immuneML.encodings.reference_encoding package¶
immuneML.encodings.reference_encoding.MatchedReceptorsEncoder module¶
- class immuneML.encodings.reference_encoding.MatchedReceptorsEncoder.MatchedReceptorsEncoder(reference: List[Receptor], max_edit_distances: dict, reads: ReadsType, sum_matches: bool, normalize: bool, name: str = None)[source]¶
Encodes the dataset based on the matches between a dataset containing unpaired (single chain) data, and a paired reference receptor dataset. For each paired reference receptor, the frequency of either chain in the dataset is counted.
This encoding can be used in combination with the Matches report.
When sum_matches and normalize are set to True, this encoder behaves similarly as described in: Yao, Y. et al. ‘T cell receptor repertoire as a potential diagnostic marker for celiac disease’. Clinical Immunology Volume 222 (January 2021): 108621. with the only exception being that this encoder uses paired receptors, while the original publication used single sequences (see also: MatchedSequences encoder).
Dataset type:
Specification arguments:
reference (dict): A dictionary describing the reference dataset file. Import should be specified the same way as regular dataset import. It is only allowed to import a receptor dataset here (i.e., is_repertoire is False and paired is True by default, and these are not allowed to be changed).
max_edit_distances (dict): A dictionary specifying the maximum edit distance between a target sequence (from the repertoire) and the reference sequence. A maximum distance can be specified per chain, for example to allow for less strict matching of TCR alpha and BCR light chains. When only an integer is specified, this distance is applied to all possible chains.
reads (
): Reads type signify whether the counts of the sequences in the repertoire will be taken into account. IfUNIQUE
, only unique sequences (clonotypes) are counted, and ifALL
, the sequence ‘count’ value is summed when determining the number of matches. The default value for reads is all.sum_matches (bool): When sum_matches is False, the resulting encoded data matrix contains multiple columns with the number of matches per reference receptor chain. When sum_matches is true, the columns representing each of the two chains are summed together, meaning that there are only two aggregated sums of matches (one per chain) per repertoire in the encoded data. To use this encoder in combination with the Matches report, sum_matches must be set to False. When sum_matches is set to True, this encoder behaves similarly to the encoder described by Yao, Y. et al. By default, sum_matches is False.
normalize (bool): If True, the chain matches are divided by the total number of unique receptors in the repertoire (when reads = unique) or the total number of reads in the repertoire (when reads = all).
YAML specification:
definitions: encodings: my_mr_encoding: MatchedReceptors: reference: format: VDJdb params: path: path/to/file.txt max_edit_distances: TRA: 1 TRB: 0
- static build_object(dataset=None, **params)[source]¶
Creates an instance of the relevant subclass of the DatasetEncoder class using the given parameters. This method will be called during parsing time (early in the immuneML run), such that parameters and dataset type can be tested here.
The build_object method should do the following:
Check parameters: immuneML should crash if wrong user parameters are specified. The ParameterValidator utility class may be used for parameter testing.
Check the dataset type: immuneML should crash if the wrong dataset type is specified for this encoder. For example, DeepRCEncoder should only work for RepertoireDatasets and crash if the dataset is of another type.
Create an instance of the correct Encoder class, using the given parameters. Return this object. Some encoders have different subclasses depending on the dataset type. Make sure to return an instance of the correct subclass. For instance: KmerFrequencyEncoder has different subclasses for each dataset type. When the dataset is a Repertoire dataset, KmerFreqRepertoireEncoder should be returned.
- Parameters:
**params – keyword arguments that will be provided by users in the specification (if immuneML is used as a command line tool) or in the dictionary when calling the method from the code, and which should be used to create the Encoder object
- Returns:
the object of the appropriate Encoder class
- dataset_mapping = {'RepertoireDataset': 'MatchedReceptorsRepertoireEncoder'}¶
- encode(dataset, params: EncoderParams)[source]¶
This is the main encoding method of the Encoder. It takes in a given dataset, computes an EncodedData object, and returns a copy of the dataset with the attached EncodedData object.
- Parameters:
dataset – A dataset object (Sequence, Receptor or RepertoireDataset)
params – An EncoderParams object containing few utility parameters which may be used during encoding (e.g., number of parallel processes to use).
- Returns:
A copy of the original dataset, with an EncodedData object added to the dataset.encoded_data field.
immuneML.encodings.reference_encoding.MatchedReferenceUtil module¶
immuneML.encodings.reference_encoding.MatchedRegexEncoder module¶
- class immuneML.encodings.reference_encoding.MatchedRegexEncoder.MatchedRegexEncoder(motif_filepath: Path, match_v_genes: bool, reads: ReadsType, chains: list, name: str = None)[source]¶
Encodes the dataset based on the matches between a RepertoireDataset and a collection of regular expressions. For each regular expression, the number of sequences in the RepertoireDataset containing the expression is counted. This can also be used to count how often a subsequence occurs in a RepertoireDataset.
The regular expressions are defined per chain, and it is possible to require a V gene match in addition to the CDR3 sequence containing the regular expression.
This encoding can be used in combination with the Matches report.
Dataset type:
Specification arguments:
match_v_genes (bool): Whether V gene matches are required. If this is True, a match is only counted if the V gene matches the gene specified in the motif input file. By default match_v_genes is False.
reads (
): Reads type signify whether the counts of the sequences in the repertoire will be taken into account. IfUNIQUE
, only unique sequences (clonotypes) are counted, and ifALL
, the sequence ‘count’ value is summed when determining the number of matches. The default value for reads is all.motif_filepath (str): The path to the motif input file. This should be a tab separated file containing a column named ‘id’ and for every chain that should be matched a column containing the regex (<chain>_regex) and a column containing the V gene (<chain>V) if match_v_genes is True. The chains are specified by their three-letter code, see
In the simplest case, when counting the number of occurrences of a given list of k-mers in TRB sequences, the contents of the motif file could look like this:
It is also possible to test whether paired regular expressions occur in the dataset (for example: regular expressions matching both a TRA chain and a TRB chain) by specifying them on the same line. In a more complex case where both paired and unpaired regular expressions are specified, in addition to matching the V genes, the contents of the motif file could look like this:
YAML specification:
definitions: encodings: my_mr_encoding: MatchedRegex: motif_filepath: path/to/file.txt match_v_genes: True reads: unique
- static build_object(dataset=None, **params)[source]¶
Creates an instance of the relevant subclass of the DatasetEncoder class using the given parameters. This method will be called during parsing time (early in the immuneML run), such that parameters and dataset type can be tested here.
The build_object method should do the following:
Check parameters: immuneML should crash if wrong user parameters are specified. The ParameterValidator utility class may be used for parameter testing.
Check the dataset type: immuneML should crash if the wrong dataset type is specified for this encoder. For example, DeepRCEncoder should only work for RepertoireDatasets and crash if the dataset is of another type.
Create an instance of the correct Encoder class, using the given parameters. Return this object. Some encoders have different subclasses depending on the dataset type. Make sure to return an instance of the correct subclass. For instance: KmerFrequencyEncoder has different subclasses for each dataset type. When the dataset is a Repertoire dataset, KmerFreqRepertoireEncoder should be returned.
- Parameters:
**params – keyword arguments that will be provided by users in the specification (if immuneML is used as a command line tool) or in the dictionary when calling the method from the code, and which should be used to create the Encoder object
- Returns:
the object of the appropriate Encoder class
- dataset_mapping = {'RepertoireDataset': 'MatchedRegexRepertoireEncoder'}¶
- encode(dataset, params: EncoderParams)[source]¶
This is the main encoding method of the Encoder. It takes in a given dataset, computes an EncodedData object, and returns a copy of the dataset with the attached EncodedData object.
- Parameters:
dataset – A dataset object (Sequence, Receptor or RepertoireDataset)
params – An EncoderParams object containing few utility parameters which may be used during encoding (e.g., number of parallel processes to use).
- Returns:
A copy of the original dataset, with an EncodedData object added to the dataset.encoded_data field.
immuneML.encodings.reference_encoding.MatchedRegexRepertoireEncoder module¶
- class immuneML.encodings.reference_encoding.MatchedRegexRepertoireEncoder.MatchedRegexRepertoireEncoder(motif_filepath: Path, match_v_genes: bool, reads: ReadsType, chains: list, name: str = None)[source]¶
immuneML.encodings.reference_encoding.MatchedSequencesEncoder module¶
- class immuneML.encodings.reference_encoding.MatchedSequencesEncoder.MatchedSequencesEncoder(max_edit_distance: int, reference: List[ReceptorSequence], reads: ReadsType, sum_matches: bool, normalize: bool, output_count_as_feature: bool = False, name: str = None)[source]¶
Encodes the dataset based on the matches between a RepertoireDataset and a reference sequence dataset.
This encoding can be used in combination with the Matches report.
When sum_matches and normalize are set to True, this encoder behaves as described in: Yao, Y. et al. ‘T cell receptor repertoire as a potential diagnostic marker for celiac disease’. Clinical Immunology Volume 222 (January 2021): 108621.
Dataset type:
Specification arguments:
reference (dict): A dictionary describing the reference dataset file. Import should be specified the same way as regular dataset import. It is only allowed to import a sequence dataset here (i.e., is_repertoire and paired are False by default, and are not allowed to be set to True).
max_edit_distance (int): The maximum edit distance between a target sequence (from the repertoire) and the reference sequence.
reads (
): Reads type signify whether the counts of the sequences in the repertoire will be taken into account. IfUNIQUE
, only unique sequences (clonotypes) are counted, and ifALL
, the sequence ‘count’ value is summed when determining the number of matches. The default value for reads is all.sum_matches (bool): When sum_matches is False, the resulting encoded data matrix contains multiple columns with the number of matches per reference sequence. When sum_matches is true, all columns are summed together, meaning that there is only one aggregated sum of matches per repertoire in the encoded data. To use this encoder in combination with the Matches report, sum_matches must be set to False. When sum_matches is set to True, this encoder behaves as described by Yao, Y. et al. By default, sum_matches is False.
normalize (bool): If True, the sequence matches are divided by the total number of unique sequences in the repertoire (when reads = unique) or the total number of reads in the repertoire (when reads = all).
output_count_as_feature: if True, the encoded repertoire is represented by the matches, and by the total number of sequences (or reads) in the repertoire, as defined by reads parameter above; by default this is False
YAML specification:
definitions: encodings: my_ms_encoding: MatchedSequences: reference: format: VDJDB params: path: path/to/file.txt max_edit_distance: 1
- static build_object(dataset=None, **params)[source]¶
Creates an instance of the relevant subclass of the DatasetEncoder class using the given parameters. This method will be called during parsing time (early in the immuneML run), such that parameters and dataset type can be tested here.
The build_object method should do the following:
Check parameters: immuneML should crash if wrong user parameters are specified. The ParameterValidator utility class may be used for parameter testing.
Check the dataset type: immuneML should crash if the wrong dataset type is specified for this encoder. For example, DeepRCEncoder should only work for RepertoireDatasets and crash if the dataset is of another type.
Create an instance of the correct Encoder class, using the given parameters. Return this object. Some encoders have different subclasses depending on the dataset type. Make sure to return an instance of the correct subclass. For instance: KmerFrequencyEncoder has different subclasses for each dataset type. When the dataset is a Repertoire dataset, KmerFreqRepertoireEncoder should be returned.
- Parameters:
**params – keyword arguments that will be provided by users in the specification (if immuneML is used as a command line tool) or in the dictionary when calling the method from the code, and which should be used to create the Encoder object
- Returns:
the object of the appropriate Encoder class
- encode(dataset, params: EncoderParams)[source]¶
This is the main encoding method of the Encoder. It takes in a given dataset, computes an EncodedData object, and returns a copy of the dataset with the attached EncodedData object.
- Parameters:
dataset – A dataset object (Sequence, Receptor or RepertoireDataset)
params – An EncoderParams object containing few utility parameters which may be used during encoding (e.g., number of parallel processes to use).
- Returns:
A copy of the original dataset, with an EncodedData object added to the dataset.encoded_data field.