import logging
from dataclasses import fields
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from immuneML.IO.dataset_import.DatasetImportParams import DatasetImportParams
from immuneML.data_model.AIRRSequenceSet import AIRRSequenceSet
from immuneML.data_model.SequenceParams import RegionType, Chain
from immuneML.environment.Constants import Constants
from immuneML.environment.EnvironmentSettings import EnvironmentSettings
from immuneML.environment.SequenceType import SequenceType
class ImportHelper:
INVALID_COLNAME_CHARS = [" ", "#", "&", "."]
def get_receptor_filter_sort_kwargs(df: pd.DataFrame, warning=""):
kwargs = {"by": ["cell_id", "locus"], "ascending": [True, True]}
# umi's in single-cells sequencing data are the most trustworthy indicator of what the 'true' sequences were
# duplicate count is less accurate but better than nothing
if "umi_count" in df.columns and len(set(df["umi_count"])) > 1:
warning += "Attempting to select the top chain pair based on highest umi_count"
# consensus_count reflects the count per umi; only useful if there are umi count ties
if "consensus_count" in df.columns and len(set(df["consensus_count"])) > 1:
warning += " and consensus_count"
elif "duplicate_count" in df.columns and len(set(df["duplicate_count"])) > 1:
warning += ("Since umi_count was not set, attempting to select the top chain pair based on highest "
warning += ("Since duplicate_count or umi_count was not set, two random chains will be selected for "
"each receptor if more than 2 chains are present.")
return kwargs
def filter_illegal_receptors(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
assert "cell_id" in df.columns, "Receptor datasets cannot be constructed if cell_id field is missing."
cell_id_counts = df.groupby('cell_id').size()"Total number of unique cell_ids (potential receptors): {len(cell_id_counts)}")
if sum(cell_id_counts > 2) > 0:
kwargs = ImportHelper.get_receptor_filter_sort_kwargs(df, f"Found {sum(cell_id_counts > 2)} "
f"receptors with > 2 cell_ids. ")
assert "locus" in df.columns, "Receptor datasets cannot be constructed if locus field is missing."
df.sort_values(**kwargs, inplace=True)
df.drop_duplicates(subset=["cell_id", "locus"], keep="first", inplace=True)
cell_id_counts = df.groupby('cell_id').size()
if sum(cell_id_counts == 1) > 0:
logging.warning(f"Found {sum(cell_id_counts == 1)} receptors with 1 cell_id, removing these receptors.")
df = df.loc[df.cell_id.isin(cell_id_counts[cell_id_counts >= 2].index)]"Total number of unique cell_ids (receptors) left after filtering: {df['cell_id'].nunique()}")
return df
def add_default_fields_for_airr_seq_set(df: pd.DataFrame):
default_fields = { f.type for f in fields(AIRRSequenceSet) if not in df.columns}
fields_dict = {}
for f_name, f_type in default_fields.items():
val = AIRRSequenceSet.get_neutral_value(f_type)
fields_dict[f_name] = [val for _ in range(df.shape[0])]
df = pd.concat([df.reset_index().drop(columns='index'), pd.DataFrame(fields_dict)], axis=1)
return df
def get_standardized_name(column_name: str) -> str:
for invalid_char in ImportHelper.INVALID_COLNAME_CHARS:
column_name = column_name.replace(invalid_char, "_")
return column_name
def standardize_column_names(df):
invalid_col_names = {col: ImportHelper.get_standardized_name(col)
for col in df.columns if any(el in col for el in ImportHelper.INVALID_COLNAME_CHARS)}
if len(invalid_col_names.keys()) > 0:
f"Note that column names that contain characters which are not letters, numbers nor '_' signs"
f" have been renamed to replace these invalid characters with '_' instead: {invalid_col_names}")
return df.rename(columns=invalid_col_names)
def standardize_none_values(dataframe: pd.DataFrame):
return (dataframe.replace(
{key: Constants.UNKNOWN for key in ["unresolved", "no data", "na", "unknown", 'nan']})
.replace(np.nan, AIRRSequenceSet.get_neutral_value(float)))
def standardize_bool_values(dataframe: pd.DataFrame):
return dataframe.replace({True: 'T', False: 'F', 'TRUE': 'T', 'FALSE': 'F',
'True': 'T', 'False': 'F', 'true': 'T', 'false': 'F'})
def add_cdr3_from_junction(df: pd.DataFrame):
if 'junction' in df.columns and ('cdr3' not in df.columns or all(df['cdr3'] == '')):
df['cdr3'] = df.junction.str[3:-3]
if 'junction_aa' in df.columns and ('cdr3_aa' not in df.columns or all(df['cdr3_aa'] == '')):
df['cdr3_aa'] = df.junction_aa.str[1:-1]
return df
def drop_empty_sequences(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, import_empty_aa_sequences: bool,
import_empty_nt_sequences: bool, region_type: RegionType) -> pd.DataFrame:
sequence_types = []
if not import_empty_aa_sequences:
if not import_empty_nt_sequences:
for sequence_type in sequence_types:
sequence_colname = region_type.value if sequence_type == SequenceType.NUCLEOTIDE else region_type.value + "_aa"
sequence_name ="_", " ")
if sequence_colname in dataframe.columns:
empty = dataframe[sequence_colname].isnull() | (dataframe[sequence_colname] == '')
n_empty = sum(empty)
except Exception as e:
raise e
if n_empty > 0:
dataframe = dataframe.loc[~empty]
logging.warning(f"{ImportHelper.__name__}: {n_empty} sequences were removed from the dataset "
f"because they contained an empty {sequence_name} sequence after preprocessing. ")
logging.warning(f"{ImportHelper.__name__}: column {sequence_colname} was not set, but is required "
f"for filtering. Skipping this filtering...")
return dataframe
def drop_illegal_character_sequences(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, import_illegal_characters: bool,
import_with_stop_codon: bool, region_type: RegionType) -> pd.DataFrame:
for sequence_type in SequenceType:
if not import_illegal_characters:
sequence_name ="_", " ")
legal_alphabet = EnvironmentSettings.get_sequence_alphabet(sequence_type)
if sequence_type == SequenceType.AMINO_ACID and import_with_stop_codon:
sequence_col_name = region_type.value if sequence_type == SequenceType.NUCLEOTIDE else region_type.value + "_aa"
if sequence_col_name in dataframe.columns:
is_illegal_seq = [ImportHelper.is_illegal_sequence(sequence, legal_alphabet) for sequence in
n_illegal = sum(is_illegal_seq)
n_total = dataframe.shape[0]
if n_illegal > 0:
dataframe.drop(dataframe.loc[is_illegal_seq].index, inplace=True)
f"{ImportHelper.__name__}: {n_illegal}/{n_total} sequences were removed from the dataset "
f"because their {sequence_name} sequence contained illegal characters. ")
logging.warning(f"{ImportHelper.__name__}: column {sequence_col_name} is missing, illegal "
f"characters were not checked.")
return dataframe
def is_illegal_sequence(sequence, legal_alphabet) -> bool:
if sequence is None:
return False
elif not isinstance(sequence, str):
return True
return not all(character in legal_alphabet for character in sequence)
def get_sequence_filenames(path: Path, dataset_name: str):
data_file_extensions = ("*.tsv", "*.csv", "*.txt")
if path.is_file():
filenames = [path]
elif path.is_dir():
filenames = []
for pattern in data_file_extensions:
raise ValueError(f"ImportHelper: path '{path}' given in YAML specification is not a valid path. "
f"This parameter can either point to a single file with immune receptor data or to a "
f"directory containing such files.")
assert len(
filenames) >= 1, f"ImportHelper: the dataset {dataset_name} cannot be imported, no files were found under {path}.\n" \
f"Note that only files with the following extensions can be imported: {data_file_extensions}"
return filenames
def filter_illegal_sequences(cls, df: pd.DataFrame, params: DatasetImportParams, location: str):
if params.import_productive and hasattr(df, "productive"):
if set(df.productive).issubset({'T', 'F'}):"ImportHelper: filtering {len(df)} sequences to only keep productive == 'T'...")
df = df.loc[df.productive == 'T']"ImportHelper: ... {len(df)} sequences left after filtering")
logging.warning(f"ImportHelper: import_productive was set to True, but unexpected values were "
f"found in the 'productive' column: {set(df.productive)} (expected 'T', 'F'). "
f"This filtering has been skipped.")
except AttributeError as e:
logging.warning(f"An error occurred while filtering unproductive sequences while importing the "
f"dataset {location}. Error: {e}. Filtering will be skipped.")
if not params.import_out_of_frame and hasattr(df, "vj_in_frame"):
if set(df.vj_in_frame).issubset({'T', 'F'}):"ImportHelper: import_out_of_frame is set to False. Filtering {len(df)} sequences "
f"to only keep vj_in_frame != 'F'...")
df = df.loc[df.vj_in_frame != 'F']
logging.warning(f"ImportHelper: import_out_of_frame was set to False, but unexpected values were "
f"found in the 'vj_in_frame' column: {set(df.vj_in_frame)} (expected 'T', 'F'). "
f"This filtering has been skipped.")
except AttributeError as e:
logging.warning(f"An error occurred while filtering out-of-frame sequences while importing the "
f"dataset {location}. Error: {e}. Filtering will be skipped.")
return df