import logging
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import torch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from immuneML.data_model.datasets.Dataset import Dataset
from immuneML.hyperparameter_optimization.HPSetting import HPSetting
from immuneML.ml_methods.classifiers.DeepRC import DeepRC
from immuneML.ml_methods.classifiers.MLMethod import MLMethod
from immuneML.reports.ReportOutput import ReportOutput
from immuneML.reports.ReportResult import ReportResult
from immuneML.reports.ml_reports.MLReport import MLReport
from immuneML.util.ParameterValidator import ParameterValidator
from immuneML.util.PathBuilder import PathBuilder
class DeepRCMotifDiscovery(MLReport):
This report plots the contributions of (i) input sequences and (ii) kernels to trained :ref:`DeepRC` model with respect to
the test dataset. Contributions are computed using integrated gradients (IG).
This report produces two figures:
- inputs_integrated_gradients: Shows the contributions of the characters within the input sequences (test dataset) that was most important for immune status prediction of the repertoire. IG is only applied to sequences of positive class repertoires.
- kernel_integrated_gradients: Shows the 1D CNN kernels with the highest contribution over all positions and amino acids.
For both inputs and kernels: Larger characters in the extracted motifs indicate higher contribution, with blue
indicating positive contribution and red indicating negative contribution towards the prediction of the immune status.
For kernels only: contributions to positional encoding are indicated by < (beginning of sequence),
∧ (center of sequence), and > (end of sequence).
See :ref:`DeepRCMotifDiscovery for repertoire classification` for a more detailed example.
Widrich, M., et al. (2020). Modern Hopfield Networks and Attention for Immune Repertoire Classification. Advances in
Neural Information Processing Systems, 33.
Example output:
.. image:: ../../_static/images/reports/deeprc_ig_inputs.png
:alt: DeepRC IG over inputs
:height: 150px
.. image:: ../../_static/images/reports/deeprc_ig_kernels.png
:alt: DeepRC IG over kernels
:height: 150px
**Specification arguments:**
- n_steps (int): Number of IG steps (more steps -> better path integral -> finer contribution values). 50 is usually good enough.
- threshold (float): Only applies to the plotting of kernels. Contributions are normalized to range [0, 1], and only kernels with normalized contributions above threshold are plotted.
**YAML specification:**
.. indent with spaces
.. code-block:: yaml
threshold: 0.5
n_steps: 50
def __init__(self, n_steps, threshold, train_dataset: Dataset = None, test_dataset: Dataset = None,
method: MLMethod = None, result_path: Path = None, name: str = None, hp_setting: HPSetting = None,
label=None, number_of_processes: int = 1):
super().__init__(train_dataset=train_dataset, test_dataset=test_dataset, method=method, result_path=result_path,
name=name, hp_setting=hp_setting, label=label, number_of_processes=number_of_processes)
self.n_steps = n_steps
self.threshold = threshold
self.filename_inputs = Path("inputs_integrated_gradients.pdf")
self.filename_kernels = Path("kernel_integrated_gradients.pdf")
def build_object(cls, **kwargs):
location = "DeepRCMotifDiscovery"
name = kwargs["name"] if "name" in kwargs else None
ParameterValidator.assert_type_and_value(kwargs["n_steps"], int, location, "n_steps", min_inclusive=1)
ParameterValidator.assert_type_and_value(kwargs["threshold"], float, location, "threshold", min_inclusive=0, max_inclusive=1)
return DeepRCMotifDiscovery(n_steps=kwargs["n_steps"], threshold=kwargs["threshold"], name=name)
def _generate(self) -> ReportResult:
test_metadata_filepath =['metadata_filepath']
hdf5_filepath = self.method._metadata_to_hdf5(metadata_filepath=test_metadata_filepath,
n_examples_test = len(self.test_dataset.encoded_data.example_ids)
indices = np.array(range(n_examples_test))
dataloader = self.method.make_data_loader(hdf5_filepath, pre_loaded_hdf5_file=None,
indices=indices,, eval_only=True,
path_inputs = self.result_path / self.filename_inputs
path_kernels = self.result_path / self.filename_kernels
self.compute_contributions(intgrds_set_loader=dataloader, deeprc_model=self.method.model, n_steps=self.n_steps,
threshold=self.threshold, path_inputs=path_inputs,
path_kernels=self.result_path / self.filename_kernels)
return ReportResult(,
info="Plots the contributions of (i) input sequences and (ii) kernels to trained `DeepRC` model with respect to the test dataset. Contributions are computed using integrated gradients.",
output_figures=[ReportOutput(path_inputs, "Integrated Gradients over the inputs to DeepRC"),
ReportOutput(path_kernels, "Integrated Gradients over the kernels of DeepRC")])
def compute_contributions(self, intgrds_set_loader:, deeprc_model,
n_steps: int = 50, threshold: float = 0.5, path_inputs: Path = Path("inputs_integrated_gradients.pdf"),
path_kernels: Path = Path("kernel_integrated_gradients.pdf")):
""" Compute and plot contributions of sequences and motifs to trained DeepRC model, given a dataset.
Contribution is computed using integrated gradients (IG).
Author -- Michael Widrich
Created on -- 2020-07-20
Contact --
intgrds_set_loader :
The dataset to compute IG for in form of a PyTorch DataLoader following the DeepRC format.
E.g. one of the dataloaders returned by deeprc.deeprc_binary.predefined_datasets.cmv_dataset().
deeprc_model : deeprc.deeprc_binary.architectures.DeepRC
DeepRC model to compute IG for.
Weights of first CNN layer are accessed via deeprc_model.sequence_embedding_16bit.conv_aas.weight .
n_steps : int
Number of IG steps (more steps -> better path integral -> finer contribution values). 50 is usually good enough.
threshold : float
Threshold for plotting of kernels (=motifs). Contributions are normalized to range [0, 1] and then threshold
is applied. 0.5 -> only kernels with normalized contributions above 0.5 are plotted.
path_inputs : Path
path for inputs integrated gradients plot
path_kernels : Path
path for kernels integrated gradients plot
from tqdm import tqdm
intgrds_set = intgrds_set_loader.dataset
# Integrated gradients w.r.t. kernels
active_kernels = deeprc_model.sequence_embedding_16bit.conv_aas.weight
original_kernel_values = active_kernels.cpu().clone().data.detach().to(dtype=torch.float32)
# Compute IG w.r.t. kernels -> prepare array for IG values
int_grd_kernels = np.zeros(original_kernel_values.shape, dtype=np.float)
# Compute interpolated kernels
interp_factors = torch.linspace(1, 0, n_steps)
interpolated_kernels = [original_kernel_values * intf for intf in interp_factors]
most_important_inputs = []
most_important_inputs_intgrds = []
most_important_inputs_lens = []
for data_index, data in tqdm(enumerate(intgrds_set_loader), total=len(intgrds_set_loader),
desc="calc intgrds", ncols=10, position=0):
# Get 1 sample as lists
labels, inputs, sequence_lengths, duplicates_per_sequence, sample_ids = data
# Only consider positive samples
if labels[0][0]:
# Perform attention pooling
with torch.no_grad():
labels, inputs, sequence_lengths, n_sequences = deeprc_model.reduce_and_stack_minibatch(
labels, inputs, sequence_lengths, duplicates_per_sequence)
# Integrated gradients for kernels
for step in tqdm(range(n_steps), total=n_steps, desc="kernels", ncols=10, position=1):
with torch.no_grad():[:] = interpolated_kernels[step]
logit_outputs = deeprc_model(inputs, n_sequences)
# prediction = torch.sigmoid(logit_outputs)
int_grd_kernels[:] += (
original_kernel_values *'cpu', dtype=torch.float32)
/ n_steps / len(intgrds_set_loader)).detach().data.cpu().numpy()
# Integrated gradients for inputs
with torch.no_grad():[:] =
interpolated_inputs = [inputs * intf for intf in interp_factors]
int_grd_inputs = np.zeros(inputs.shape, dtype=np.float)
inputs_cpu ='cpu', dtype=torch.float32)
for step in tqdm(range(n_steps), total=n_steps, desc="inputs", ncols=10, position=1):
i = torch.tensor(interpolated_inputs[step], requires_grad=True)
logit_outputs = deeprc_model(i, n_sequences)
int_grd_inputs[:] += (
inputs_cpu * torch.autograd.grad(logit_outputs, i, retain_graph=True)[0].to(device='cpu',
/ n_steps).detach().data.cpu().numpy()
most_important_input_ind = np.argmax(np.sum(np.sum(int_grd_inputs, 1), 1))
most_important_inputs_intgrds.append(int_grd_inputs[most_important_input_ind, :, :].sum(axis=0))
# Plot inputs
abs_max = np.max([np.abs(i).max() for i in most_important_inputs_intgrds])
for i in range(len(most_important_inputs_intgrds)):
most_important_inputs_intgrds[i][:] /= abs_max
most_important_inputs[i] = intgrds_set.inds_to_aa(np.argmax(most_important_inputs[i][:-3], axis=0))
# Get/Plot kernels with highest contribution over all positions and AAs
kernel_contrib = int_grd_kernels.sum(axis=2).sum(axis=1)
normed_kernel_contrib = kernel_contrib / kernel_contrib.max()
n_top_kernels = np.sum(normed_kernel_contrib > threshold)
top_kernel_inds = normed_kernel_contrib.argsort()[::-1]
top_kernel_inds = top_kernel_inds[:n_top_kernels]
top_kernels = int_grd_kernels[top_kernel_inds]
top_kernels /= kernel_contrib.max()
self.plot_kernels_text(kernels=top_kernels, charset=intgrds_set.aas, file_path=path_kernels)
def plot_inputs_text(self, chars, colorgrad, seq_lens, file_path):
Author -- Michael Widrich
Created on -- 2020-07-20
Contact --
char_scale = 10
char_offset = 1
max_seq_len = max(seq_lens) + 1
n_seqs = len(chars)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(int(np.round(max_seq_len / 15)), max(int(np.round(n_seqs / 5)), 5)))
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=(int(np.round(max_seq_len)), max(int(np.round(n_seqs)), 5)))
_ = [([fig.text((char_i + 1) / max_seq_len, 0 + (1 - (seq_i / (n_seqs))) - 0.05,
size=char_offset + abs(colorgrad[seq_i][char_i]) * char_scale,
ha='center', va='center',
color='blue' if colorgrad[seq_i][char_i] > 0 else 'red')
for char_i in range(int(seq_lens[seq_i]))], None)
for seq_i in range(n_seqs)]
del fig
def plot_kernels_text(self, kernels, charset, file_path):
Author -- Michael Widrich
Created on -- 2020-07-20
Contact --
char_scale = 100
char_offset = 1
max_n_kernels = 15
max_n_kernel_features = 15
kernels = kernels[:max_n_kernels, ..., :max_n_kernel_features]
n_kernels = kernels.shape[0]
if not n_kernels:
return None
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, n_kernels,
figsize=(int(np.round(kernels.shape[-1] * kernels.shape[0] / 3)),
int(np.round(len(charset) / 3))))
if isinstance(axes, np.ndarray):
axes = list(axes)
if isinstance(axes[0], np.ndarray):
axes = [list(a) for a in axes]
if not isinstance(axes, list):
axes = [axes]
for a_i, ax in enumerate(axes):
for out_i in range(kernels.shape[-1]):
sorted_charset = [(char, char_offset + abs(char_contrib) * char_scale,
'blue' if kernels[a_i, char_i, out_i] > 0 else 'red')
for char_i, char, char_contrib
in zip(range(len(charset)), charset, kernels[a_i, :, out_i])]
sorted_charset.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
_ = [ax.text(out_i / kernels.shape[-1], 0 + (1 - (char_i / len(charset))), char,
size=char_size, ha='center', va='center', color=color)
for char_i, (char, char_size, color) in enumerate(sorted_charset)]
del fig
def check_prerequisites(self):
run_report = True
if not hasattr(self, "result_path") or self.result_path is None:
logging.warning(f"{self.__class__.__name__} requires an output 'path' to be set. {self.__class__.__name__} report will not be created.")
run_report = False
if not isinstance(self.method, DeepRC):
f"{self.__class__.__name__} can only be used in combination with the DeepRC ML method. {self.__class__.__name__} report will not be created.")
run_report = False
if self.test_dataset.encoded_data is None:
f"{self.__class__.__name__}: test dataset is not encoded and can not be run. "
f"{self.__class__.__name__} report will not be created.")
run_report = False
return run_report