Encoding parameters

Under the definitions/encodings component, the user can specify how to encode a given dataset. An encoding is a numerical data representation, which may be used as input for a machine learning algorithm.


Represents a repertoire through Atchley factors and relative abundance of k-mers. Should be used in combination with the AtchleyKmerMILClassifier.

For more details, see the original publication: Ostmeyer J, Christley S, Toby IT, Cowell LG. Biophysicochemical motifs in T cell receptor sequences distinguish repertoires from tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and adjacent healthy tissue. Cancer Res. Published online January 1, 2019:canres.2292.2018. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-2292 .

Note that sequences in the repertoire with length shorter than skip_first_n_aa + skip_last_n_aa + k will not be encoded.

Dataset type:

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • k (int): k-mer length

  • skip_first_n_aa (int): number of amino acids to remove from the beginning of the receptor sequence

  • skip_last_n_aa (int): number of amino acids to remove from the end of the receptor sequence

  • abundance: how to compute abundance term for k-mers; valid values are RELATIVE_ABUNDANCE, TCRB_RELATIVE_ABUNDANCE.

  • normalize_all_features (bool): when normalizing features to have 0 mean and unit variance, this parameter indicates if the abundance feature should be included in the normalization

YAML specification:

                k: 4
                skip_first_n_aa: 3
                skip_last_n_aa: 3
                abundance: RELATIVE_ABUNDANCE
                normalize_all_features: False


Encodes a given RepertoireDataset as a distance matrix, using the Morisita-Horn distance metric. Internally, CompAIRR is used for fast calculation of overlap between repertoires. This creates a pairwise distance matrix between each of the repertoires. The distance is calculated based on the number of matching receptor chain sequences between the repertoires. This matching may be defined to permit 1 or 2 mismatching amino acid/nucleotide positions and 1 indel in the sequence. Furthermore, matching may or may not include V and J gene information, and sequence frequencies may be included or ignored.

When mismatches (differences and indels) are allowed, the Morisita-Horn similarity may exceed 1. In this case, the Morisita-Horn distance (= similarity - 1) is set to 0 to avoid negative distance scores.

Dataset type:

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • compairr_path (Path): optional path to the CompAIRR executable. If not given, it is assumed that CompAIRR has been installed such that it can be called directly on the command line with the command ‘compairr’, or that it is located at /usr/local/bin/compairr.

  • keep_compairr_input (bool): whether to keep the input file that was passed to CompAIRR. This may take a lot of storage space if the input dataset is large. By default, the input file is not kept.

  • differences (int): Number of differences allowed between the sequences of two immune receptor chains, this may be between 0 and 2. By default, differences is 0.

  • indels (bool): Whether to allow an indel. This is only possible if differences is 1. By default, indels is False.

  • ignore_counts (bool): Whether to ignore the frequencies of the immune receptor chains. If False, frequencies will be included, meaning the ‘counts’ values for the receptors available in two repertoires are multiplied. If False, only the number of unique overlapping immune receptors (‘clones’) are considered. By default, ignore_counts is False.

  • ignore_genes (bool): Whether to ignore V and J gene information. If False, the V and J genes between two receptor chains have to match. If True, gene information is ignored. By default, ignore_genes is False.

  • threads (int): The number of threads to use for parallelization. Default is 8.

YAML specification:

                compairr_path: optional/path/to/compairr
                differences: 0
                indels: False
                ignore_counts: False
                ignore_genes: False


This encoder works similarly to the SequenceAbundanceEncoder, but internally uses CompAIRR to accelerate core computations.

This encoder represents the repertoires as vectors where:

  • the first element corresponds to the number of label-associated clonotypes

  • the second element is the total number of unique clonotypes

To determine what clonotypes (amino acid sequences with or without matching V/J genes) are label-associated, Fisher’s exact test (one-sided) is used.

The encoder also writes out files containing the contingency table used for fisher’s exact test, the resulting p-values, and the significantly abundant sequences (use RelevantSequenceExporter to export these sequences in AIRR format).

Reference: Emerson, Ryan O. et al. ‘Immunosequencing Identifies Signatures of Cytomegalovirus Exposure History and HLA-Mediated Effects on the T Cell Repertoire’. Nature Genetics 49, no. 5 (May 2017): 659–65. doi.org/10.1038/ng.3822.

Note: to use this encoder, it is necessary to explicitly define the positive class for the label when defining the label in the instruction. With positive class defined, it can then be determined which sequences are indicative of the positive class. See Reproduction of the CMV status predictions study for an example using SequenceAbundanceEncoder.

Dataset type:

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • p_value_threshold (float): The p value threshold to be used by the statistical test.

  • compairr_path (Path): optional path to the CompAIRR executable. If not given, it is assumed that CompAIRR has been installed such that it can be called directly on the command line with the command ‘compairr’, or that it is located at /usr/local/bin/compairr.

  • ignore_genes (bool): Whether to ignore V and J gene information. If False, the V and J genes between two receptor chains have to match. If True, gene information is ignored. By default, ignore_genes is False.

  • sequence_batch_size (int): The number of sequences in a batch when comparing sequences across repertoires, typically 100s of thousands. This does not affect the results of the encoding, but may affect the speed and memory usage. The default value is 1.000.000

  • threads (int): The number of threads to use for parallelization. This does not affect the results of the encoding, only the speed. The default number of threads is 8.

  • keep_temporary_files (bool): whether to keep temporary files, including CompAIRR input, output and log files, and the sequence presence matrix. This may take a lot of storage space if the input dataset is large. By default, temporary files are not kept.

YAML specification:

                compairr_path: optional/path/to/compairr
                p_value_threshold: 0.05
                ignore_genes: False
                threads: 8


DeepRCEncoder should be used in combination with the DeepRC ML method (DeepRC). This encoder writes the data in a RepertoireDataset to .tsv files. For each repertoire, one .tsv file is created containing the amino acid sequences and the counts. Additionally, one metadata .tsv file is created, which describes the subset of repertoires that is encoded by a given instance of the DeepRCEncoder.

Note: sequences where count is None, the count value will be set to 1

Dataset type:

  • RepertoireDatasets

YAML specification:

        my_deeprc_encoder: DeepRC


Encodes a given RepertoireDataset as distance matrix, where the pairwise distance between each of the repertoires is calculated. The distance is calculated based on the presence/absence of elements defined under attributes_to_match. Thus, if attributes_to_match contains only ‘sequence_aas’, this means the distance between two repertoires is maximal if they contain the same set of sequence_aas, and the distance is minimal if none of the sequence_aas are shared between two repertoires.

Specification arguments:

  • distance_metric (DistanceMetricType): The metric used to calculate the distance between two repertoires. Valid values are: JACCARD, MORISITA_HORN. The default distance metric is JACCARD (inverse Jaccard).

  • sequence_batch_size (int): The number of sequences to be processed at once. Increasing this number increases the memory use. The default value is 1000.

  • attributes_to_match (list): The attributes to consider when determining whether a sequence is present in both repertoires. Only the fields defined under attributes_to_match will be considered, all other fields are ignored. Valid values include any repertoire attribute as defined in AIRR rearrangement schema (cdr3_aa, v_call, j_call, etc).

YAML specification:

                distance_metric: JACCARD
                sequence_batch_size: 1000
                    - cdr3_aa
                    - v_call
                    - j_call


The EvennessProfileEncoder class encodes a repertoire based on the clonal frequency distribution. The evenness for a given repertoire is defined as follows:

\[^{\alpha} \mathrm{E}(\mathrm{f})=\frac{\left(\sum_{\mathrm{i}=1}^{\mathrm{n}} \mathrm{f}_{\mathrm{i}}^{\alpha}\right)^{\frac{1}{1-\alpha}}}{\mathrm{n}}\]

That is, it is the exponential of Renyi entropy at a given alpha divided by the species richness, or number of unique sequences.

Reference: Greiff et al. (2015). A bioinformatic framework for immune repertoire diversity profiling enables detection of immunological status. Genome Medicine, 7(1), 49. doi.org/10.1186/s13073-015-0169-8

Dataset type:

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • min_alpha (float): minimum alpha value to use

  • max_alpha (float): maximum alpha value to use

  • dimension (int): dimension of output evenness profile vector, or the number of alpha values to linearly space between min_alpha and max_alpha

YAML specification:

                min_alpha: 0
                max_alpha: 10
                dimension: 51


This encoder is related to the SequenceAbundanceEncoder, but identifies label-associated subsequences (k-mers) instead of full label-associated sequences.

This encoder represents the repertoires as vectors where:

  • the first element corresponds to the number of label-associated k-mers found in a repertoire

  • the second element is the total number of unique k-mers per repertoire

The label-associated k-mers are determined based on a one-sided Fisher’s exact test.

The encoder also writes out files containing the contingency table used for fisher’s exact test, the resulting p-values, and the significantly abundant k-mers.

Note: to use this encoder, it is necessary to explicitly define the positive class for the label when defining the label in the instruction. With positive class defined, it can then be determined which sequences are indicative of the positive class. See Reproduction of the CMV status predictions study for an example using SequenceAbundanceEncoder.

Dataset type:

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • p_value_threshold (float): The p value threshold to be used by the statistical test.

  • sequence_encoding (SequenceEncodingType): The type of k-mers that are used. The simplest (default) sequence_encoding is CONTINUOUS_KMER, which uses contiguous subsequences of length k to represent the k-mers. When gapped k-mers are used (GAPPED_KMER, GAPPED_KMER), the k-mers may contain gaps with a size between min_gap and max_gap, and the k-mer length is defined as a combination of k_left and k_right. When IMGT k-mers are used (IMGT_CONTINUOUS_KMER, IMGT_GAPPED_KMER), IMGT positional information is taken into account (i.e. the same sequence in a different position is considered to be a different k-mer).

  • k (int): Length of the k-mer (number of amino acids) when ungapped k-mers are used. The default value for k is 3.

  • k_left (int): When gapped k-mers are used, k_left indicates the length of the k-mer left of the gap. The default value for k_left is 1.

  • k_right (int): Same as k_left, but k_right determines the length of the k-mer right of the gap. The default value for k_right is 1.

  • min_gap (int): Minimum gap size when gapped k-mers are used. The default value for min_gap is 0.

  • max_gap: (int): Maximum gap size when gapped k-mers are used. The default value for max_gap is 0.

YAML specification:

                p_value_threshold: 0.05
                threads: 8


The KmerFrequencyEncoder class encodes a repertoire, sequence or receptor by frequencies of k-mers it contains. A k-mer is a sequence of letters of length k into which an immune receptor sequence can be decomposed. K-mers can be defined in different ways, as determined by the sequence_encoding.

Dataset type:

  • SequenceDatasets

  • ReceptorDatasets

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • sequence_encoding (SequenceEncodingType): The type of k-mers that are used. The simplest sequence_encoding is CONTINUOUS_KMER, which uses contiguous subsequences of length k to represent the k-mers. When gapped k-mers are used (GAPPED_KMER, GAPPED_KMER), the k-mers may contain gaps with a size between min_gap and max_gap, and the k-mer length is defined as a combination of k_left and k_right. When IMGT k-mers are used (IMGT_CONTINUOUS_KMER, IMGT_GAPPED_KMER), IMGT positional information is taken into account (i.e. the same sequence in a different position is considered to be a different k-mer). When the identity representation is used (IDENTITY), the k-mers just correspond to the original sequences.

  • normalization_type (NormalizationType): The way in which the k-mer frequencies should be normalized. The default value for normalization_type is l2.

  • reads (ReadsType): Reads type signify whether the counts of the sequences in the repertoire will be taken into account. If UNIQUE, only unique sequences (clonotypes) are encoded, and if ALL, the sequence ‘count’ value is taken into account when determining the k-mer frequency. The default value for reads is unique.

  • k (int): Length of the k-mer (number of amino acids) when ungapped k-mers are used. The default value for k is 3.

  • k_left (int): When gapped k-mers are used, k_left indicates the length of the k-mer left of the gap. The default value for k_left is 1.

  • k_right (int): Same as k_left, but k_right determines the length of the k-mer right of the gap. The default value for k_right is 1.

  • min_gap (int): Minimum gap size when gapped k-mers are used. The default value for min_gap is 0.

  • max_gap: (int): Maximum gap size when gapped k-mers are used. The default value for max_gap is 0.

  • sequence_type (str): Whether to work with nucleotide or amino acid sequences. Amino acid sequences are the default. To work with either sequence type, the sequences of the desired type should be included in the datasets, e.g., listed under ‘columns_to_load’ parameter. By default, both types will be included if available. Valid values are: AMINO_ACID and NUCLEOTIDE.

  • scale_to_unit_variance (bool): whether to scale the design matrix after normalization to have unit variance per feature. Setting this argument to True might improve the subsequent classifier’s performance depending on the type of the classifier. The default value for scale_to_unit_variance is true.

  • scale_to_zero_mean (bool): whether to scale the design matrix after normalization to have zero mean per feature. Setting this argument to True might improve the subsequent classifier’s performance depending on the type of the classifier. However, if the original design matrix was sparse, setting this argument to True will destroy the sparsity and will increase the memory consumption. The default value for scale_to_zero_mean is false.

YAML specification:

                normalization_type: RELATIVE_FREQUENCY
                reads: UNIQUE
                sequence_encoding: CONTINUOUS_KMER
                sequence_type: NUCLEOTIDE
                k: 3
                scale_to_unit_variance: True
                scale_to_zero_mean: True
                normalization_type: RELATIVE_FREQUENCY
                reads: UNIQUE
                sequence_encoding: GAPPED_KMER
                sequence_type: AMINO_ACID
                k_left: 2
                k_right: 2
                min_gap: 1
                max_gap: 3
                scale_to_unit_variance: True
                scale_to_zero_mean: False


Encodes the dataset based on the matches between a dataset containing unpaired (single chain) data, and a paired reference receptor dataset. For each paired reference receptor, the frequency of either chain in the dataset is counted.

This encoding can be used in combination with the Matches report.

When sum_matches and normalize are set to True, this encoder behaves similarly as described in: Yao, Y. et al. ‘T cell receptor repertoire as a potential diagnostic marker for celiac disease’. Clinical Immunology Volume 222 (January 2021): 108621. doi.org/10.1016/j.clim.2020.108621 with the only exception being that this encoder uses paired receptors, while the original publication used single sequences (see also: MatchedSequences encoder).

Dataset type:

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • reference (dict): A dictionary describing the reference dataset file. Import should be specified the same way as regular dataset import. It is only allowed to import a receptor dataset here (i.e., is_repertoire is False and paired is True by default, and these are not allowed to be changed).

  • max_edit_distances (dict): A dictionary specifying the maximum edit distance between a target sequence (from the repertoire) and the reference sequence. A maximum distance can be specified per chain, for example to allow for less strict matching of TCR alpha and BCR light chains. When only an integer is specified, this distance is applied to all possible chains.

  • reads (ReadsType): Reads type signify whether the counts of the sequences in the repertoire will be taken into account. If UNIQUE, only unique sequences (clonotypes) are counted, and if ALL, the sequence ‘count’ value is summed when determining the number of matches. The default value for reads is all.

  • sum_matches (bool): When sum_matches is False, the resulting encoded data matrix contains multiple columns with the number of matches per reference receptor chain. When sum_matches is true, the columns representing each of the two chains are summed together, meaning that there are only two aggregated sums of matches (one per chain) per repertoire in the encoded data. To use this encoder in combination with the Matches report, sum_matches must be set to False. When sum_matches is set to True, this encoder behaves similarly to the encoder described by Yao, Y. et al. By default, sum_matches is False.

  • normalize (bool): If True, the chain matches are divided by the total number of unique receptors in the repertoire (when reads = unique) or the total number of reads in the repertoire (when reads = all).

YAML specification:

                    format: VDJDB
                        path: path/to/file.txt
                    alpha: 1
                    beta: 0


Encodes the dataset based on the matches between a RepertoireDataset and a collection of regular expressions. For each regular expression, the number of sequences in the RepertoireDataset containing the expression is counted. This can also be used to count how often a subsequence occurs in a RepertoireDataset.

The regular expressions are defined per chain, and it is possible to require a V gene match in addition to the CDR3 sequence containing the regular expression.

This encoding can be used in combination with the Matches report.

Dataset type:

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • match_v_genes (bool): Whether V gene matches are required. If this is True, a match is only counted if the V gene matches the gene specified in the motif input file. By default match_v_genes is False.

  • reads (ReadsType): Reads type signify whether the counts of the sequences in the repertoire will be taken into account. If UNIQUE, only unique sequences (clonotypes) are counted, and if ALL, the sequence ‘count’ value is summed when determining the number of matches. The default value for reads is all.

  • motif_filepath (str): The path to the motif input file. This should be a tab separated file containing a column named ‘id’ and for every chain that should be matched a column containing the regex (<chain>_regex) and a column containing the V gene (<chain>V) if match_v_genes is True. The chains are specified by their three-letter code, see Chain.

In the simplest case, when counting the number of occurrences of a given list of k-mers in TRB sequences, the contents of the motif file could look like this:









It is also possible to test whether paired regular expressions occur in the dataset (for example: regular expressions matching both a TRA chain and a TRB chain) by specifying them on the same line. In a more complex case where both paired and unpaired regular expressions are specified, in addition to matching the V genes, the contents of the motif file could look like this:














YAML specification:

                motif_filepath: path/to/file.txt
                match_v_genes: True
                reads: unique


Encodes the dataset based on the matches between a RepertoireDataset and a reference sequence dataset.

This encoding can be used in combination with the Matches report.

When sum_matches and normalize are set to True, this encoder behaves as described in: Yao, Y. et al. ‘T cell receptor repertoire as a potential diagnostic marker for celiac disease’. Clinical Immunology Volume 222 (January 2021): 108621. doi.org/10.1016/j.clim.2020.108621

Dataset type:

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • reference (dict): A dictionary describing the reference dataset file. Import should be specified the same way as regular dataset import. It is only allowed to import a sequence dataset here (i.e., is_repertoire and paired are False by default, and are not allowed to be set to True).

  • max_edit_distance (int): The maximum edit distance between a target sequence (from the repertoire) and the reference sequence.

  • reads (ReadsType): Reads type signify whether the counts of the sequences in the repertoire will be taken into account. If UNIQUE, only unique sequences (clonotypes) are counted, and if ALL, the sequence ‘count’ value is summed when determining the number of matches. The default value for reads is all.

  • sum_matches (bool): When sum_matches is False, the resulting encoded data matrix contains multiple columns with the number of matches per reference sequence. When sum_matches is true, all columns are summed together, meaning that there is only one aggregated sum of matches per repertoire in the encoded data. To use this encoder in combination with the Matches report, sum_matches must be set to False. When sum_matches is set to True, this encoder behaves as described by Yao, Y. et al. By default, sum_matches is False.

  • normalize (bool): If True, the sequence matches are divided by the total number of unique sequences in the repertoire (when reads = unique) or the total number of reads in the repertoire (when reads = all).

YAML specification:

                    format: VDJDB
                        path: path/to/file.txt
                max_edit_distance: 1


This encoder enumerates every possible positional motif in a sequence dataset, and keeps only the motifs associated with the positive class. A ‘motif’ is defined as a combination of position-specific amino acids. These motifs may contain one or multiple gaps. Motifs are filtered out based on a minimal precision and recall threshold for predicting the positive class.

Note: the MotifEncoder can only be used for sequences of the same length.

The ideal recall threshold(s) given a user-defined precision threshold can be calibrated using the MotifGeneralizationAnalysis report. It is recommended to first run this report in ExploratoryAnalysisInstruction before using this encoder for ML.

This encoder can be used in combination with the BinaryFeatureClassifier in order to learn a minimal set of compatible motifs for predicting the positive class. Alternatively, it may be combined with scikit-learn methods, such as for example LogisticRegression, to learn a weight per motif.

Dataset type:

  • SequenceDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • max_positions (int): The maximum motif size. This is number of positional amino acids the motif consists of (excluding gaps). The default value for max_positions is 4.

  • min_positions (int): The minimum motif size (see also: max_positions). The default value for max_positions is 1.

  • no_gaps (bool): Must be set to True if only contiguous motifs (position-specific k-mers) are allowed. By default, no_gaps is False, meaning both gapped and ungapped motifs are searched for.

  • min_precision (float): The minimum precision threshold for keeping a motif. The default value for min_precision is 0.8.

  • min_recall (float): The minimum recall threshold for keeping a motif. The default value for min_precision is 0. It is also possible to specify a recall threshold for each motif size. In this case, a dictionary must be specified where the motif sizes are keys and the recall values are values. Use the MotifGeneralizationAnalysis report to calibrate the optimal recall threshold given a user-defined precision threshold to ensure generalisability to unseen data.

  • min_true_positives (int): The minimum number of true positive sequences that a motif needs to occur in. The default value for min_true_positives is 10.

  • candidate_motif_filepath (str): Optional filepath for pre-filterd candidate motifs. This may be used to save time. Only the given candidate motifs are considered. When this encoder has been run previously, a candidate motifs file named ‘all_candidate_motifs.tsv’ will have been exported. This file contains all possible motifs with high enough min_true_positives without applying precision and recall thresholds. The file must be a tab-separated file, structured as follows:







    The example above contains two motifs: AGC in positions 123, and E-D in positions 5-7 (with a gap at position 6).

  • label (str): The name of the binary label to train the encoder for. This is only necessary when the dataset contains multiple labels.

YAML specification:

                max_positions: 4
                min_precision: 0.8
                min_recall:  # different recall thresholds for each motif size
                    1: 0.5   # For shorter motifs, a stricter recall threshold is used
                    2: 0.1
                    3: 0.01
                    4: 0.001
                min_true_positives: 10


One-hot encoding for repertoires, sequences or receptors. In one-hot encoding, each alphabet character (amino acid or nucleotide) is replaced by a sparse vector with one 1 and the rest zeroes. The position of the 1 represents the alphabet character.

Dataset type:

  • SequenceDatasets

  • ReceptorDatasets

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • use_positional_info (bool): whether to include features representing the positional information. If True, three additional feature vectors will be added, representing the sequence start, sequence middle and sequence end. The values in these features are scaled between 0 and 1. A graphical representation of the values of these vectors is given below.

  Value of sequence start:         Value of sequence middle:        Value of sequence end:

1 \                              1    /‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾\         1                          /
   \                                 /                   \                                  /
    \                               /                     \                                /
0    \_____________________      0 /                       \      0  _____________________/
  <----sequence length---->        <----sequence length---->         <----sequence length---->
  • distance_to_seq_middle (int): only applies when use_positional_info is True. This is the distance from the edge of the CDR3 sequence (IMGT positions 105 and 117) to the portion of the sequence that is considered ‘middle’. For example: if distance_to_seq_middle is 6 (default), all IMGT positions in the interval [111, 112) receive positional value 1. When using nucleotide sequences: note that the distance is measured in (amino acid) IMGT positions. If the complete sequence length is smaller than 2 * distance_to_seq_middle, the maximum value of the ‘start’ and ‘end’ vectors will not reach 0, and the maximum value of the ‘middle’ vector will not reach 1. A graphical representation of the positional vectors with a too short sequence is given below:

Value of sequence start         Value of sequence middle        Value of sequence end:
with very short sequence:       with very short sequence:       with very short sequence:

     1 \                               1                                 1    /
        \                                                                    /
         \                                /\                                /
     0                                 0 /  \                            0
       <->                               <-->                               <->
  • flatten (bool): whether to flatten the final onehot matrix to a 2-dimensional matrix [examples, other_dims_combined] This must be set to True when using onehot encoding in combination with scikit-learn ML methods (inheriting SklearnMethod), such as LogisticRegression, SVM, SVC, RandomForestClassifier and KNN.

  • sequence_type: whether to use nucleotide or amino acid sequence for encoding. Valid values are ‘nucleotide’ and ‘amino_acid’.

  • region_type: which part of the sequence to encode; e.g., imgt_cdr3, imgt_junction

YAML specification:

                use_positional_info: False
                flatten: False
                sequence_type: amino_acid
                region_type: imgt_cdr3

                use_positional_info: True
                distance_to_seq_middle: 3
                flatten: False
                sequence_type: nucleotide


This encoder represents the repertoires as vectors where:

  • the first element corresponds to the number of label-associated clonotypes

  • the second element is the total number of unique clonotypes

To determine what clonotypes (with features defined by comparison_attributes) are label-associated, one-sided Fisher’s exact test is used.

The encoder also writes out files containing the contingency table used for Fisher’s exact test, the resulting p-values, and the significantly abundant sequences (use RelevantSequenceExporter to export these sequences in AIRR format).

Reference: Emerson, Ryan O. et al. ‘Immunosequencing Identifies Signatures of Cytomegalovirus Exposure History and HLA-Mediated Effects on the T Cell Repertoire’. Nature Genetics 49, no. 5 (May 2017): 659–65. doi.org/10.1038/ng.3822.

Note: to use this encoder, it is necessary to explicitly define the positive class for the label when defining the label in the instruction. With positive class defined, it can then be determined which sequences are indicative of the positive class. For full example of using this encoder, see Reproduction of the CMV status predictions study.

Dataset type:

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • comparison_attributes (list): The attributes to be considered to group receptors into clonotypes. Only the fields specified in comparison_attributes will be considered, all other fields are ignored. Valid comparison value can be any repertoire field name (e.g., as specified in the AIRR rearrangement schema).

  • p_value_threshold (float): The p value threshold to be used by the statistical test.

  • sequence_batch_size (int): The number of sequences in a batch when comparing sequences across repertoires, typically 100s of thousands. This does not affect the results of the encoding, only the speed. The default value is 1.000.000

  • repertoire_batch_size (int): How many repertoires will be loaded at once. This does not affect the result of the encoding, only the speed. This value is a trade-off between the number of repertoires that can fit the RAM at the time and loading time from disk.

YAML specification:

                    - cdr3_aa
                    - v_call
                    - j_call
                p_value_threshold: 0.05
                sequence_batch_size: 100000
                repertoire_batch_size: 32


A simple baseline encoding, to be used in combination with BinaryFeatureClassifier using keep_all = True. This encoder keeps track of all positive sequences in the training set, and ignores the negative sequences. Any sequence within a given hamming distance from a positive training sequence will be classified positive, all other sequences will be classified negative.

Dataset type:

  • SequenceDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • hamming_distance (int): Maximum number of differences allowed between any positive sequence of the training set and a new observed sequence in order for the observed sequence to be classified as ‘positive’.

  • compairr_path (Path): optional path to the CompAIRR executable. If not given, it is assumed that CompAIRR has been installed such that it can be called directly on the command line with the command ‘compairr’, or that it is located at /usr/local/bin/compairr.

  • ignore_genes (bool): Only used when compairr is used. Whether to ignore V and J gene information. If False, the V and J genes between two sequences have to match for the sequence to be considered ‘similar’. If True, gene information is ignored. By default, ignore_genes is False.

  • threads (int): The number of threads to use for parallelization. This does not affect the results of the encoding, only the speed. The default number of threads is 8.

  • keep_temporary_files (bool): whether to keep temporary files, including CompAIRR input, output and log files, and the sequence presence matrix. This may take a lot of storage space if the input dataset is large. By default temporary files are not kept.

YAML specification:

                hamming_distance: 2


Encodes the given ReceptorDataset as a distance matrix between all receptors, where the distance is computed using TCRdist from the paper: Dash P, Fiore-Gartland AJ, Hertz T, et al. Quantifiable predictive features define epitope-specific T cell receptor repertoires. Nature. 2017; 547(7661):89-93. doi:10.1038/nature22383.

For the implementation, TCRdist3 library was used (source code available here).

Dataset type:

  • ReceptorDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • cores (int): number of processes to use for the computation

YAML specification:

                cores: 4


Word2VecEncoder learns the vector representations of k-mers based on the context (receptor sequence). Similar idea was discussed in: Ostrovsky-Berman, M., Frankel, B., Polak, P. & Yaari, G. Immune2vec: Embedding B/T Cell Receptor Sequences in ℝN Using Natural Language Processing. Frontiers in Immunology 12, (2021).

This encoder relies on gensim’s implementation of Word2Vec and KmerHelper for k-mer extraction. Currently it works on amino acid level.

Dataset type:

  • SequenceDatasets

  • RepertoireDatasets

Specification arguments:

  • vector_size (int): The size of the vector to be learnt.

  • model_type (ModelType): The context which will be used to infer the representation of the sequence. If SEQUENCE is used, the context of a k-mer is defined by the sequence it occurs in (e.g. if the sequence is CASTTY and k-mer is AST, then its context consists of k-mers CAS, STT, TTY) If KMER_PAIR is used, the context for the k-mer is defined as all the k-mers that within one edit distance (e.g. for k-mer CAS, the context includes CAA, CAC, CAD etc.). Valid values are SEQUENCE, KMER_PAIR.

  • k (int): The length of the k-mers used for the encoding.

  • epochs (int): for how many epochs to train the word2vec model for a given set of sentences (corresponding to epochs parameter in gensim package)

  • window (int): max distance between two k-mers in a sequence (same as window parameter in gensim’s word2vec)

YAML pecification:

                    vector_size: 16
                    k: 3
                    model_type: SEQUENCE
                    epochs: 100
                    window: 8