import copy
import pickle
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import yaml
from scipy.special import beta as beta_func
from scipy.special import betaln as beta_func_ln
from scipy.special import digamma
from scipy.stats import betabinom as beta_binomial
from immuneML.data_model.EncodedData import EncodedData
from immuneML.environment.Label import Label
from immuneML.ml_methods.classifiers.MLMethod import MLMethod
from immuneML.ml_methods.util.Util import Util
from immuneML.util.FilenameHandler import FilenameHandler
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder
class ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier(MLMethod):
ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier predicts the class assignment in binary classification case based on encoding examples by number of
successful trials and total number of trials. It models this ratio by one beta distribution per class and predicts the class of the new
examples using log-posterior odds ratio with threshold at 0.
ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier is based on the paper (details on the classification can be found in the Online Methods section):
Emerson, Ryan O., William S. DeWitt, Marissa Vignali, Jenna Gravley, Joyce K. Hu, Edward J. Osborne, Cindy Desmarais, et al.
‘Immunosequencing Identifies Signatures of Cytomegalovirus Exposure History and HLA-Mediated Effects on the T Cell Repertoire’.
Nature Genetics 49, no. 5 (May 2017): 659–65. ` <>`_.
**Specification arguments:**
- max_iterations (int): maximum number of iterations while optimizing the parameters of the beta distribution (same for both classes)
- update_rate (float): how much the computed gradient should influence the updated value of the parameters of the beta distribution
- likelihood_threshold (float): at which threshold to stop the optimization (default -1e-10)
**YAML specification:**
.. indent with spaces
.. code-block:: yaml
my_probabilistic_classifier: # user-defined name of the ML method
ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier: # method name
max_iterations: 1000
update_rate: 0.01
def __init__(self, max_iterations: int, update_rate: float, likelihood_threshold: float):
self.max_iterations = max_iterations
self.update_rate = update_rate
self.N_0 = None
self.N_1 = None
self.alpha_0 = None
self.alpha_1 = None
self.beta_0 = None
self.beta_1 = None
self.likelihood_threshold = likelihood_threshold if isinstance(likelihood_threshold, float) \
else float(likelihood_threshold)
def _fit(self, encoded_data: EncodedData, cores_for_training: int = 2):
X = encoded_data.examples
assert X.shape[1] == 2, \
"ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier: the shape of the input is not compatible with the classifier. " \
"The classifier is defined when examples are encoded by two counts: the number of successful trials " \
"and the total number of trials. If this is not targeted use-case and the encoding, please consider " \
"using another classifier."
self.N_0 = int(np.sum(np.array(encoded_data.labels[]) == self.class_mapping[0]))
self.N_1 = int(np.sum(np.array(encoded_data.labels[]) == self.class_mapping[1]))
self.alpha_0, self.beta_0 = self._find_beta_distribution_parameters(
X[np.nonzero(np.array(encoded_data.labels[]) == self.class_mapping[0])], self.N_0)
self.alpha_1, self.beta_1 = self._find_beta_distribution_parameters(
X[np.nonzero(np.array(encoded_data.labels[]) == self.class_mapping[1])], self.N_1)
def _predict(self, encoded_data: EncodedData):
Predict the class assignment for examples in X (where X is validation or test set - examples not seen during
.. math::
\\widehat{c} \\, (k, n) = \\left\\{\\begin{matrix} 0, & F(k, n) \\leq 0\\\\ 1, & F(k, n) > 0 \\end{matrix}\\right
encoded_data (EncodedData): EncodedData object with examples attribute which is a design matrix of shape
[number of examples x number of features], where number of features is 2 (the first feature is the number of disease-associated sequences
and the second is the total number of sequences per example)
label (str): the label used for classification (e.g. CMV)
a dictionary of the following format: {label_name: predictions} where predictions is a list of predicted classes for each example
X = encoded_data.examples
predictions_list = []
for example in X:
k, n = example[0], example[1]
F = self._compute_log_posterior_odds_ratio(k, n)
predicted_class = int(F > 0)
return { predictions_list}
def _predict_proba(self, encoded_data: EncodedData):
Predict the probability of the class for examples in X.
.. math::
\\widehat{c} \\, (k, n) = '\\left\\{\\begin{matrix} 0, & F(k, n) \\leq 0\\ 1, & F(k, n) > 0 \\end{matrix}\\right
encoded_data (EncodedData): EncodedData object with examples attribute which is a design matrix of shape, where number of features is 2
(the first feature is the number of disease-associated sequences and the second is the total number of sequences per example)
label (str): the label used for classification (e.g. CMV)
class probabilities for all examples in X
X = encoded_data.examples
class_probabilities = np.zeros((X.shape[0], len(list(self.class_mapping.keys()))), dtype=float)
for index, example in enumerate(X):
k, n = example[0], example[1]
posterior_class_probabilities = self._compute_posterior_class_probability(k, n)
class_probabilities[index] = posterior_class_probabilities
return { {self.class_mapping[i]: class_probabilities[:, i] for i in range(class_probabilities.shape[1])}}
def _find_beta_distribution_parameters(self, X, N_l: int) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Function implementing gradient ascent to find parameters of the beta distribution for the given class.
It maximizes the following log-likelihood:
.. math::
l_l (\\alpha, \\beta) = - N_l \\, log \\, B (\\alpha, \\beta) + \\sum_{i: c_i = l} log \\, B(k_i + \\alpha, n_i - k_i + \\beta), l = 0, 1
X: design matrix of shape [number of examples x number of features], where number of features is 2
(the first feature is the number of disease-associated sequences and the second is the total number of sequences per example)
N_l: number of examples in the given class
estimated values of alpha and beta for the given class
k_is, n_is = X[:, 0], X[:, 1]
alpha, beta = self._initialize_beta_distribution_parameters(k_is, n_is)
k_is, n_is = self._perform_laplace_smoothing(k_is, n_is)
for iteration in range(self.max_iterations):
log_likelihood = - N_l * beta_func(alpha, beta) + np.sum(beta_func_ln(k_is + alpha, n_is - k_is + beta))
if np.isnan(log_likelihood):
raise RuntimeError(f"ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier: while estimating beta distribution parameters, "
f"log_likelihood became nan in iteration {iteration}. \nalpha: {alpha}, beta: {beta}")
elif log_likelihood > self.likelihood_threshold:
grad_alpha, grad_beta = self._compute_alpha_beta_gradients(N_l, alpha, beta, k_is, n_is)
alpha = max(alpha + self.update_rate * grad_alpha, ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier.SMALL_POSITIVE_NUMBER)
beta = max(beta + self.update_rate * grad_beta, ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier.SMALL_POSITIVE_NUMBER)
return alpha, beta
def _initialize_beta_distribution_parameters(self, k_is, n_is) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Function using the method of moments to initialize the parameters of the beta distribution
(estimating initial values for population from sample values) if variance is not 0,
otherwise initializes both alpha and beta to 1 making all values in the domain of the distribution to have
equal density.
Initial parameter values as per the method of moments:
.. math::
\\alpha = \\frac{E[X]^2 * (1-E[X])}{V[X]}-E[X]
\\beta = (\\frac{E[X](1-E[X])}{V[X]} - 1) * (1 - E[X])
k_is: number of disease-associated sequences per example
n_is: total number of sequences per example
initial values of parameters alpha and beta
binomial_proportions_p = k_is / n_is
mean = binomial_proportions_p.mean()
variance = binomial_proportions_p.var()
if variance != 0:
alpha = np.square(mean) * (1 - mean) / variance - mean
beta = (mean * (1 - mean) / variance - 1) * (1 - mean)
alpha, beta = 1, 1
return alpha, beta
def _compute_alpha_beta_gradients(self, N_l, alpha, beta, k_is, n_is) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Function computing the gradients of alpha and beta parameters of the beta distribution to maximize log-likelihood:
.. math::
\\frac{\\partial l_l}{\\partial \\alpha} = - N_l (\\Psi (\\alpha) - \\Psi (\\alpha + \\beta)) + \\sum_{i:c_i=l}^{} (\\Psi(k_i + \\alpha) - \\Psi(n_i + k_i + \\alpha + \\beta))
\\frac{\\partial l_l}{\\partial \\beta} = - N_l (\\Psi(\\beta) - \\Psi(\\alpha + \\beta)) + \\sum_{i:c_i=l} (\\Psi(n_i - k_i + \\beta) - \\Psi(n_i + k_i + \\alpha + \\beta))
N_l: number of examples in the current class
alpha: alpha parameter of beta distribution
beta: beta parameter of beta distribution
k_is: array of numbers of disease-associated sequences per training example
n_is: array of total numbers of sequences per training example
gradients for alpha and beta
grad_alpha = - N_l * (digamma(alpha) - digamma(alpha + beta)) \
+ np.sum([digamma(k_is[i] + alpha) - digamma(n_is[i] + k_is[i] + alpha + beta)
for i in range(k_is.shape[0])])
grad_beta = - N_l * (digamma(beta) - digamma(alpha + beta)) \
+ np.sum([digamma(n_is[i] - k_is[i] + beta) - digamma(n_is[i] + k_is[i] + alpha + beta)
for i in range(k_is.shape[0])])
return grad_alpha, grad_beta
def _perform_laplace_smoothing(self, k_is, n_is) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]:
Function performing Laplace smoothing of data, where it uses the most deeply sampled example in the class (example with maximum n)
by adding the ratio of number of disease-associated sequences and total number of sequences for the example with maximum n to the
number of disease-associated sequences for all examples, and 1 to the total number of sequences for all examples,
thus regularizing the likelihood computed from these values and potentially avoiding numerical instabilities.
If n_max is the total number of sequences in the example with the largest number of total sequences, and k_max is the number of
disease-associated sequences for that same example, then the smoothing is performed in the following way for each example in the
training dataset:
.. math::
k_i' = k_i + k_{max} / n_{max}
n_i' = n_i + 1
k_is: array of numbers of disease-associated sequences per training example
n_is: array of total numbers of sequences per training example
Laplace-smoothed values of k_i and n_i
regularizer_index = np.argmax(n_is) # index of max n
regularizer_k = k_is[regularizer_index] # k corresponding to max n
regularizer_n = n_is[regularizer_index] # max n
regularized_k_is = copy.deepcopy(k_is)
regularized_n_is = copy.deepcopy(n_is)
regularized_k_is = regularized_k_is + regularizer_k / regularizer_n
regularized_n_is = regularized_n_is + 1
return regularized_k_is, regularized_n_is
def _compute_posterior_class_probability(self, k, n) -> Tuple[float, float]:
For given parameters of beta distributions for both classes, computes the posterior class probabilities:
.. math::
p(c' = x | n', k')= \\binom{n'}{k'} \\frac{B(k'+\\alpha_x, n' - k' + \\beta_x)}{B(\\alpha_x, \\beta_x)} \\frac{N_x + 1}{N + 2}, x=0,1
k: number of disease-associated sequences
n: total number of sequences
a tuple of probabilities for negative class and positive class for given example, normalized to sum to 1
predicted_probability_0 = beta_binomial.pmf(k, n, self.alpha_0, self.beta_0) * (self.N_0 + 1) / (self.N_0 + self.N_1 + 2)
predicted_probability_1 = beta_binomial.pmf(k, n, self.alpha_1, self.beta_1) * (self.N_1 + 1) / (self.N_0 + self.N_1 + 2)
normalization_const = predicted_probability_0 + predicted_probability_1
if np.isnan(normalization_const):
raise ValueError(f"{ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier.__name__}: encountered nan in predicted posterior class probabilities."
f"\nprobability of class 0: {predicted_probability_0}\nprobability of class 1: {predicted_probability_1}\n"
f"alpha 0: {self.alpha_0}, beta 0: {self.beta_0}\nalpha 1: {self.alpha_1}, beta 1: {self.beta_1}\n"
f"positive example count: {self.N_1}, negative example count: {self.N_0}")
elif normalization_const == 0:
logging.warning(f"{ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier.__name__}: posterior class probabilities for both classes are 0 (k={k}, n={n}). Returning "
f"normalized values to indicate that the example could not be classified, by setting both probabilities to 0.5.", RuntimeWarning)
return 0.5, 0.5
return predicted_probability_0 / normalization_const, predicted_probability_1 / normalization_const
def _compute_log_posterior_odds_ratio(self, k, n):
Function computing log-posterior odds ratio for class assignment for new example with parameters k and n:
.. math::
F(k, n) = log \\, p (c=1|k,n) - log \\, p(c=0|k,n)) = log (N_1 + 1) - log(N_0 + 1) + log \\, B(\\alpha_0, \\beta_0) - log \\, B(\\alpha_1, \\beta_1) + log \\, B(k + \\alpha_1, n - k + \\beta_1) - log \\, B(k + \\alpha_0, n-k + \\beta_0)
k: number of disease-associated sequences
n: total number of sequences
log-posterior odds ratio for class assignment
return np.log(self.N_1 + 1) - np.log(self.N_0 + 1) \
+ beta_func_ln(self.alpha_0, self.beta_0) - beta_func_ln(self.alpha_1, self.beta_1) \
+ beta_func_ln(k + self.alpha_1, n - k + self.beta_1) \
- beta_func_ln(k + self.alpha_0, n - k + self.beta_0)
def _convert_object_to_dict(self):
content = vars(self)
result = {}
for key, value in content.items():
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
result[key] = value.tolist()
elif value is None or isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, Path):
result[key] = value
elif isinstance(value, Label):
result[key] = value.get_desc_for_storage()
result[key] = float(value)
return result
def store(self, path: Path):
content = self._convert_object_to_dict()
file_path = path / FilenameHandler.get_filename(self.__class__.__name__, "pickle")
with"wb") as file:
pickle.dump(content, file)
params_path = path / FilenameHandler.get_filename(self.__class__.__name__, "yaml")
with"w") as file:
desc = { {
"feature_names": self.get_feature_names(),
"classes": list(self.class_mapping.values())
if self.label is not None:
desc["label"] = self.label.get_desc_for_storage()
yaml.dump(desc, file)
def load(self, path: Path):
keys = list(vars(self).keys())
file_path = path / FilenameHandler.get_filename(self.__class__.__name__, "pickle")
if file_path.is_file():
with"rb") as file:
content = pickle.load(file)
assert all(
key in keys for key in content.keys()), f"ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier: error while loading from {file_path}: " \
f"object attributes from file and from the class do not match.\n" \
f"Attributes from file: {list(content.keys())}\n" \
f"Attributes for object of class ProbabilisticBinaryClassifier: {keys}"
for key in content:
if key == "label":
setattr(self, "label", Label(**content[key]))
setattr(self, key, content[key])
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} model could not be loaded from {file_path}. "
f"Check if the path to the {} file is properly set.")
def get_params(self):
return vars(self)
def can_predict_proba(self) -> bool:
return True
def can_fit_with_example_weights(self) -> bool:
return False
def get_compatible_encoders(self):
from immuneML.encodings.abundance_encoding.SequenceAbundanceEncoder import SequenceAbundanceEncoder
from immuneML.encodings.abundance_encoding.CompAIRRSequenceAbundanceEncoder import CompAIRRSequenceAbundanceEncoder
from immuneML.encodings.abundance_encoding.KmerAbundanceEncoder import KmerAbundanceEncoder
return [SequenceAbundanceEncoder, CompAIRRSequenceAbundanceEncoder, KmerAbundanceEncoder]