Developer documentation
To get started with adding features to immuneML, follow the steps described here. These steps assume you have some experience with object-oriented programming in Python and some basic knowledge of how Git works.
Follow the guide to Set up immuneML for development.
Create a new branch with a descriptive name from the master branch.
Implement your changes.
Make a pull request to the master branch.
Developer tutorials
Platform overview
List of all classes
- immuneML
- immuneML package
- Subpackages
- immuneML.IO package
- immuneML.analysis package
- immuneML.api package
- package
- immuneML.caching package
- immuneML.data_model package
- immuneML.dev_util package
- immuneML.dsl package
- immuneML.encodings package
- immuneML.environment package
- immuneML.hyperparameter_optimization package
- immuneML.ml_methods package
- immuneML.ml_metrics package
- immuneML.pairwise_repertoire_comparison package
- immuneML.preprocessing package
- immuneML.presentation package
- immuneML.reports package
- immuneML.simulation package
- immuneML.util package
- immuneML.workflows package
- Module contents
- Subpackages
- immuneML package