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Source code for immuneML.presentation.html.HTMLBuilder import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
from immuneML.environment.EnvironmentSettings import EnvironmentSettings
from immuneML.ml_methods.util.Util import Util as MLUtil
from immuneML.presentation.InstructionPresentation import InstructionPresentation
from immuneML.presentation.PresentationFactory import PresentationFactory
from immuneML.presentation.PresentationFormat import PresentationFormat
from immuneML.presentation.TemplateParser import TemplateParser
from immuneML.presentation.html.Util import Util
class HTMLBuilder :
Outputs HTML results of the analysis. This is currently the only defined format of presentation of results.
**YAML specification:**
.. indent with spaces
.. code-block:: yaml
output: # the output format
format: HTML
def build ( states : list , path : Path ) -> Path :
rel_path = Path ( os . path . relpath ( str ( path )))
presentations = HTMLBuilder . _collect_all_presentations ( states , rel_path )
presentation_html_path = HTMLBuilder . _make_document ( presentations , rel_path )
return presentation_html_path
def _make_document ( presentations : List [ InstructionPresentation ], path : Path ) -> Path :
result_path = path / "index.html"
if len ( presentations ) > 1 :
html_map = { "instructions" : presentations , "css_style" : Util . get_css_content ( EnvironmentSettings . html_templates_path / "css/custom.css" ),
"full_specs" : Util . get_full_specs_path ( path ), 'immuneML_version' : MLUtil . get_immuneML_version ()}
TemplateParser . parse ( template_path = EnvironmentSettings . html_templates_path / "index.html" ,
template_map = html_map , result_path = result_path )
elif len ( presentations ) == 1 :
shutil . copyfile ( str ( presentations [ 0 ] . path ), str ( result_path ))
HTMLBuilder . _update_paths ( result_path )
else :
result_path = None
return result_path
def _update_paths ( result_path : Path ):
with result_path . open ( 'r' ) as file :
lines = []
for line in file . readlines ():
if "href=" in line :
lines . append ( line . split ( "href= \" " )[ 0 ] + "href= \" ./HTML_output/" + line . split ( "href= \" " )[ 1 ])
elif "src=" in line :
lines . append ( line . split ( "src= \" " )[ 0 ] + "src= \" ./HTML_output/" + line . split ( "src= \" " )[ 1 ])
else :
lines . append ( line )
with result_path . open ( "w" ) as file :
file . write ( " \n " . join ( lines ))
def _collect_all_presentations ( states : list , rel_path : Path ) -> List [ InstructionPresentation ]:
presentations = []
for state in states :
presentation_builder = PresentationFactory . make_presentation_builder ( state , PresentationFormat . HTML )
presentation_path = presentation_builder . build ( state )
if len ( states ) > 1 :
presentation_path = Path ( os . path . relpath ( str ( presentation_path ), str ( rel_path )))
instruction_class = type ( state ) . __name__ [: - 5 ]
presentation = InstructionPresentation ( presentation_path , instruction_class , state . name )
presentations . append ( presentation )
return presentations