import logging
import pandas as pd
from immuneML.caching.CacheHandler import CacheHandler
from immuneML.data_model.datasets.ElementDataset import ReceptorDataset
from immuneML.data_model.SequenceParams import RegionType
class TCRdistHelper:
def compute_tcr_dist(dataset: ReceptorDataset, label_names: list, cores: int = 1):
return CacheHandler.memo_by_params((('dataset_identifier', dataset.identifier), ("type", "TCRrep")),
lambda: TCRdistHelper._compute_tcr_dist(dataset, label_names, cores))
def _compute_tcr_dist(dataset: ReceptorDataset, label_names: list, cores: int):
Computes the tcrdist distances by creating a TCRrep object and calling compute_distances() function.
Parameters `ntrim` and `ctrim` in TCRrep object for CDR3 are adjusted to account for working with IMGT CDR3 definition if IMGT CDR3 was set
as region_type for the dataset upon importing. `deduplicate` parameter is set to False as we assume that we work with clones in immuneML,
and not individual receptors.
dataset: receptor dataset for which all pairwise distances between receptors will be computed
label_names: a list of label names (e.g., specific epitopes) to be used for later classification or reports
cores: how many cpus to use for computation
an instance of TCRrep object with computed pairwise distances between all receptors in the dataset
from tcrdist.repertoire import TCRrep
df = TCRdistHelper.prepare_tcr_dist_dataframe(dataset, label_names)
tcr_rep = TCRrep(cell_df=df, chains=['alpha', 'beta'], organism=dataset.labels["organism"], cpus=cores,
if 'region_type' not in dataset.labels:
f"{TCRdistHelper.__name__}: Parameter 'region_type' was not set for dataset {}, keeping default tcrdist "
f"values for parameters 'ntrim' and 'ctrim'. For more information, see tcrdist3 documentation. To avoid this warning, "
f"set the region type when importing the dataset.")
elif dataset.labels['region_type'] == RegionType.IMGT_CDR3:
tcr_rep.kargs_a['cdr3_a_aa']['ntrim'] = 2
tcr_rep.kargs_a['cdr3_a_aa']['ctrim'] = 1
tcr_rep.kargs_b['cdr3_b_aa']['ntrim'] = 2
tcr_rep.kargs_b['cdr3_b_aa']['ctrim'] = 1
elif dataset.labels['region_type'] != RegionType.IMGT_JUNCTION:
raise RuntimeError(
f"{TCRdistHelper.__name__}: TCRdist metric can be computed only if IMGT_CDR3 or IMGT_JUNCTION are used as region "
f"types, but for dataset {}, it is set to {dataset.labels['region_type']} instead.")
return tcr_rep
def add_default_allele_to_v_gene(v_gene: str):
if v_gene is not None and "*" not in v_gene:
return f"{v_gene}*01"
return v_gene
def prepare_tcr_dist_dataframe(dataset: ReceptorDataset, label_names: list) -> pd.DataFrame:
if len(label_names) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"TCRdist: multiple labels specified ({str(label_names)[1:-1]}), but only single label binary class "
f"is currently supported in immuneML.")
df =
epitope_name = 'epitope' if 'epitope' in df.columns else 'Epitope' if 'Epitope' in df.columns else ''
if "subject" not in df:
df['subject'] = "sub" + df['cell_id']
df.loc[df['v_call'].str.contains("\*"), 'v_call'] = [TCRdistHelper.add_default_allele_to_v_gene(el) for el in
df.loc[df['v_call'].str.contains("\*"), 'v_call']]
df.loc[df['j_call'].str.contains("\*"), 'j_call'] = [TCRdistHelper.add_default_allele_to_v_gene(el) for el in
df.loc[df['j_call'].str.contains("\*"), 'j_call']]
df['clone_id'] = df['cell_id']
cols_to_keep = ['cdr3', 'cdr3_aa', 'v_call', 'j_call', 'duplicate_count', 'subject', epitope_name, 'clone_id']
df_alpha = (df[ == 'TRA'][cols_to_keep]
.rename(columns={"cdr3_aa": "cdr3_a_aa", "cdr3": "cdr3_a_nucseq", "v_call": "v_a_gene",
'j_call': "j_a_gene", "duplicate_count": "count"}))
df_alpha.loc[:, 'count'] = [1 if el in [-1, None] else el for el in df_alpha['count']]
df_beta = (df[ == 'TRB'][cols_to_keep].rename(
columns={"cdr3_aa": "cdr3_b_aa", "cdr3": "cdr3_b_nucseq", "v_call": "v_b_gene",
'j_call': "j_b_gene", "duplicate_count": "count"}))
df_beta.loc[:, 'count'] = [1 if el in [-1, None] else el for el in df_beta['count']]
df = df_alpha.merge(df_beta, on=['clone_id', epitope_name, 'subject', 'count'])
return df