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Source code for immuneML.dsl.instruction_parsers.MLApplicationParser import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
from immuneML.IO.ml_method.MLImport import MLImport
from immuneML.dsl.symbol_table.SymbolTable import SymbolTable
from immuneML.dsl.symbol_table.SymbolType import SymbolType
from immuneML.environment.Label import Label
from immuneML.environment.LabelConfiguration import LabelConfiguration
from immuneML.hyperparameter_optimization.HPSetting import HPSetting
from immuneML.ml_metrics.ClassificationMetric import ClassificationMetric
from immuneML.util.ParameterValidator import ParameterValidator
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder
from immuneML.workflows.instructions.ml_model_application.MLApplicationInstruction import MLApplicationInstruction
class MLApplicationParser :
Specification example for the MLApplication instruction:
.. highlight:: yaml
.. code-block:: yaml
type: MLApplication
dataset: d1
config_path: ./
- accuracy
- precision
- recall
number_of_processes: 4
def parse ( self , key : str , instruction : dict , symbol_table : SymbolTable , path : Path ) -> MLApplicationInstruction :
location = MLApplicationParser . __name__
ParameterValidator . assert_keys ( instruction . keys (), [ 'type' , 'dataset' , 'number_of_processes' , 'config_path' , 'metrics' ], location , key )
ParameterValidator . assert_in_valid_list ( instruction [ 'dataset' ], symbol_table . get_keys_by_type ( SymbolType . DATASET ), location , f " { key } : dataset" )
ParameterValidator . assert_type_and_value ( instruction [ 'number_of_processes' ], int , location , f " { key } : number_of_processes" , min_inclusive = 1 )
ParameterValidator . assert_type_and_value ( instruction [ 'config_path' ], str , location , f ' { key } : config_path' )
if 'metrics' in instruction and instruction [ 'metrics' ] is not None :
ParameterValidator . assert_type_and_value ( instruction [ 'metrics' ], list , location , f ' { key } : metrics' )
metrics = [ ClassificationMetric . get_metric ( metric ) for metric in instruction [ "metrics" ]]
else :
metrics = []
hp_setting , label = self . _parse_hp_setting ( instruction , path , key )
instruction = MLApplicationInstruction ( dataset = symbol_table . get ( instruction [ 'dataset' ]), name = key ,
number_of_processes = instruction [ 'number_of_processes' ],
label_configuration = LabelConfiguration ([ label ]),
hp_setting = hp_setting ,
metrics = metrics )
return instruction
def _parse_hp_setting ( self , instruction : dict , path : Path , key : str ) -> Tuple [ HPSetting , Label ]:
assert os . path . isfile ( instruction [ 'config_path' ]), f 'MLApplicationParser: { instruction [ "config_path" ] } is not file path.'
assert '.zip' in instruction [ 'config_path' ], f 'MLApplicationParser: { instruction [ "config_path" ] } is not a zip file.'
config_dir = PathBuilder . build ( path / f "unpacked_ { key } /" )
shutil . unpack_archive ( instruction [ 'config_path' ], config_dir , 'zip' )
hp_setting , label = MLImport . import_hp_setting ( config_dir )
return hp_setting , label