How to add a new encoding¶
In this tutorial, we will add a new encoder to represent repertoire datasets by k-mer frequencies. This tutorial assumes you have installed immuneML for development as described at Set up immuneML for development.
Adding a new encoder class¶
To add a new encoder:
Add a new package to the
package, in this example we name the package “new_kmer_encoding”Add a new class called to the package, and give the class name the suffix ‘Encoder’. In this case, the class will be called
. In the YAML specification, the class name will be used without the ‘Encoder’ suffix.Set
as a base class toNewKmerFrequencyEncoder
.Implement the abstract methods
.Implement methods to import and export an encoder:
, mostly relying on functionality already available inDatasetEncoder
.Add class documentation including: what the encoder does, what the arguments are and an example on how to use it from YAML specification.
An example of the implementation of NewKmerFrequencyEncoder
for the RepertoireDataset
is shown.
import pickle
from collections import Counter
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
import numpy as np
from immuneML.analysis.data_manipulation.NormalizationType import NormalizationType
from immuneML.data_model.dataset.RepertoireDataset import RepertoireDataset
from immuneML.data_model.encoded_data.EncodedData import EncodedData
from immuneML.encodings.DatasetEncoder import DatasetEncoder
from immuneML.encodings.EncoderParams import EncoderParams
from immuneML.encodings.preprocessing.FeatureScaler import FeatureScaler
from immuneML.util.ParameterValidator import ParameterValidator
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder
class NewKmerFrequencyEncoder(DatasetEncoder):
Encodes the repertoires of the dataset by k-mer frequencies and normalizes the frequencies to zero mean and unit variance.
k (int): k-mer length
YAML specification:
.. indent with spaces
.. code-block:: yaml
my_encoder: # user-defined name in the specs, here it will be 'my_encoder'
MyKmerFrequency: # name of the class (without 'Encoder' suffix)
k: 3 # argument value
def build_object(dataset, **kwargs): # called when parsing YAML, check all user-defined arguments here
ParameterValidator.assert_keys(kwargs.keys(), ['k', 'name'], NewKmerFrequencyEncoder.__name__, 'KmerFrequency')
ParameterValidator.assert_type_and_value(kwargs['name'], str, NewKmerFrequencyEncoder.__name__, 'name')
ParameterValidator.assert_type_and_value(kwargs['k'], int, NewKmerFrequencyEncoder.__name__, 'k', 1, 10)
ParameterValidator.assert_type_and_value(dataset, RepertoireDataset, NewKmerFrequencyEncoder.__name__, f'dataset under {kwargs["name"]}')
return NewKmerFrequencyEncoder(**kwargs)
def __init__(self, k: int, name: str = None):
# user-defined parameters
self.k = k # defined from specs = name # set at runtime by the platform from the key set by user in the specs
# internal: not seen by the user
self.scaler_path = None
self.vectorizer_path = None
def encode(self, dataset, params: EncoderParams): # called at runtime by the platform
encoded_repertoires = self._encode_repertoires(dataset, params)
labels = self._prepare_labels(dataset, params)
encoded_data = EncodedData(encoded_repertoires["examples"], labels, dataset.get_example_ids(),
encoded_repertoires['feature_names'], encoding=NewKmerFrequencyEncoder.__name__)
encoded_dataset = RepertoireDataset(repertoires=dataset.repertoires, encoded_data=encoded_data,
labels=dataset.labels, metadata_file=dataset.metadata_file)
return encoded_dataset
def _prepare_labels(self, dataset: RepertoireDataset, params: EncoderParams) -> dict:
"""returns a dict in the format {label_name: [label_value_repertoire_1, ..., label_value_repertoire_n]}"""
return dataset.get_metadata(params.label_config.get_labels_by_name())
def _encode_repertoires(self, dataset: RepertoireDataset, params: EncoderParams) -> dict:
examples = self._create_kmer_counts(dataset)
vectorized = self._vectorize_encoded_examples(examples, params)
scaled_examples = self._scale_vectorized_examples(vectorized['examples'], params)
return {"examples": scaled_examples, "feature_names": vectorized["feature_names"]}
def _create_kmer_counts(dataset: RepertoireDataset):
examples = []
for repertoire in dataset.repertoires:
counter = Counter()
for sequence in repertoire.sequences:
kmers = self._split_sequence_to_kmers(sequence.amino_acid_sequence)
counter += Counter(kmers)
return examples
def _scale_vectorized_examples(self, vectorized_examples: np.ndarray, params: EncoderParams) -> np.ndarray:
self.scaler_path = params.result_path / 'scaler.pickle' if self.scaler_path is None else self.scaler_path
normalized_examples = FeatureScaler.normalize(vectorized_examples, NormalizationType.RELATIVE_FREQUENCY)
scaled_examples = FeatureScaler.standard_scale(self.scaler_path, normalized_examples, with_mean=True)
return scaled_examples
def _vectorize_encoded_examples(self, examples: list, params: EncoderParams) -> dict:
if self.vectorizer_path is None:
self.vectorizer_path = params.result_path / "vectorizer.pickle"
if params.learn_model:
vectorizer = DictVectorizer(sparse=False, dtype=float)
vectorized_examples = vectorizer.fit_transform(examples)
with'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(vectorizer, file)
with'rb') as file:
vectorizer = pickle.load(file)
vectorized_examples = vectorizer.transform(examples)
return {"examples": vectorized_examples, "feature_names": vectorizer.get_feature_names()}
def _split_sequence_to_kmers(self, sequence: str):
kmers = []
for i in range(0, len(sequence) - self.k + 1):
kmers.append(sequence[i:i + self.k])
return kmers
def get_additional_files(self) -> List[str]:
"""Returns a list of files used for encoding"""
files = []
if self.scaler_path is not None and self.scaler_path.is_file():
if self.vectorizer_path is not None and self.vectorizer_path.is_file():
return files
def export_encoder(path: Path, encoder) -> Path:
encoder_file = DatasetEncoder.store_encoder(encoder, path / "encoder.pickle")
return encoder_file
def load_encoder(encoder_file: Path):
encoder = DatasetEncoder.load_encoder(encoder_file)
for attribute in ['scaler_path', 'vectorizer_path']:
encoder = DatasetEncoder.load_attribute(encoder, encoder_file, attribute)
return encoder
Unit testing the new encoder¶
To test the new encoder:
Create a package
and add the file the class
that inheritsunittest.TestCase
in this file.Add a function
to set up cache used for testing (see example below). This will ensure that the cache location will be set toEnvironmentSettings.tmp_test_path / "cache/"
Define one or more tests for the class and functions you implemented.
If you need to write data to a path (for example test datasets or results), use the following location:
EnvironmentSettings.tmp_test_path / "some_unique_foldername"
When building unit tests, a useful class is RandomDatasetGenerator
, which can create a dataset with random sequences.
An example of the unit test TestNewKmerFrequencyEncoder is given below.
import os
import shutil
from unittest import TestCase
import numpy as np
from immuneML.caching.CacheType import CacheType
from immuneML.data_model.dataset.RepertoireDataset import RepertoireDataset
from immuneML.encodings.EncoderParams import EncoderParams
from immuneML.encodings.NewKmerFrequencyEncoder import NewKmerFrequencyEncoder
from immuneML.environment.Constants import Constants
from immuneML.environment.EnvironmentSettings import EnvironmentSettings
from immuneML.environment.LabelConfiguration import LabelConfiguration
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder
from immuneML.util.RepertoireBuilder import RepertoireBuilder
class TestNewKmerFrequencyEncoder(TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None: # useful if cache is used in the encoding (not used in this tutorial)
os.environ[Constants.CACHE_TYPE] =
def test_encode(self):
path = EnvironmentSettings.tmp_test_path / "new_kmer_encoding/"
# create a dataset
repertoires, metadata = RepertoireBuilder.build_from_objects([["AAAT"], ["TAAA"]], path, {'l1': [1, 0]})
dataset = RepertoireDataset(repertoires=repertoires, metadata_file=metadata)
# create an encoder
encoder = NewKmerFrequencyEncoder.build_object(dataset, **{"k": 3, 'name': 'my_encoder'})
lc = LabelConfiguration()
lc.add_label("l1", [1, 2])
encoded_dataset = encoder.encode(dataset, EncoderParams(
result_path=path / "encoded_dataset",
# check if the output is as expected
self.assertTrue(isinstance(encoded_dataset, RepertoireDataset))
self.assertEqual(-1., np.round(encoded_dataset.encoded_data.examples[0, 2], 2))
self.assertEqual(1., np.round(encoded_dataset.encoded_data.examples[0, 1], 2))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(encoder, NewKmerFrequencyEncoder))
Adding an encoder: additional information¶
Encoders for different dataset types¶
Inside immuneML, three different types of datasets are considered: RepertoireDataset
for immune
repertoires, SequenceDataset
for single-chain immune
receptor sequences and ReceptorDataset
for paired sequences. We need to deal with encoding separately for each dataset type.
When an encoding only makes sense for one possible dataset type, for example RepertoireDataset, the new encoder class can simply inherit
DatasetEncoder and implement its abstract methods, and the build_object(dataset:Dataset, params)
method should return an instance of the class
itself when a correct dataset is given. An example of this is the encoder from this tutorial or SequenceAbundanceEncoder
Alternatively, when an encoding can be generalized for multiple dataset types, encoder classes are organized in the following manner:
A base encoder class implements the method
build_object(dataset: Dataset, params)
, that returns the correct dataset type-specific encoder. This encoder is a subclass of the base encoder class.The dataset type-specific subclasses implement all the abstract methods that differ between different dataset types.
Each encoder class has to implement the function
encode(dataset, params)
which returns a dataset object with encoded data parameter set.
It is not necessary to implement the encoding for all dataset types, since some encodings might not make sense for some dataset types. In that case,
if such a combination is specified (i.e., if the method build_object(dataset: Dataset, params)
receives an illegal dataset type), the encoder class
should raise an error with a user-friendly error message and the process will be terminated.
When adding new features to immuneML, some utility classes are already available. For instance, to construct a path, you can use PathBuilder.build_from_objects()
If you need to validate some parameters when constructing an object in build_object()
functions, for example, you can use ParameterValidator
For the full list of such classes, see the util package.
Implementing the encode() method in a new encoder class¶
The encode() method is called by immuneML to encode a new dataset. This method should be called with two arguments: a dataset and params
(an EncoderParams
object). The EncoderParams objects contains useful information such as the path where optional files with intermediate data can be
stored (such as vectorizer files, normalization, etc.), a LabelConfiguration
object containing the
labels that were specified for the analysis, and more.
The encode()
method should return a new dataset object, which is a copy of the original input dataset, but with an added encoded_data
The encoded_data
attribute should contain an EncodedData
object, which is created with the
following arguments:
examples: a design matrix where the rows are repertoires, receptors or sequences, and the columns the encoding-specific features
encoding: a string denoting the encoder base class that was used.
labels: a dictionary of labels, where each label is a key, and the values are the label values across the examples (for example: {disease1: [positive, positive, negative]} if there are 3 repertoires)
example_ids: an optional list of identifiers for the examples (repertoires, receptors or sequences).
feature_names: an optional list of feature names, i.e., the names given to the encoding-specific features. When included, list must be as long as the number of features.
feature_annotations: an optional pandas dataframe with additional information about the features. When included, number of rows in this dataframe must correspond to the number of features.
info: an optional dictionary that may be used to store any additional information that is relevant (for example paths to additional output files).
The examples
attribute of the EncodedData
objects will be directly passed to the ML models for training. Other attributes are used for reports and
Adding class documentation¶
Class documentation should be added as a docstring to the base encoder class. The documentation should include:
A general description of how the data is encoded,
A list of arguments with types and values,
An example of how such an encoder should be defined in the YAML specification.
The class docstrings are used to automatically generate the documentation for the encoder. If an encoder should always be used in combination with a
specific report or ML method, it is possible to refer to these classes by name and create a link to the documentation of that class. For example,
the documentation of MatchedReceptorsEncoder
states ‘This encoding should be
used in combination with the Matches report’.
Documentation should be written in Sphinx reStructuredText formatting.
This is the example of documentation for SequenceAbundanceEncoder
This encoder represents the repertoires as vectors where:
- the first element corresponds to the number of label-associated clonotypes
- the second element is the total number of unique clonotypes
To determine what clonotypes (with features defined by comparison_attributes) are label-associated
based on a statistical test. The statistical test used is Fisher's exact test (one-sided).
Reference: Emerson, Ryan O. et al.
‘Immunosequencing Identifies Signatures of Cytomegalovirus Exposure History and HLA-Mediated Effects on the T Cell Repertoire’.
Nature Genetics 49, no. 5 (May 2017): 659–65. ` <>`_.
comparison_attributes (list): The attributes to be considered to group receptors into clonotypes. Only the fields specified in
comparison_attributes will be considered, all other fields are ignored. Valid comparison value can be any repertoire field name.
p_value_threshold (float): The p value threshold to be used by the statistical test.
sequence_batch_size (int): The number of sequences in a batch when comparing sequences across repertoires, typically 100s of thousands.
This does not affect the results of the encoding, only the speed.
repertoire_batch_size (int): How many repertoires will be loaded at once. This does not affect the result of the encoding, only the speed.
This value is a trade-off between the number of repertoires that can fit the RAM at the time and loading time from disk.
YAML specification:
.. indent with spaces
.. code-block:: yaml
- sequence_aas
- v_genes
- j_genes
- chains
- region_types
p_value_threshold: 0.05
sequence_batch_size: 100000
repertoire_batch_size: 32