How to add a new preprocessing

In this tutorial, we will add a new preprocessing to immuneML. This tutorial assumes you have installed immuneML for development as described at Set up immuneML for development.

Preprocessings are applied to modify a dataset before encoding the data, for example, removing certain sequences from a repertoire. In immuneML, the sequence of preprocessing steps applied to a given dataset before training an ML model is considered a hyperparameter that can be optimized using nested cross validation.

Adding a new Preprocessor class

All preprocessing classes should be placed in the preprocessing package, and inherit the immuneML class Preprocessor. A filter is a special category of preprocessors which removes sequences or repertoires from the dataset. If your preprocessing is a filter, it should be placed in the filters package and inherit the Filter class.

A new preprocessor should implement:

  • an __init__() method if the preprocessor uses any parameters.

  • The static abstract method process(dataset, params), which takes a dataset and returns a new (modified) dataset.

  • The abstract method process_dataset(dataset, result_path), which typically prepares parameters and calls process(dataset, params) internally.

An example implementation of a new filter named NewClonesPerRepertoireFilter is shown below. It includes implementations of the abstract methods and class documentation at the beginning. This class documentation will be shown to the user.

class NewClonesPerRepertoireFilter(Filter):
    Removes all repertoires from the RepertoireDataset, which contain fewer clonotypes than specified by the
    lower_limit, or more clonotypes than specified by the upper_limit.
    Note that this filter filters out repertoires, not individual sequences, and can thus only be applied to RepertoireDatasets.


        lower_limit (int): The minimal inclusive lower limit for the number of clonotypes allowed in a repertoire.

        upper_limit (int): The maximal inclusive upper limit for the number of clonotypes allowed in a repertoire.

    When no lower or upper limit is specified, or the value -1 is specified, the limit is ignored.

    YAML specification:

    .. indent with spaces
    .. code-block:: yaml

                - my_filter:
                        lower_limit: 100
                        upper_limit: 100000


    def __init__(self, lower_limit: int = -1, upper_limit: int = -1):
        self.lower_limit = lower_limit
        self.upper_limit = upper_limit

    def process_dataset(self, dataset: RepertoireDataset, result_path: Path = None):
        # Prepare the parameter dictionary for the process method
        params = {"result_path": result_path}
        if self.lower_limit > -1:
            params["lower_limit"] = self.lower_limit
        if self.upper_limit > -1:
            params["upper_limit"] = self.upper_limit

        return NewClonesPerRepertoireFilter.process(dataset, params)

    def process(dataset: RepertoireDataset, params: dict) -> RepertoireDataset:
        # Check if the dataset is the correct type for this preprocessor (here, only RepertoireDataset is allowed)
        NewClonesPerRepertoireFilter.check_dataset_type(dataset, [RepertoireDataset], "NewClonesPerRepertoireFilter")

        processed_dataset = dataset.clone()

        # Here, any code can be placed to create a modified set of repertoires
        repertoires = []
        indices = []
        for index, repertoire in enumerate(dataset.get_data()):
            if "lower_limit" in params.keys() and len(repertoire.sequences) >= params["lower_limit"] or \
                "upper_limit" in params.keys() and len(repertoire.sequences) <= params["upper_limit"]:

        processed_dataset.repertoires = repertoires

        # Rebuild the metadata file, which only contains the repertoires that were kept
        processed_dataset.metadata_file = NewClonesPerRepertoireFilter.build_new_metadata(dataset, indices, params["result_path"])

        # Ensure the dataset did not end up empty after filtering
        NewClonesPerRepertoireFilter.check_dataset_not_empty(processed_dataset, "NewClonesPerRepertoireFilter")

        return processed_dataset

Unit testing the new Preprocessor

To add a unit test:

  1. Create a new python file named and add it to the filters test package.

  2. Add a class TestNewClonesPerRepertoireFilter that inherits unittest.TestCase to the new file.

  3. Add a function setUp() to set up cache used for testing (see example below). This will ensure that the cache location will be set to EnvironmentSettings.tmp_test_path / "cache/"

  4. Define one or more tests for the class and functions you implemented.

  5. If you need to write data to a path (for example test datasets or results), use the following location: EnvironmentSettings.tmp_test_path / "some_unique_foldername"

When building unit tests, a useful class is RandomDatasetGenerator, which can create a dataset with random sequences.

An example of the unit test TestNewClonesPerRepertoireFilter is given below.

import os
import shutil
from unittest import TestCase

from immuneML.caching.CacheType import CacheType
from immuneML.data_model.dataset.RepertoireDataset import RepertoireDataset
from immuneML.environment.Constants import Constants
from immuneML.environment.EnvironmentSettings import EnvironmentSettings
from immuneML.preprocessing.filters.ClonesPerRepertoireFilter import ClonesPerRepertoireFilter
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder
from immuneML.util.RepertoireBuilder import RepertoireBuilder

class TestClonesPerRepertoireFilter(TestCase):

    def setUp(self) -> None:
        os.environ[Constants.CACHE_TYPE] =

    def test_process(self):
        path = EnvironmentSettings.tmp_test_path / "clones_per_repertoire_filter"
        dataset = RepertoireDataset(repertoires=RepertoireBuilder.build_from_objects([["ACF", "ACF", "ACF"],
                                                                       ["ACF", "ACF"],
                                                                       ["ACF", "ACF", "ACF", "ACF"]], path)[0])

        dataset1 = ClonesPerRepertoireFilter.process(dataset, {"lower_limit": 3, "result_path": path})
        self.assertEqual(2, dataset1.get_example_count())

        dataset2 = ClonesPerRepertoireFilter.process(dataset, {"upper_limit": 2, "result_path": path})
        self.assertEqual(1, dataset2.get_example_count())

        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, ClonesPerRepertoireFilter.process, dataset, {"lower_limit": 10, "result_path": path})


Adding a Preprocessor: additional information

Implementing the process() method in a new encoder class

The main functionality of the preprocessor class is implemented in its process(dataset, params) method. This method takes in a dataset, modifies the dataset according to the given instructions, and returns the new modified dataset.

When implementing the process(dataset, params) method, take the following points into account:

  • The method takes in the argument params, which is a dictionary containing any relevant parameters. One of these parameters is the result path params["result_path"] which should be used as the location to store the metadata file of a new repertoire dataset.

  • Check if the given dataset is the correct dataset type, for example by using the static method check_dataset_type(dataset, valid_dataset_types, location). Some preprocessings are only sensible for a given type of dataset. Datasets can be of the type RepertoireDataset, SequenceDataset and ReceptorDataset (see: immuneML data model).

  • Do not modify the given dataset object, but create a clone instead.

  • When your preprocessor is a filter (i.e., when it removes sequences or repertoires from the dataset), extra precautions need to be taken to ensure that the dataset does not contain empty repertoires and that the entries in the metadata file match the new dataset. The utility functions provided by the Filter class can be useful for this:

    • remove_empty_repertoires(repertoires) checks whether any of the provided repertoires are empty (this might happen when filtering out sequences based on strict criteria), and returns a list containing only non-empty repertoires.

    • check_dataset_not_empty(processed_dataset, location) checks whether there is still any data left in the dataset. If all sequences or repertoires were removed by filtering, an error will be thrown.

    • build_new_metadata(dataset, indices_to_keep, result_path) creates a new metadata file based on a subset of the existing metadata file. When removing repertoires from a repertoire dataset, this method should always be applied.

Test run of the preprocessing: specifying the preprocessing in YAML

Custom preprocessings can be specified in the YAML specification just like any other existing preprocessing. The preprocessing needs to be defined under ‘definitions’ and referenced in the ‘instructions’ section. The easiest way to test a new preprocessing is to apply it when running the ExploratoryAnalysis instruction, and running the SimpleDatasetOverview report on the preprocessed dataset to inspect the results. An example YAML specification for this is given below:

    my_preprocessing_seq:           # User-defined name of the preprocessing sequence (may contain one or more preprocessings)
    - my_new_filter:                # User-defined name of one preprocessing
      NewClonesPerRepertoireFilter: # The name of the new preprocessor class
        lower_limit: 10             # Any parameters to provide to the preprocessor.
        upper_limit: 20             # In this test example, only repertoires with 10-20 clones are kept

      # if you do not have real data to test your report with, consider
      # using a randomly generated dataset, see the documentation:
      # “How to generate a random receptor or repertoire dataset”
      format: RandomRepertoireDataset
          repertoire_count: 100 # number of random repertoires to generate
            15: 0.5  # Generate a dataset where half the repertoires contain 15 sequences, and the other half 25 sequences
            25: 0.5  # When the filter is applied, only the 50 repertoires with 15 sequences should remain

    simple_overview: SimpleDatasetOverview

  exploratory_instr: # Example of specifying reports in ExploratoryAnalysis
    type: ExploratoryAnalysis
      analysis_1: # Example analysis with data report
        dataset: d1
        preprocessing_sequence: my_preprocessing_seq # apply the preprocessing
        report: simple_overview

Adding class documentation

To complete the preprocessing, class documentation should be added to inform other users how the preprocessing should be used. The documentation should contain:

  1. A short, general description of the preprocessor, including which dataset types (repertoire dataset, sequence dataset, receptor dataset) it can be applied to.

  2. If applicable, a listing of the types and descriptions of the arguments that should be providedto the preprocessor.

  3. An example of how the preprocessor definition should be specified in the YAML.

The class docstrings are used to automatically generate the documentation for the preprocessor, and should be written in Sphinx reStructuredText formatting.

This is the example of documentation for ClonesPerRepertoireFilter:

Removes all repertoires from the RepertoireDataset, which contain fewer clonotypes than specified by the
lower_limit, or more clonotypes than specified by the upper_limit.
Note that this filter filters out repertoires, not individual sequences, and can thus only be applied to RepertoireDatasets.


    lower_limit (int): The minimal inclusive lower limit for the number of clonotypes allowed in a repertoire.

    upper_limit (int): The maximal inclusive upper limit for the number of clonotypes allowed in a repertoire.
    When no lower or upper limit is specified, or the value -1 is specified, the limit is ignored.

YAML specification:

.. indent with spaces
.. code-block:: yaml

            - my_filter:
                    lower_limit: 100
                    upper_limit: 100000