Source code for immuneML.ml_methods.classifiers.ReceptorCNN

import copy
import logging
import math
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import torch
import yaml
from torch import nn

from immuneML.data_model.EncodedData import EncodedData
from immuneML.environment.EnvironmentSettings import EnvironmentSettings
from immuneML.environment.Label import Label
from immuneML.environment.SequenceType import SequenceType
from immuneML.ml_methods.classifiers.MLMethod import MLMethod
from immuneML.ml_methods.pytorch_implementations.PyTorchReceptorCNN import PyTorchReceptorCNN as RCNN
from immuneML.ml_methods.util.Util import Util
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder

[docs] class ReceptorCNN(MLMethod): """ A CNN which separately detects motifs using CNN kernels in each chain of paired receptor data, combines the kernel activations into a unique representation of the receptor and uses this representation to predict the antigen binding. .. figure:: ../_static/images/receptor_cnn_immuneML.png :width: 70% The architecture of the CNN for paired-chain receptor data Requires one-hot encoded data as input (as produced by :ref:`OneHot` encoder), where use_positional_info must be set to True. Notes: - ReceptorCNN can only be used with ReceptorDatasets, it does not work with SequenceDatasets - ReceptorCNN can only be used for binary classification, not multi-class classification. **Specification arguments:** - kernel_count (count): number of kernels that will look for motifs for one chain - kernel_size (list): sizes of the kernels = how many amino acids to consider at the same time in the chain sequence, can be a tuple of values; e.g. for value [3, 4] of kernel_size, kernel_count*len(kernel_size) kernels will be created, with kernel_count kernels of size 3 and kernel_count kernels of size 4 per chain - positional_channels (int): how many positional channels where included in one-hot encoding of the receptor sequences (:ref:`OneHot` encoder adds 3 positional channels positional information is enabled) - sequence_type (SequenceType): type of the sequence - device: which device to use for the model (cpu or gpu) - for more details see PyTorch documentation on device parameter - number_of_threads (int): how many threads to use - random_seed (int): number used as a seed for random initialization - learning_rate (float): learning rate scaling the step size for optimization algorithm - iteration_count (int): for how many iterations to train the model - l1_weight_decay (float): weight decay l1 value for the CNN; encourages sparser representations - l2_weight_decay (float): weight decay l2 value for the CNN; shrinks weight coefficients towards zero - batch_size (int): how many receptors to process at once - training_percentage (float): what percentage of data to use for training (the rest will be used for validation); values between 0 and 1 - evaluate_at (int): when to evaluate the model, e.g. every 100 iterations - background_probabilities: used for rescaling the kernel values to produce information gain matrix; represents the background probability of each amino acid (without positional information); if not specified, uniform background is assumed **YAML specification:** .. indent with spaces .. code-block:: yaml definitions: ml_methods: my_receptor_cnn: ReceptorCNN: kernel_count: 5 kernel_size: [3] positional_channels: 3 sequence_type: amino_acid device: cpu number_of_threads: 16 random_seed: 100 learning_rate: 0.01 iteration_count: 10000 l1_weight_decay: 0 l2_weight_decay: 0 batch_size: 5000 """ def __init__(self, kernel_count: int = None, kernel_size=None, positional_channels: int = None, sequence_type: str = None, device=None, number_of_threads: int = None, random_seed: int = None, learning_rate: float = None, iteration_count: int = None, l1_weight_decay: float = None, l2_weight_decay: float = None, batch_size: int = None, training_percentage: float = None, evaluate_at: int = None, background_probabilities=None): super().__init__() self.kernel_count = kernel_count self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.positional_channels = positional_channels self.number_of_threads = number_of_threads self.random_seed = random_seed self.device = device self.l1_weight_decay = l1_weight_decay self.l2_weight_decay = l2_weight_decay self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.iteration_count = iteration_count self.batch_size = batch_size self.evaluate_at = evaluate_at self.training_percentage = training_percentage self.sequence_type = None if sequence_type is None else SequenceType[sequence_type.upper()] self.background_probabilities = None self.CNN = None self.chain_names = None def _predict(self, encoded_data: EncodedData): predictions_proba = self._predict_proba(encoded_data)[][self.label.positive_class] return { [self.class_mapping[val] for val in (predictions_proba > 0.5).tolist()]}
[docs] def set_background_probabilities(self): self.background_probabilities = np.array([1. / len(EnvironmentSettings.get_sequence_alphabet(self.sequence_type)) for i in range(len(EnvironmentSettings.get_sequence_alphabet(self.sequence_type)))])
def _predict_proba(self, encoded_data: EncodedData): # set the model to evaluation mode for inference self.CNN.eval() # convert encoded data from numpy arrays to tensors encoded_data_pt = self._make_encoded_data(encoded_data, np.arange(len(encoded_data.example_ids))) # make predictions with torch.no_grad(): predictions = [] for examples, labels, example_ids in self._get_data_batch(encoded_data_pt, logit_outputs = self.CNN(examples) prediction = torch.sigmoid(logit_outputs) predictions.extend(prediction.numpy()) return { {self.label.positive_class: np.array(predictions), self.label.get_binary_negative_class(): 1 - np.array(predictions)}} def _fit(self, encoded_data: EncodedData, cores_for_training: int = 2): Util.setup_pytorch(self.number_of_threads, self.random_seed) if "chain_names" in and["chain_names"] is not None and len(["chain_names"]) == 2: self.chain_names =["chain_names"] else: self.chain_names = ["chain_1", "chain_2"] self._make_CNN() self.CNN.train() iteration = 0 loss_function = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss().to(device=self.device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.CNN.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate, weight_decay=self.l2_weight_decay, eps=1e-4) state = dict(model=copy.deepcopy(self.CNN).state_dict(), optimizer=optimizer, iteration=iteration, best_validation_loss=np.inf) train_data, validation_data = self._prepare_and_split_data(encoded_data)"ReceptorCNN: starting training.") while iteration < self.iteration_count: for examples, labels, example_ids in self._get_data_batch(train_data, # Reset gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # Calculate predictions logit_outputs = self.CNN(examples) # Calculate losses loss = self._compute_loss(loss_function, logit_outputs, labels) # Perform update loss.backward() optimizer.step() self.CNN.rescale_weights_for_IGM() iteration += 1 # Calculate scores and loss on training set and validation set if iteration % self.evaluate_at == 0 or iteration == self.iteration_count or iteration == 1:"ReceptorCNN: training - iteration {iteration}.") state = self._evaluate_state(state, iteration, loss_function, validation_data) if iteration >= self.iteration_count: self.CNN.load_state_dict(state["model"]) break"ReceptorCNN: finished training.") def _get_data_batch(self, encoded_data: EncodedData, label_name: str): batch_count = int(math.ceil(len(encoded_data.example_ids) / self.batch_size)) for i in range(batch_count): start_index, end_index = int(self.batch_size * i), int(self.batch_size * (i + 1)) yield encoded_data.examples[start_index: end_index], encoded_data.labels[label_name][start_index: end_index], \ encoded_data.example_ids[start_index: end_index] def _prepare_and_split_data(self, encoded_data: EncodedData): train_indices, val_indices = Util.get_train_val_indices(len(encoded_data.example_ids), self.training_percentage) train_data = self._make_encoded_data(encoded_data, train_indices) val_data = self._make_encoded_data(encoded_data, val_indices) return train_data, val_data def _make_encoded_data(self, encoded_data, indices): examples = np.swapaxes(encoded_data.examples, 2, 3) return EncodedData(examples=torch.from_numpy(examples[indices]).float(), labels={ label_name: torch.from_numpy(np.array([encoded_data.labels[label_name][i] for i in indices]) == self.class_mapping[1]).float() for label_name in encoded_data.labels.keys()}, example_ids=[encoded_data.example_ids[i] for i in indices], feature_names=encoded_data.feature_names, feature_annotations=encoded_data.feature_annotations, encoding=encoded_data.encoding) def _compute_loss(self, loss_function, logit_outputs, labels): pred_loss = loss_function(logit_outputs, labels) l1reg_loss = (torch.mean(torch.stack([p.abs().float().mean() for p in self.CNN.parameters()]))) loss = pred_loss + l1reg_loss * self.l1_weight_decay return loss def _evaluate_state(self, state, iteration, loss_function, validation_data): loss = self._evaluate(loss_function, validation_data)"ReceptorCNN: current validation loss: {loss}") if loss < state["best_validation_loss"]: del state["model"] # remove old model state["model"] = copy.deepcopy(self.CNN).state_dict() # save new model to RAM state["iteration"] = iteration state["best_validation_loss"] = loss"ReceptorCNN: new best validation loss: {loss}") return state def _evaluate(self, loss_function, data: EncodedData): with torch.no_grad(): loss_func = loss = 0. with torch.no_grad(): for examples, labels, example_ids in self._get_data_batch(data, logit_outputs = self.CNN(examples) loss += loss_func(logit_outputs, labels) / len(data.example_ids) return loss
[docs] def store(self, path: Path):, str(path / "")) custom_vars = copy.deepcopy(vars(self)) del custom_vars["CNN"] del custom_vars["result_path"] custom_vars["background_probabilities"] = custom_vars["background_probabilities"].tolist() custom_vars["kernel_size"] = list(custom_vars["kernel_size"]) custom_vars["sequence_type"] = custom_vars["sequence_type"].name.lower() if self.label: custom_vars["label"] = self.label.get_desc_for_storage() params_path = path / "custom_params.yaml" with'w') as file: yaml.dump(custom_vars, file)
[docs] def load(self, path): params_path = path / "custom_params.yaml" with"r") as file: custom_params = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) for param, value in custom_params.items(): if hasattr(self, param): if param == "label": setattr(self, "label", Label(**value)) else: setattr(self, param, value) self.background_probabilities = np.array(self.background_probabilities) self.sequence_type = SequenceType[self.sequence_type.upper()] self._make_CNN() self.CNN.load_state_dict(torch.load(str(path / "")))
def _make_CNN(self): if self.background_probabilities is None: self.set_background_probabilities() self.CNN = RCNN(kernel_count=self.kernel_count, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, positional_channels=self.positional_channels, sequence_type=self.sequence_type, background_probabilities=self.background_probabilities, chain_names=self.chain_names)
[docs] def get_params(self): params = copy.deepcopy(vars(self)) params["CNN"] = copy.deepcopy(self.CNN).state_dict() return params
[docs] def can_predict_proba(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] def can_fit_with_example_weights(self) -> bool: return False
[docs] def get_compatible_encoders(self): from immuneML.encodings.onehot.OneHotEncoder import OneHotEncoder return [OneHotEncoder]
[docs] def check_encoder_compatibility(self, encoder): """Checks whether the given encoder is compatible with this ML method, and throws an error if it is not.""" is_valid = False for encoder_class in self.get_compatible_encoders(): if issubclass(encoder.__class__, encoder_class): is_valid = True break if not is_valid: raise ValueError(f"{encoder.__class__.__name__} is not compatible with ML Method {self.__class__.__name__}. " f"Please use one of the following encoders instead: {', '.join([enc_class.__name__ for enc_class in self.get_compatible_encoders()])}") if (self.positional_channels == 3 and encoder.use_positional_info == False) or (self.positional_channels == 0 and encoder.use_positional_info == True): mssg = f"The specified parameters for {encoder.__class__.__name__} are not compatible with ML Method {self.__class__.__name__}. " if encoder.use_positional_info: mssg += f"To include positional information, set the parameter 'positional_channels' of {self.__class__.__name__} to 3 (now {self.positional_channels}), " \ f"or to ignore positional information, set the parameter 'use_positional_info' of {encoder.__class__.__name__} to False (now {encoder.use_positional_info}). " else: mssg += f"To include positional information, set the parameter 'use_positional_info' of {encoder.__class__.__name__} to True (now {encoder.use_positional_info}), " \ f"or to ignore positional information, set the parameter 'positional_channels' of {self.__class__.__name__} to 0 (now {self.positional_channels})." raise ValueError(mssg)