{type(self.method).__name__} instead. Coefficients report will not be created.")
run_report = False
return run_report
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_documentation():
doc = str(Coefficients.__doc__)
valid_values = str([ for option in CoefficientPlottingSetting])[1:-1].replace("'", "`")
mapping = {
"For options see :py:obj:`~immuneML.reports.ml_reports.CoefficientPlottingSetting.CoefficientPlottingSetting`.":
f"Valid values are: {valid_values}."
doc = update_docs_per_mapping(doc, mapping)
return doc