Manuscript use case 3: Benchmarking ML methods on ground-truth synthetic data¶
In this use case, we show that immuneML can be used for benchmarking ML methods and encodings. To do this, we first simulate ground-truth synthetic adaptive immune repertoires, then implant known disease signals in these repertoires of varying difficulties, and finally perform a benchmarking.
The complete collection of original files used in this use case can be found in the NIRD research data archive (DOI: 10.11582/2021.00005). Note that the YAML specifications in the original dataset were compatible with immuneML version 0.0.91. This documentation page contains the YAML specifications for equivalent analyses with the latest immuneML version (last tested with version 1.1.3).
Generating synthetic immune repertoires with OLGA¶
We start by generating 2000 repertoires each containing 100000 amino acid sequences using OLGA. When OLGA is installed (see: OLGA GitHub page), the following piece of bash code can be used for this purpose:
for i in {1..2000}
echo "###### Repertoire $i"
olga-generate_sequences --humanIGH -o rep_$i.tsv -n 1e5 --seed=$i
Next, we can make a metadata file referring to all these repertoires using this piece of bash code:
echo "filename,subject_id" > metadata.csv
for i in {1..2000}
echo "rep_$i.tsv,$i" >> metadata.csv
Simulating immune signals into the immune repertoires¶
In immuneML version 3, the old Simulation instruction has been replaced by LIgO (LigoSim instruction). To run the YAML specification below and exactly reproduce the original simulation results, an older immuneML version (2.x or lower) should be used.
Next, five different immune signals are implanted in the 2000 immune repertoires. To read about immune signal simulation in more detail, see this tutorial in the old documentation:
The implanted immune signals are of increasing complexity:
label 1: consists of one 3-mer,
label 2: consists of 20 3-mers
label 3: consists of 20 3-mers with gaps. The gap is alternating between positions
label 4: consists of 20 3-mers, but when implanting a 3-mer into a sequence, there is a 50% chance that one of its amino acids is randomly replaced with a different amino acid (hamming distance = 1)
label 5: consists of 20 3-mers combining both gaps and hamming distance as described for labels 3 and 4
The 3-mers for each label were randomly generated by choosing amino acids from a uniform distribution. Each label is implanted in half the repertoires, but the labels are not biased to occur together (each combination of two labels occurs in a quarter of the repertoires). When a label is implanted in a repertoire, it is implanted in 0.1% of the sequences. The kmers are implanted in a sequence starting at an IMGT position in the range [109, 112] (the middle of the CDR3 sequence), to make sure the conserved patterns near the beginning and end of the CDR3 sequence are not broken.
The following YAML specification represents how the immune signals were implanted in the 2000 repertoires, given that
the 2000 repertoires and metadata file generated in the previous step are located at path/to/olga_data/
definitions: datasets: olga2000: format: OLGA params: is_repertoire: true path: path/to/olga_data/ metadata_file: path/to/olga_data/metadata.csv motifs: label1_motif1: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: YYG label2_motif1: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: RRS label2_motif10: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: NHE label2_motif11: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: VDY label2_motif12: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: KFA label2_motif13: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: VLR label2_motif14: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: ILT label2_motif15: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: RIT label2_motif16: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: CYT label2_motif17: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: YII label2_motif18: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: WLL label2_motif19: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: FQP label2_motif2: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: NQV label2_motif20: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: YLG label2_motif3: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: GYD label2_motif4: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: RIH label2_motif5: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: QHY label2_motif6: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: FSR label2_motif7: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: EGS label2_motif8: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: YVS label2_motif9: instantiation: GappedKmer seed: CRC label3_motif1: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: RN/E label3_motif10: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: M/NA label3_motif11: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: TS/Y label3_motif12: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: Y/YV label3_motif13: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: PP/K label3_motif14: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: D/ME label3_motif15: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: SY/P label3_motif16: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: V/NI label3_motif17: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: YA/P label3_motif18: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: E/KT label3_motif19: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: MY/R label3_motif2: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: D/IW label3_motif20: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: N/DT label3_motif3: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: IV/V label3_motif4: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: T/CT label3_motif5: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: EF/C label3_motif6: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: N/IV label3_motif7: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: RE/Q label3_motif8: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: I/SM label3_motif9: instantiation: GappedKmer: max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: RD/H label4_motif1: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: FQA label4_motif10: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: RVY label4_motif11: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: LPH label4_motif12: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: PVW label4_motif13: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: PSI label4_motif14: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: FND label4_motif15: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: WRP label4_motif16: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: SVP label4_motif17: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: LDV label4_motif18: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: QTR label4_motif19: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: MYN label4_motif2: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: ASF label4_motif20: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: HFR label4_motif3: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: VPA label4_motif4: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: DHE label4_motif5: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: KTT label4_motif6: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: RKG label4_motif7: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: QIA label4_motif8: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: RND label4_motif9: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 seed: YWI label5_motif1: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: RK/Q label5_motif10: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: M/AF label5_motif11: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: TY/C label5_motif12: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: R/TA label5_motif13: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: PV/G label5_motif14: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: I/MR label5_motif15: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: FT/R label5_motif16: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: N/YV label5_motif17: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: PH/W label5_motif18: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: M/KC label5_motif19: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: QL/S label5_motif2: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: M/NS label5_motif20: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: E/VI label5_motif3: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: LR/N label5_motif4: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: V/HM label5_motif5: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: TV/V label5_motif6: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: S/PD label5_motif7: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: IW/M label5_motif8: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: P/QN label5_motif9: instantiation: GappedKmer: hamming_distance_probabilities: 0: 0.5 1: 0.5 max_gap: 1 min_gap: 0 seed: YK/R signals: label1: implanting: HealthySequence motifs: - label1_motif1 sequence_position_weights: 109: 1 110: 1 111: 1 112: 1 label2: implanting: HealthySequence motifs: - label2_motif1 - label2_motif2 - label2_motif3 - label2_motif4 - label2_motif5 - label2_motif6 - label2_motif7 - label2_motif8 - label2_motif9 - label2_motif10 - label2_motif11 - label2_motif12 - label2_motif13 - label2_motif14 - label2_motif15 - label2_motif16 - label2_motif17 - label2_motif18 - label2_motif19 - label2_motif20 sequence_position_weights: 109: 1 110: 1 111: 1 112: 1 label3: implanting: HealthySequence motifs: - label3_motif1 - label3_motif2 - label3_motif3 - label3_motif4 - label3_motif5 - label3_motif6 - label3_motif7 - label3_motif8 - label3_motif9 - label3_motif10 - label3_motif11 - label3_motif12 - label3_motif13 - label3_motif14 - label3_motif15 - label3_motif16 - label3_motif17 - label3_motif18 - label3_motif19 - label3_motif20 sequence_position_weights: 109: 1 110: 1 111: 1 112: 1 label4: implanting: HealthySequence motifs: - label4_motif1 - label4_motif2 - label4_motif3 - label4_motif4 - label4_motif5 - label4_motif6 - label4_motif7 - label4_motif8 - label4_motif9 - label4_motif10 - label4_motif11 - label4_motif12 - label4_motif13 - label4_motif14 - label4_motif15 - label4_motif16 - label4_motif17 - label4_motif18 - label4_motif19 - label4_motif20 sequence_position_weights: 109: 1 110: 1 111: 1 112: 1 label5: implanting: HealthySequence motifs: - label5_motif1 - label5_motif2 - label5_motif3 - label5_motif4 - label5_motif5 - label5_motif6 - label5_motif7 - label5_motif8 - label5_motif9 - label5_motif10 - label5_motif11 - label5_motif12 - label5_motif13 - label5_motif14 - label5_motif15 - label5_motif16 - label5_motif17 - label5_motif18 - label5_motif19 - label5_motif20 sequence_position_weights: 109: 1 110: 1 111: 1 112: 1 simulations: sim1: i1: dataset_implanting_rate: 0.125 repertoire_implanting_rate: 0.001 signals: - label1 - label2 - label3 i2: dataset_implanting_rate: 0.125 repertoire_implanting_rate: 0.001 signals: - label1 - label2 - label5 i3: dataset_implanting_rate: 0.125 repertoire_implanting_rate: 0.001 signals: - label1 - label3 - label4 - label5 i4: dataset_implanting_rate: 0.125 repertoire_implanting_rate: 0.001 signals: - label1 - label4 i5: dataset_implanting_rate: 0.125 repertoire_implanting_rate: 0.001 signals: - label2 - label3 - label4 i6: dataset_implanting_rate: 0.125 repertoire_implanting_rate: 0.001 signals: - label2 - label4 - label5 i7: dataset_implanting_rate: 0.125 repertoire_implanting_rate: 0.001 signals: - label3 - label5 instructions: inst1: dataset: olga2000 export_formats: - AIRR - ImmuneML simulation: sim1 type: Simulation output: format: HTML
Benchmarking ML methods and encodings¶
Finally, we use the above-generated dataset with implanted disease signals for a benchmarking. We benchmark three different shallow ML methods: logistic regression, support vector machines and random forest. Each of these ML methods is combined with k-mer frequency encodings based on 3-mers and 4-mers. Because we use a ground truth benchmarking dataset where the true implanted signals are known, we use the MotifSeedRecovery report to show how well the k-mers recovered by the ML methods overlap with the k-mers that we originally implanted.
The YAML specification below shows the settings that were used for the benchmarking. We assume that the dataset
with simulated signals can be found at path/to/simulated_data/olga2000.yaml
Alternatively, you may want to use the AIRR files ( that were produced in the original use case, which can be downloaded
from the NIRD research data archive (DOI: 10.11582/2021.00005).
In this case, uncomment the lines for AIRR import and remove the lines for ImmuneML import.
definitions: datasets: d1: format: ImmuneML params: path: path/to/simulated_data/olga2000.yaml #d1: #format: AIRR #params: #is_repertoire: true #path: path/to/airr/repertoires/ #metadata_file: path/to/airr/metadata.csv encodings: 3mer: KmerFrequency: k: 3 scale_to_unit_variance: true scale_to_zero_mean: true 4mer: KmerFrequency: k: 4 scale_to_unit_variance: true scale_to_zero_mean: true ml_methods: LR: LogisticRegression: C: - 0.01 - 0.1 - 1 - 10 - 100 class_weight: - balanced max_iter: - 1000 penalty: - l1 model_selection_cv: true model_selection_n_folds: 3 RF: RandomForestClassifier: n_estimators: - 5 - 10 - 50 - 100 model_selection_cv: true model_selection_n_folds: 3 SVM: SVC: C: - 0.01 - 0.1 - 1 - 10 - 100 class_weight: - balanced max_iter: - 1000 penalty: - l1 dual: False model_selection_cv: true model_selection_n_folds: 3 reports: coefs: Coefficients: coefs_to_plot: - n_largest n_largest: - 25 name: coefs hp_report: MLSettingsPerformance: name: hp_report single_axis_labels: False seeds: MotifSeedRecovery: gap_sizes: - 1 hamming_distance: false implanted_motifs_per_label: signal_label1: gap_sizes: - 0 hamming_distance: false seeds: - YYG signal_label2: gap_sizes: - 0 hamming_distance: false seeds: - RRS - NHE - VDY - KFA - VLR - ILT - RIT - CYT - YII - WLL - FQP - NQV - YLG - GYD - RIH - QHY - FSR - EGS - YVS - CRC signal_label3: gap_sizes: - 0 - 1 hamming_distance: false seeds: - RN/E - M/NA - TS/Y - Y/YV - PP/K - D/ME - SY/P - V/NI - YA/P - E/KT - MY/R - D/IW - N/DT - IV/V - T/CT - EF/C - N/IV - RE/Q - I/SM - RD/H signal_label4: gap_sizes: - 0 hamming_distance: true seeds: - FQA - RVY - LPH - PVW - PSI - FND - WRP - SVP - LDV - QTR - MYN - ASF - HFR - VPA - DHE - KTT - RKG - QIA - RND - YWI signal_label5: gap_sizes: - 0 - 1 hamming_distance: true seeds: - RK/Q - M/AF - TY/C - R/TA - PV/G - I/MR - FT/R - N/YV - PH/W - QL/S - M/NS - E/VI - LR/N - V/HM - TV/V - S/PD - IW/M - P/QN - YK/R name: seeds instructions: inst1: dataset: d1 labels: - signal_label1 - signal_label2 - signal_label3 - signal_label4 - signal_label5 assessment: reports: models: - coefs - seeds split_count: 3 split_strategy: random training_percentage: 0.7 selection: split_count: 1 split_strategy: random training_percentage: 0.7 metrics: - accuracy - balanced_accuracy optimization_metric: balanced_accuracy settings: - encoding: 3mer ml_method: SVM - encoding: 3mer ml_method: LR - encoding: 3mer ml_method: RF - encoding: 4mer ml_method: SVM - encoding: 4mer ml_method: LR - encoding: 4mer ml_method: RF reports: - hp_report refit_optimal_model: false number_of_processes: 32 strategy: GridSearch type: TrainMLModel output: format: HTML
When benchmarking the three ML methods (logistic regression (LR), support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF)) in combination with two encodings (3-mer and 4-mer encoding) using the synthetic datset with ground-truth disease signals, we show that the classification performance drops as the immune event complexity increases:

The classification performance for the most simple immune signal (signal 1) is highest, while for the most complex immune signal (signal 5) it is lowest.¶
Furthermore, when comparing the feature coefficient sizes with how well these features represent the ground-truth signals, it was found that models with a good classification performance were indeed able to recover the ground-truth signals (here only shown for immune signals 1 and 5, for data split 1).

The benchmarking use case model coefficients and motif recovery, where the repertoire data is represented by 3-mer amino acid frequencies. Two immune events are shown. Immune event 1 (A, B) is the simplest event simulated by implanting a single 3-mer, while the immune event 5 (C, D) is the most complex one simulated by implanting 20 motifs consisting of a 3-mer with a 50% chance of having a gap and 50% chance of having a Hamming distance of 1. A. The 25 largest coefficients of the logistic regression model, feature importances on random forest model, and coefficients of the support vector machine (SVM) model. The highest value of the coefficients corresponds to the implanted motif. B. Coefficient values for the features depending on the overlap between the recovered features that overlap with the implanted motif, measuring how well the recovered motifs correspond to the implanted motif, shown across the three ML models. C. The 25 largest coefficients and feature importances for the ML models trained on immune event 5. D. Overlap of recovered and implanted motifs for the ML models trained on immune event 5. Motif recovery for immune event 5 is less effective than for immune event 1.¶