How to specify an analysis with YAML

Analyses in immuneML are specified through a YAML specification file with a fixed structure. Depending on the specification, immuneML can execute different tasks, such as training ML models for receptor or repertoire classification, simulate data or perform exploratory analyses. For all the options that can be specified, see YAML specification.

Structure of the analysis specification

The analysis specification consists of three main parts: definitions, instructions and output.

Specifying Definitions

definitions refer to components, which will be used within the instructions. They include:

  • datasets: specifying where data is located, what format the data is in, and how it should be imported (see How to import data into immuneML for more details),

  • preprocessing_sequences: defining one or more preprocessing steps to be taken on the dataset (this is optional),

  • encodings: different data representations,

  • ml_methods: different machine learning methods (e.g., SVM or KNN),

  • reports: specific plots or statistics to apply to the raw or encoded data, ML methods or results.

Simulation-specific components (only relevant when running a Simulation instruction) are:

  • motifs: parts of the simulation definition defined by a seed and a way to create specific motif instances from the seed,

  • signals: parts of the simulation which can include multiple motifs and correspond to a single label for subsequent classification tasks,

  • simulations: define how to combine different signals and how to implant them in the dataset.

Under definitions, each analysis sub-component is defined using a user-specifiable key. In the examples below, we will use the prefix ‘my_’ to identify these keys, but in practice it is possible to specify any kind of name here. These keys are unique names that identify the settings for a component, and they are later on referenced in the instructions (for example: to specify which of the imported datasets to use in a given instruction).

The import of two datasets may be defined as follows:

    my_repertoire_dataset: # user-defined key for the first dataset
      format: AIRR         # import of a repertoire dataset
        path: path/to/first/data/
        metadata_file: path/to/first/metadata.csv
    my_receptor_dataset: # user-defined key for the second dataset
      format: AIRR       # import of a receptor dataset
        path: path/to/second/data/
        is_repertoire: false
        paired: true
        receptor_chains: TRA_TRB
        metadata_column_mapping:          # map column names of the file to label names
          epitope_column_name: my_epitope # my_epitope can be used as label

Where the imported datasets can under instructions be referenced using the keys my_repertoire_dataset and my_receptor_dataset. Note that in practice, most analyses use just one dataset.

An example of a full definitions section which may be used for a machine learning task is given below. See also How to train and assess a receptor or repertoire-level ML classifier for more details.

  datasets: # every instruction uses a dataset
      format: AIRR
        path: path/to/data/
        metadata_file: path/to/metadata.csv
      - my_beta_chain_filter:
            keep_chain: TRB
    my_log_reg: LogisticRegression
    my_svm: SVM
    my_kmer_freq_encoding_1: KmerFrequency # KmerFrequency with default parameters
    my_kmer_freq_encoding_2: # KmerFrequency with user-defined parameters
        k: 5
    my_seq_length_distribution: SequenceLengthDistribution

The definitions section used for Simulation contains different components, as shown in the example below. See also How to simulate antigen or disease-associated signals in AIRR datasets for more details.

  datasets: # every instruction uses a dataset
      format: AIRR
        path: path/to/data/
        metadata_file: path/to/metadata.csv
      seed: AAA
      instantiation: GappedKmer
        - my_simple_motif
      implanting: HealthySequence
          - my_simple_signal
        dataset_implanting_rate: 0.5
        repertoire_implanting_rate: 0.1

A diagram of all the different dataset types, preprocessing steps, encodings, ML methods and reports, and how they can be combined in different analyses is shown below. The solid lines represent components that are intended to be used together, and the dashed lines indicate optional combinations.

Analysis paths

Specifying Instructions

Similarly to analysis components, instructions are defined under a user-specifiable key. Under this key, you should define the instruction type, which defines the type of analysis that will be done. All other settings are instruction-specific.

Some of the possible instruction types are (see Instructions for the complete list):

The components defined under definitions can be referenced inside the instruction, but anything generated from the instructions is not available to other instructions. If the output of one instruction needs to be used in another other instruction, two separate immuneML runs need to be made (e.g, running immuneML once with the Simulation instruction to generate a dataset, and subsequently using that dataset as an input to a second immuneML run to train a ML model).

An example of the YAML specification for the TrainMLModel instruction is shown below. See the tutorial How to train and assess a receptor or repertoire-level ML classifier for more explanation behind all settings.

  my_instruction: # user-defined instruction key
    type: TrainMLModel
    dataset: my_dataset # reference dataset from definitions
    labels: [disease]
    settings: # settings are made up of preprocessing (optional), ml_method and encoding
    - encoding: my_kmer_freq_encoding_1
      ml_method: my_log_reg
    - preprocessing: my_preprocessing
      encoding: my_kmer_freq_encoding_2
      ml_method: my_svm
      split_strategy: random
      split_count: 1
      training_percentage: 70
        data_splits: [my_seq_length_distribution]
      split_strategy: k_fold
      split_count: 5
    strategy: GridSearch
    metrics: [accuracy]
    optimization_metric: accuracy
    reports: null # no reports
    refit_optimal_model: False
    store_encoded_data: False
    number_of_processes: 4

Specifying output

The third and final section of the YAML specification is output, which currently only supports one format: HTML. The output section may be omitted from the YAML, but if included, it should look like this:

  format: HTML

Putting all parts together

An example of a complete YAML specification for training an ML model through nested cross-validation is given here:

      format: AIRR
        metadata_file: path/to/metadata.csv
        path: path/to/data/
      - my_beta_chain_filter:
            keep_chain: TRB
    my_log_reg: LogisticRegression
    my_svm: SVM
    my_kmer_freq_encoding_1: KmerFrequency # KmerFrequency with default parameters
    my_kmer_freq_encoding_2: # KmerFrequency with user-defined parameters
        k: 5
    my_seq_length_distribution: SequenceLengthDistribution
  my_instruction: # user-defined instruction key
    type: TrainMLModel
    dataset: my_dataset # reference dataset from definitions
    labels: [disease]
    settings: # settings are made up of preprocessing (optional), ml_method and encoding
    - encoding: my_kmer_freq_encoding_1
      ml_method: my_log_reg
    - preprocessing: my_preprocessing
      encoding: my_kmer_freq_encoding_2
      ml_method: my_svm
      split_strategy: random
      split_count: 1
      training_percentage: 70
        data_splits: [my_seq_length_distribution]
      split_strategy: k_fold
      split_count: 5
    strategy: GridSearch
    metrics: [accuracy]
    optimization_metric: accuracy
    reports: null # no reports
    refit_optimal_model: False
    store_encoded_data: False
    number_of_processes: 4
  format: HTML

Running the specified analysis

To run an instruction via command line with the given YAML specification file:

immune-ml path/to/specification.yaml result/folder/path/

Alternatively, create an ImmuneMLApp object in a Python script and pass it the path parameter to the constructor before calling its run() method as follows:

from import ImmuneMLApp

app = ImmuneMLApp(specification_path="path/to/specification.yaml", result_path="result/folder/path/")