How to add a new report

Adding an example data report to the immuneML codebase

In this tutorial, we will show how to add a new report to plot sequence length distribution in repertoire datasets. This tutorial assumes you have installed immuneML for development as described at Set up immuneML for development.

Step-by-step tutorial

For this tutorial, we provide a RandomDataPlot (download here or view below), in order to test adding a new Report file to immuneML. This report ignores the input dataset, and generates a scatterplot containing random values.
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as px

from immuneML.data_model.dataset.Dataset import Dataset
from immuneML.reports.ReportOutput import ReportOutput
from immuneML.reports.ReportResult import ReportResult
from immuneML.reports.data_reports.DataReport import DataReport
from immuneML.util.ParameterValidator import ParameterValidator
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder

class RandomDataPlot(DataReport):
    This RandomDataPlot is a placeholder for a real Report.
    It plots some random numbers.

    **Specification arguments:**

    - n_points_to_plot (int): The number of random points to plot.

    **YAML specification:**

    .. indent with spaces
    .. code-block:: yaml

                        n_points_to_plot: 10


    def build_object(cls, **kwargs):
        # Here you may check the values of given user parameters
        # This will ensure immuneML will crash early (upon parsing the specification) if incorrect parameters are specified
        ParameterValidator.assert_type_and_value(kwargs['n_points_to_plot'], int, RandomDataPlot.__name__, 'n_points_to_plot', min_inclusive=1)

        return RandomDataPlot(**kwargs)

    def __init__(self, dataset: Dataset = None, result_path: Path = None, number_of_processes: int = 1, name: str = None,
                 n_points_to_plot: int = None):
        super().__init__(dataset=dataset, result_path=result_path, number_of_processes=number_of_processes, name=name)
        self.n_points_to_plot = n_points_to_plot

    def check_prerequisites(self):
        # Here you may check properties of the dataset (e.g. dataset type), or parameter-dataset compatibility
        # and return False if the prerequisites are incorrect.
        # This will generate a user-friendly error message and ensure immuneML does not crash, but instead skips the report.
        # Note: parameters should be checked in 'build_object'
        return True

    def _generate(self) -> ReportResult:
        df = self._get_random_data()

        # utility function for writing a dataframe to a csv file
        # and creating a ReportOutput object containing the reference
        report_output_table = self._write_output_table(df, self.result_path / 'random_data.csv', name="Random data file")

        # Calling _safe_plot will internally call _plot, but ensure immuneML does not crash if errors occur
        report_output_fig = self._safe_plot(df=df)

        # Ensure output is either None or a list with item (not an empty list or list containing None)
        output_tables = None if report_output_table is None else [report_output_table]
        output_figures = None if report_output_fig is None else [report_output_fig]

        return ReportResult(,
                            info="Some random numbers",

    def _get_random_data(self):
        return pd.DataFrame({"random_data_dim1": np.random.rand(self.n_points_to_plot),
                             "random_data_dim2": np.random.rand(self.n_points_to_plot)})

    def _plot(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> ReportOutput:
        figure = px.scatter(df, x="random_data_dim1", y="random_data_dim2", template="plotly_white")

        file_path = self.result_path / "random_data.html"
        return ReportOutput(path=file_path, name="Random data plot")

  1. Add a new Python package to the data_reports package. This means: a new folder (with meaningful name) containing an empty file.

  2. Add a new class to the data_reports package (other reports types should be placed in the appropriate sub-package of reports). The new class should inherit from the base class DataReport.

  3. If the encoder has any default parameters, they should be added in a default parameters YAML file. This file should be added to the folder config/default_params/reports. The default parameters file is automatically discovered based on the name of the class using the base name converted to snake case, and with an added ‘_params.yaml’ suffix. For the RandomDataPlot, this is random_data_report_params.yaml, which could for example contain the following:

    n_points_to_plot: 10

    In rare cases where classes have unconventional names that do not translate well to CamelCase (e.g., MiXCR, VDJdb), this needs to be accounted for in convert_to_snake_case().

Test running the new report with a YAML specification

If you want to use immuneML directly to test run your report, the YAML example below may be used. This example analysis creates a randomly generated dataset, and runs the RandomDataPlot (which ignores the dataset).

      format: RandomSequenceDataset
        sequence_count: 100

    my_random_report: RandomDataPlot:
      n_points_to_plot: 10

    type: ExploratoryAnalysis
        dataset: my_dataset
        report: my_random_report

Adding a unit test for a Report

Add a unit test for the new RandomDataPlot (download the example testfile or view below)
import os
import shutil
from unittest import TestCase

from immuneML.caching.CacheType import CacheType
from immuneML.environment.Constants import Constants
from immuneML.environment.EnvironmentSettings import EnvironmentSettings
from immuneML.reports.data_reports.RandomDataPlot import RandomDataPlot
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder

class TestRandomDataPlot(TestCase):

    def setUp(self) -> None:
        os.environ[Constants.CACHE_TYPE] =

    def test_random_data_plot(self):
        path = PathBuilder.remove_old_and_build(EnvironmentSettings.tmp_test_path / "random_data_plot")

        params = {"n_points_to_plot": 10}
        report = RandomDataPlot.build_object(**params)

        # make sure to set the 'path' manually
        report.result_path = path

        result = report._generate()

        # ensure result files are generated

        # don't forget to remove the temporary path
  1. Add a new file to data_reports package named

  2. Add a class TestRandomDataPlot that inherits unittest.TestCase to the new file.

  3. Add a function setUp() to set up cache used for testing. This should ensure that the cache location will be set to EnvironmentSettings.tmp_test_path / "cache/"

  4. Define one or more tests for the class and functions you implemented.

    • It is recommended to at least test building and generating the report

    • Mock data is typically used to test new classes. Tip: the RandomDatasetGenerator class can be used to generate Repertoire, Sequence or Receptor datasets with random sequences.

    • If you need to write data to a path (for example test datasets or results), use the following location: EnvironmentSettings.tmp_test_path / "some_unique_foldername"

Implementing a new Report

This section describes tips and tricks for implementing your own new Report from scratch. Detailed instructions of how to implement each method, as well as some special cases, can be found in the Report base class.

The Report type is determined by subclassing one of the following:

  1. DataReport – reports examining some aspect of the dataset (such as sequence length distribution, gene usage)

  2. EncodingReport – shows some aspect of the encoded dataset (such as the feature values of an encoded dataset),

  3. MLReport – shows the characteristics of an inferred machine learning model (such as coefficient values for logistic regression or kernel visualization for CNN)

  4. TrainMLModelReport – show statistics of multiple trained ML models in the TrainMLModelInstruction (such as comparing performance statistics between models, or performance w.r.t. an encoding parameter)

  5. MultiDatasetReport – show statistics when running immuneML with the MultiDatasetBenchmarkTool


Coding conventions and tips

  1. Class names are written in CamelCase

  2. Class methods are writte in snake_case

  3. Abstract base classes MLMethod, DatasetEncoder, and Report, define an interface for their inheriting subclasses. These classes contain abstract methods which should be overwritten.

  4. Class methods starting with _underscore are generally considered “private” methods, only to be called by the class itself. If a method is expected to be called from another class, the method name should not start with an underscore.

  5. When familiarising yourself with existing code, we recommend focusing on public methods. Private methods are typically very unique to a class (internal class-specific calculations), whereas the public methods contain more general functionalities (e.g., returning a main result).

  6. If your class should have any default parameters, they should be defined in a default parameters file under config/default_params/.

  7. Some utility classes are available in the util package to provide useful functionalities. For example, ParameterValidator can be used to check user input and generate error messages, or PathBuilder can be used to add and remove folders.

Determine the type of report

First, it is important to determine what the type of the report is, as this defines which report class should be inherited.

Report types for dataset analysis

If the report will be used to analyze a Dataset (such as a RepertoireDataset), either a DataReport or an EncodingReport should be used. The simplest report is the DataReport, which should typically be used when summarizing some qualities of a dataset. This dataset can be found in the report attribute dataset.

Use the EncodingReport when it is necessary to access the encoded_data attribute of a Dataset. The encoded_data attribute is an instance of a EncodedData class. This report should be used when the data representation first needs to be changed before running the report, either through an existing or a custom encoding (see: How to add a new encoding). For example, the Matches report represents a RepertoireDataset based on matches to a given reference dataset, and must first be encoded using a MatchedSequences, MatchedReceptors or MatchedRegex.

Report types for trained ML model analysis

When the results of an experiment with a machine learning method should be analyzed, an MLReport or TrainMLModelReport should be used. These reports are more advanced and require understanding of the TrainMLModelInstruction. The MLReport should be used when plotting statistics or exporting information about one trained ML model. This report can be executed on any trained ML model (MLMethod subclass object), both in the assessment and selection loop of the TrainMLModel. An MLReport has the following attributes:

  1. train_dataset: a Dataset (e.g., RepertoireDataset) object containing the training data used for the given classifier

  2. test_dataset: similar to train_dataset, but containing the test data

  3. method: the MLMethod object containing trained classifiers for each of the labels.

  4. label: the label that the report is executed for (the same report may be executed several times when training classifiers for multiple labels), can be used to retrieve relevant information from the MLMethod object.

  5. hp_setting: the HPSetting object, containing all information about which preprocessing, encoding, and ML methods were used up to this point. This parameter can usually be ignored unless specific information from previous analysis steps is needed.

In contrast, TrainMLModelReport is used to compare several [optimal] ML models. This report has access to the attribute state: a TrainMLModelState object, containing information that has been collected through the execution of the TrainMLModelInstruction. This includes all datasets, trained models, labels, internal state objects for selection and assessment loops (nested cross-validation), optimal models, and more.

Finally, the MultiDatasetReport is used in rare cases when running immuneML with the MultiDatasetBenchmarkTool. This is an advanced report type and is not typically used. This report type can be used when comparing the performance of classifiers over several datasets and accumulating the results. This report has the attribute instruction_states: a list of several TrainMLModelState objects.

Input and output of the _generate() method

The abstract method _generate() must be implemented, which has the following responsibilities:

  • It should create the report results, for example, compute the data or create the plots that should be returned by the report.

  • It should write the report results to the folder given at the variable self.result_path.

  • It should return a ReportResult object, which contains lists of ReportOutput objects. These ReportOutput objects simply contain the path to a figure, table, text, or another type of result. One report can have multiple outputs, as long as they are all referred to in the returned ReportResult object. This is used to format the summary of the results in the HTML output file.

  • When the main result of the report is a plot, it is good practice to also make the raw data available to the user, for example as a csv file.

Creating plots

The preferred method for plotting data is through plotly, as it creates interactive and rescalable plots in HTML format [recommended] that display nicely in the HTML output file. Alternatively, plots can also be in pdf, png, jpg and svg format.


When plotting data with plotly, we recommend using the following color schemes for consistency: plotly.colors.sequential.Teal, plotly.colors.sequential.Viridis, or plotly.colors.diverging.Tealrose. Additionally, in the most of immuneML plots, ‘plotly_white’ theme is used for the background.

For the overview of color schemes, visit this link. For plotly themes, visit this link.

Checking prerequisites and parameters

New report objects are created by immuneML by calling the build_object() method. This method can take in any custom parameters and should return an instance of the report object. The parameters of the method build_object() can be directly specified in the YAML specification, nested under the report type, for example:

  custom_parameter: “value”

Inside the build_object() method, you can check if the correct parameters are specified and raise an exception when the user input is incorrect (for example using the ParameterValidator utility class). Furthermore, it is possible to resolve more complex input parameters, such as loading reference sequences from an external input file, before passing them to the __init__() method of the report.

It is important to consider whether the method check_prerequisites() should be implemented. This method should return a boolean value describing whether the prerequisites are met, and print a warning message to the user when this condition is false. The report will only be generated when check_prerequisites() returns true. This method should not be used to raise exceptions. Instead, it is used to prevent exceptions from happening during execution, as this might cause lost results. Situations to consider are:

  • When implementing an EncodingReport, use this function to check that the data has been encoded and that the correct encoder has been used.

  • Similarly, when creating an MLReport or TrainMLModelReport, check that the appropriate ML methods have been used.


Please see the Report class for the detailed description of the methods to be implemented.

Specifying different report types in YAML

Custom reports may be defined in the YAML specification under the key ‘definitions’ the same way as any other reports. The easiest way to test run Data reports and Encoding reports is through the ExploratoryAnalysis instruction. They may also be specified in the TrainMLModel instruction in the selection and assessment loop under reports:data_splits and reports:encoding respectively.

ML model reports and Train ML model reports can only be run through the TrainMLModel instruction. ML model reports can be specified inside both the selection and assessment loop under reports:models. Train ML model reports must be specified under reports.

Finally, Multi dataset reports can be specified under benchmark_reports when running the MultiDatasetBenchmarkTool.

The following specification shows the places where Data reports, Encoding reports , ML model reports, and Train ML model reports can be specified:

    my_data_report: MyNewDataReport # example data report without parameters
    my_encoding_report: # example encoding report with a parameter
       parameter: value
    my_ml_report: MyNewMLReport # ml model report
    my_trainml_report: MyNewTrainMLModelReport # train ml model report

      # if you do not have real data to test your report with, consider
      # using a randomly generated dataset, see the documentation:
      # “How to generate a random receptor or repertoire dataset”
      format: RandomRepertoireDataset
          labels: {disease: {True: 0.5, False: 0.5}}
          repertoire_count: 50
    e1: KmerFrequency
    m1: LogisticRegression

  exploratory_instr: # Example of specifying reports in ExploratoryAnalysis
    type: ExploratoryAnalysis
      analysis_1: # Example analysis with data report
        dataset: d1
        report: my_data_report
      analysis_1: # Example analysis with encoding report
        dataset: d1
        encoding: e1
        report: my_encoding_report
        labels: # when running an encoding report, labels must be specified
            - disease

  trainmlmodel_instr: # Example of specifying reports in TrainMLModel instruction
    type: TrainMLModel
      - encoding: e1
        ml_method: m1
    assessment: # running reports in the assessment (outer) loop
        data: # execute before splitting to training/(validation+test)
          - my_data_report
        data_splits: # execute on training and (validation+test) sets
          - my_data_report
          - my_encoding_report
          - my_ml_report
    selection: # running reports in the selection (inner) loop
        data: # execute before splitting to validation/test
          - my_data_report
        data_splits: # execute on validation and test sets
          - my_data_report
          - my_encoding_report
          - my_ml_report
      - my_trainml_report
      - disease

Class documentation standards for reports

Class documentation should be added as a docstring to all new Encoder, MLMethod, Report or Preprocessing classes. The class docstrings are used to automatically generate the documentation web pages, using Sphinx reStructuredText, and should adhere to a standard format:

  1. A short, general description of the functionality

  2. Optional extended description, including any references or specific cases that should bee considered. For instance: if a class can only be used for a particular dataset type. Compatibility between Encoders, MLMethods and Reports should also be described.

  3. For encoders, the appropriate dataset type(s). For example:

    **Dataset type:**
    - SequenceDatasets
    - RepertoireDatasets
  4. A list of arguments, when applicable. This should follow the format below:

    **Specification arguments:**
    - parameter_name (type): a short description
    - other_paramer_name (type): a short description
  5. A YAML snippet, to show an example of how the new component should be called. Make sure to test your YAML snippet in an immuneML run to ensure it is specified correctly. The following formatting should be used to ensure the YAML snippet is rendered correctly:

    **YAML specification:**
    .. indent with spaces
    .. code-block:: yaml
            yaml_keyword: # could be encodings/ml_methods/reports/etc...
                        parameter_name: 0
                        other_paramer_name: 1
Click to view a full example of Report class documentation.
This RandomDataPlot is a placeholder for a real Report.
It plots some random numbers.

**Specification arguments:**

- n_points_to_plot (int): The number of random points to plot.

**YAML specification:**

.. indent with spaces
.. code-block:: yaml

                    n_points_to_plot: 10