import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
from uuid import uuid4
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from immuneML.data_model.AIRRSequenceSet import AIRRSequenceSet
from immuneML.data_model.bnp_util import write_yaml, read_yaml, get_sequence_field_name, make_full_airr_seq_set_df, \
from immuneML.data_model.datasets.Dataset import Dataset
from immuneML.data_model.datasets.ElementDataset import SequenceDataset
from immuneML.data_model.SequenceParams import RegionType
from immuneML.data_model.SequenceParams import Chain
from immuneML.data_model.SequenceSet import ReceptorSequence
from immuneML.environment.EnvironmentSettings import EnvironmentSettings
from immuneML.environment.SequenceType import SequenceType
from immuneML.ml_methods.generative_models.GenerativeModel import GenerativeModel
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder
class PWM(GenerativeModel):
This is a baseline implementation of a positional weight matrix. It is estimated from a set of sequences for each
of the different lengths that appear in the dataset.
**Specification arguments:**
- locus (str): which chain is generated (for now, it is only assigned to the generated sequences)
- sequence_type (str): amino_acid or nucleotide
- region_type (str): which region type to use (e.g., IMGT_CDR3), this is only assigned to the generated sequences
**YAML specification:**
.. indent with spaces
.. code-block:: yaml
locus: beta
sequence_type: amino_acid
region_type: IMGT_CDR3
def load_model(cls, path: Path):
assert path.exists(), f"{cls.__name__}: {path} does not exist."
model_overview_file = path / 'model_overview.yaml'
length_probs_file = path / "length_probabilities.yaml"
for file in [model_overview_file, length_probs_file]:
assert file.exists(), f"{cls.__name__}: {file} is not a file."
length_probs = read_yaml(length_probs_file)
model_overview = read_yaml(model_overview_file)
pwm_matrix = {}
pwm = PWM(locus=model_overview['locus'], sequence_type=model_overview['sequence_type'],
for file, length in [(path / f'pwm_len_{length}.csv', length) for length in length_probs.keys()]:
assert file.exists(), f"{cls.__name__}: {file} is not a file."
pwm_matrix[length] = pd.read_csv(str(file))
assert pwm_matrix[length].iloc[:, 0].tolist() == EnvironmentSettings.get_sequence_alphabet(
pwm.sequence_type), \
(f"{cls.__name__}: the row names in the PWM for length {length} don't match the expected row names.\n"
pwm_matrix[length] = pwm_matrix[length].iloc[:, 1:].values
expected_shape = (len(EnvironmentSettings.get_sequence_alphabet(pwm.sequence_type)), length)
assert pwm_matrix[length].shape == expected_shape, \
(f"{cls.__name__}: PWM matrix for length {length} has shape {pwm_matrix[length].shape}, "
f"but expected {expected_shape}.")
pwm.length_probs = length_probs
pwm.pwm_matrix = pwm_matrix
return pwm
def __init__(self, locus, sequence_type: str, region_type: str, name: str = None):
super().__init__(Chain.get_chain(locus), name=name)
self.sequence_type = SequenceType[sequence_type.upper()]
self.region_type = RegionType[region_type.upper()]
self.pwm_matrix = None
self.length_probs = None
def fit(self, data: SequenceDataset, path: Path = None):
sequences = data.get_attribute(get_sequence_field_name(self.region_type, self.sequence_type))
lengths, counts = np.unique(sequences.lengths, return_counts=True)
self.length_probs = dict(zip(lengths, counts))
self.length_probs = {int(length): float(count / sum(counts)) for length, count in self.length_probs.items()}
self.pwm_matrix = {length: None for length in lengths}
alphabet = EnvironmentSettings.get_sequence_alphabet(self.sequence_type)
for length in lengths:
seq_subset = sequences[sequences.lengths == length]
self.pwm_matrix[length] = np.zeros((len(alphabet), length))
for position in range(length):
for i, letter in enumerate(alphabet):
self.pwm_matrix[length][i, position] = np.sum([1 for seq in seq_subset if seq[position] == letter])
# Normalize counts to obtain probabilities
total_counts = np.sum(self.pwm_matrix[length], axis=0)
self.pwm_matrix[length] = self.pwm_matrix[length] / total_counts
def is_same(self, model) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
def generate_sequences(self, count: int, seed: int, path: Path, sequence_type: SequenceType, compute_p_gen: bool):
assert sequence_type == self.sequence_type
sequences = []
for _ in range(count):
sequence_length = np.random.choice(list(self.length_probs.keys()), p=list(self.length_probs.values()))
sequence = "".join(np.random.choice(EnvironmentSettings.get_sequence_alphabet(self.sequence_type),
p=self.pwm_matrix[sequence_length][:, i])
for i in range(sequence_length))
dataset = self._export_gen_dataset(sequences, path)
return dataset
def _export_gen_dataset(self, sequences: List[str], path: Path) -> SequenceDataset:
count = len(sequences)
df = pd.DataFrame({get_sequence_field_name(self.region_type, self.sequence_type): sequences,
'locus': [ for _ in range(count)],
'gen_model_name': [ for _ in range(count)]})
df = make_full_airr_seq_set_df(df)
filename = str( / 'synthetic_dataset.tsv')
df.to_csv(filename, sep='\t', index=False)
dataset_yaml = SequenceDataset.create_metadata_dict(SequenceDataset,
type_dict={'gen_model_name': str},
labels={'gen_model_name': []})
write_dataset_yaml(path / 'synthetic_metadata.yaml', dataset_yaml)
return / 'synthetic_dataset.tsv', path / 'synthetic_metadata.yaml',
def compute_p_gens(self, sequences, sequence_type: SequenceType) -> np.ndarray:
raise NotImplementedError
def compute_p_gen(self, sequence: dict, sequence_type: SequenceType) -> float:
raise NotImplementedError
def can_compute_p_gens(self) -> bool:
return True
def can_generate_from_skewed_gene_models(self) -> bool:
return False
def generate_from_skewed_gene_models(self, v_genes: list, j_genes: list, seed: int, path: Path,
sequence_type: SequenceType, batch_size: int, compute_p_gen: bool):
raise RuntimeError
def save_model(self, path: Path) -> Path:
model_path = / 'model')
write_yaml(yaml_dict=self.length_probs, filename=model_path / 'length_probabilities.yaml')
for length in self.pwm_matrix:
(pd.DataFrame(data=self.pwm_matrix[length], columns=list(range(length)),
.to_csv(model_path / f'pwm_len_{length}.csv'))
write_yaml(filename=model_path / 'model_overview.yaml',
yaml_dict={'type': 'PWM', 'locus':, 'sequence_type':,
return Path(shutil.make_archive(str(path / 'trained_model'), "zip", str(path / 'model'))).absolute()