Source code for immuneML.simulation.implants.LigoPWM

import random
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import numpy as np
from import read_motif
from bionumpy.sequence.position_weight_matrix import PWM as bnp_PWM

from immuneML.environment.EnvironmentSettings import EnvironmentSettings
from immuneML.environment.SequenceType import SequenceType
from immuneML.simulation.implants.Motif import Motif
from immuneML.simulation.implants.MotifInstance import MotifInstance

[docs] @dataclass class LigoPWM(Motif): """ Motifs defined by a positional weight matrix and using bionumpy's PWM internally. For more details on bionumpy's implementation of PWM, as well as for supported formats, see the documentation at **Specification arguments:** - file_path: path to the file where the PWM is stored - threshold (float): when matching PWM to a sequence, this is the threshold to consider the sequence as containing the motif **YAML specification:** .. indent with spaces .. code-block:: yaml definitions: motifs: my_custom_pwm: # this will be the identifier of the motif file_path: my_pwm_1.csv threshold: 2 """ file_path: Path pwm_matrix: bnp_PWM # with log-likelihood threshold: float
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, identifier: str, file_path, threshold: float): assert Path(file_path).is_file(), file_path pwm_matrix = read_motif(file_path) return LigoPWM(identifier, file_path, pwm_matrix, threshold)
[docs] def get_all_possible_instances(self, sequence_type: SequenceType): assert sorted(self.pwm_matrix.alphabet) == sorted(EnvironmentSettings.get_sequence_alphabet(sequence_type)) return self
[docs] def get_max_length(self) -> int: return self.pwm_matrix.window_size
[docs] def get_alphabet(self) -> List[str]: return list(self.pwm_matrix.alphabet)
[docs] def instantiate_motif(self, sequence_type: SequenceType = SequenceType.AMINO_ACID): if EnvironmentSettings.get_sequence_alphabet(sequence_type) != sorted(list(self.pwm_matrix.alphabet)): raise RuntimeError( f"{LigoPWM.__name__}: could not instantiate motif for sequence type {}," f" check if the motif sequence type is a match at {self.file_path}.") counts_per_position = np.exp(self.pwm_matrix._matrix + np.log([0.25])[:, np.newaxis]) return MotifInstance( "".join([random.choices(list(self.pwm_matrix.alphabet), weights=counts_per_position[:, position])[0] for position in range(self.pwm_matrix.window_size)]), gap=0)